
美 [sæk]英 [sæk]
  • n.麻袋;(从前西班牙输出的)干白葡萄酒
  • v.〈口〉解雇;把…驱逐出校;抛弃(情人等);抢劫
  • 网络萨克斯;袋子;擒杀

第三人称单数:sacks 现在分词:sacking 过去式:sacked

sack worker



萨克斯(Sacks)关于波斯特(Post)问题的度不变解问题和马丁(Martin)猜想图灵(Turing)等价问题.图灵(Turing)度的自同构问题是否 …


菲律宾求购麻袋(sacks) (5-14)美国求购麻袋(hemp bag) (4-11) 印度求购麻袋(jute bag) (11-24) 更多免费麻袋买家 更多免费jute …


小二和卡佛 - 在那遥远的地方的日志 -... ... I Could See the Smallest Things 我可以看见最小的东西 Sacks 袋子 The Bath 洗澡 ...


他们算的擒杀(sacks)数据是什么呀?-Howard: All I know about Saks is, my mother shops there. 我就知道Saks,我妈在那买东 …


[F39943] 印度求购麻布袋(sacks) (6-27) we are interested in buying jute sack bags to pack 25 kgs. of potatos. Please quote t...


0512_种菊东蓠_新浪博客 ... grocery: 杂货 sacks: 麻布袋 sale: 促销 ...

43 Over the South Pole - 新概念第二册3 -... ... heavy 重的 sacks ,袋子(复数) rise 升起 ...

There was old man Grady wrapped up in gunny sacks snug as a bug in a rug and talking in his sleep. 老葛雷狄全身裹着厚麻袋,非常舒适地躺在那里,说着梦话。
"Even trash has become worthless, " Mr. Tian said recently as he made his way to a collection center, his sacks nearly bursting. “连废品都卖不出个价了”老田最近在去收购站的路上这样说,他的麻袋都快撑破了。
Tom entered, struggling with the weight of his sacks, and Aunt Polly did not finish her sentence. 25她还没说完,只见汤姆吃力地背着口袋走进来。
Near the top he stops at a collection of 10 rickety poles stuck into the soil, with corn sacks sagging between them. 快到山顶时他停下了,面前是10根弯曲的插入土里的柱子,玉米袋挂在它们之间。
He his mouth picked up the sacks on the down side, his mother was too late to stop the pocket the whole thing fell out. 他边说边拎起麻袋就倒,他妈妈来不及阻挡,口袋里的东西全倒了出来。
He was pleased by this encounter, for he had often heard tell of a woman nicknamed "White Flour Sacks" . This must be her. 他心中很喜欢遇上了她,常听人说,白房子有个“白面口袋”,这必定是她。
Moody, quite unconcerned, was now loosening the ties of the large sacks he had brought with him. 穆迪对这一幕漠不关心,正在解开他带来的那两个大口袋的带子。
That day he found two sacks, which he took to the rambling wooden factory and sold to the man in charge of packing nails. 那天,他找了两条麻袋,拿到杂乱的木材厂,卖给为钉子装袋的人。
Oliver Sacks provides (also from "A Leg to Stand On" ) a particularly dramatic example of a patient trying to throw his arm out of bed. 奥立弗-萨克斯提供了(同样来自“单腿站立”)一个让人印象特别深刻的例子,一名患者试图把手臂抛出床去。
When the first rays of sunrise streaked the sky with pink, the rabbits put the sacks on their backs and went in search of the crocodiles. 当第一缕初升的阳光染红天空时,兔子们背上口袋去寻找鳄鱼。
And he said, Peace be to you, fear not: your God, and the God of your father, hath given you treasure in your sacks: I had your money. 家宰说:“你们可以放心,不要害怕,是你们的神和你们父亲的神赐给你们财宝在你们的口袋里。你们的银子我早已收了。”
Then, you have to drag the sacks into a cooling room on the other side of the boat and pile them high on a pallet. 然后,你要把这些麻袋拖到船另一侧的冷却室里并在运货板上一一摞起。
Take double the amount of silver with you, for you must return the silver that was put back into the mouths of your sacks. 又要手里加倍地带银子,并将归还在你们口袋内的银子仍带在手里;
Mr Myhrvold does not need the money; as a former chief technology officer of Microsoft he already has sacks of it. 梅尔沃德不需要钱;作为前微软首席技术官,他已经有很多钱了。
So I bet on and his own books into the best side in sacks at the entrance to a school book to read. 于是我就和他打赌把自己身边最好的图书装进麻袋里到一家学校的门口读起书来。
The two shoulder between them a mere two rucksacks, plus a brace of day sacks which a guide transports separately on a motorbike. 两人合起来只扛了两个背包,另外一对睡袋包则是由向导分开运输。
But I'm just as strong as he is, and can match him bale for bale, hoisting the 50-pound sacks of seed we fill the truck with. 但是我跟他一样地强壮,论体力我们可以一对一地较量,在把每包重50磅的种子扛上卡车时,他扛一包,我也能扛一包。
People have built two or three-story houses using steel and sacks of cement without help from banks or anyone but themselves, ' he says. 人们用钢筋和一袋袋水泥在那里建起了两三层的房子,他们不靠银行或者其他人的帮助,而是全靠自己。
Yesterday I met with the headman of the fishing village, and asked that we be allowed to hang up rice sacks for the rubbish on the ground. 昨天我遇到村里的一位渔民头儿,要求他允许我们把放在地上的装垃圾的米袋挂起来。
Not believing him, the guard checked the sacks and, once again, he found nothing but soil. 哨兵并不相信他,检查了袋子,他再一次发现袋子里面除了泥土之外什么也没有。
Burlap sacks filled with reddish brown cocoa beans are hoisted off the ship and then trucked to nearby warehouses. 棕红色的可可豆被转载粗麻袋里,从船上吊下来后就被装在卡车上运到仓库去了。
Sacks made out of circular cylindrical poly propylene provided with valve in the form of hexagonal terminals. 袋子用圆柱形聚丙乙烯,阀口是六角形的闭口。
Sam Sacks writes the Fiction Chronicle for The Wall Street Journal and is an editor of Open Letters Monthly. 山姆·萨克斯是《华尔街日报》“小说记事”专栏作家和《开放文学月刊》编辑。
12And take with you double money, and carry back what you found in your sacks, lest perhaps it was done by mistake. 手中多带一倍银钱,将那放在你们粮袋口的银钱,也一并带上,这或者是出于一时的错误。
He had purchased supplies; coffee, flour, sugar, and a few sacks of sweet wheat middling, without salt. 他已经买到了原料,咖啡面粉、糖和几麻袋无糖的中等的甜麦。
They formed a circle round the sacks of dates and began examining them, some taking a date or two to eat. 他们围着这些椰枣袋子站成了一个圈,然后开始鉴别椰枣的好坏,有人拿一两个椰枣尝一尝。
The food in our sacks is gone. We have no gift to take to the man of God. What do we have? 我们囊中的食物都吃尽了,也没有礼物可以送那神人,我们还有什么没有。
A few started throwing stones at its windows, while others pulled petrol bombs out of sisal sacks. 有些抗议者已经开始向大厦的窗户丢掷石头,而其他人则从麻袋里取出了汽油弹。
Andrew and Julie Sacks of New York estimated that they spent $15, 000 a year on Skye, their black Labrador. 纽约的安德鲁和朱莉萨克斯估计,他们每一年要花费15000美元在他们的黑色拉布拉多犬斯凯身上。
Fayed's private Gulfstream jet transported five sacks of sand to Finland to make a beach for the Fayed children, only to be swept away. 法耶德的湾流型私人喷气飞机将五袋沙子运到芬兰以为他家的孩子们造一片沙滩,结果只是沙子被海水冲走。