just because!

  • 网络正因为;只是因为;没有别的原因

just because!just because!

just because!


正因为just because)公司选择奖IT投资中的一部分外包给其他供应商并不意味着IT将丧失内部的地位。IT团队才不得不成为 …


几道英语单选~高手进~谢谢~ - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... 21 C now that=since 因为,既然 just because只是因为 now that: 既然 ...


英语交际常用语摘录_百度文库 ... (别胡闹了。) Don't be silly. (没有别的原因。) Just because. (没有别的原因。) be. ...


Pearls Before Swine 2005-09... ... keep out: 不许入内(阻止,防止,不参加) just because: 只因为 goof on: 寻某人开心,耍某人 ...


第46届格莱美奖大预言之摇... ... 《冲出束缚》( Straight Out Of Line) 《仅仅因为》( Just Because) 《顺流而下》( Go With The …


一道选择题... ... D.as though=as if 好象 B.just because 就是因为,仅仅因为 A.even though=though=although 虽然,尽管的意思 ...

Yet just because BP has the deepest pockets does not make it a piggybank to be raided. 然而,不能因为英国石油资金实力最为雄厚,就把它当成“洗劫”的对象。
If you are having a bad day, or you are in a negative frame of mind, don't give just because you think you are supposed to. 如果某天你的运气不好,或者情绪很差,就不要选择这样的日子去布施。
Try sending her flowers "just because" . Buy him 2 tickets to a game of his favorite sport -- and go with him! 比如:送花给她,没有任何理由;买两张他最喜爱的体育比赛的门票,陪他一起去!
But just because investing in railways is seen by bankers as something of a political task does not mean they are throwing their money away. 但不能仅仅因为银行家将投资铁路视为某种政治任务,就意味着他们在把钱往水里扔。
and my judgment is just, because I seek to do not my own will but the will of him who sent me. 我的审判也是公平的,因为我不求自己的意思,只求那差我来者的意思。
The only hang-up: Just because Microsoft finished Mango a bit early doesn't mean that its OEM partners are ready to rock and roll. 唯一的拖延只是因为微软提早一些完成芒果系统,但这并不意味着初始设备制造厂家(OEM=originalequipmentmanufacturer)已经准备好发布产品。
He said the only proper answer on which you can build a life of love is to say "I love you just because I love you. " 他说:只有唯一一个可以让你们建立起爱的生活的正当答案,那就是——我爱你仅仅因为我爱你。
You want someone to keep in mind his mother's admonition about not jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge just because all of his friends do. 当所有人都在跳下布鲁克林大桥的时候,你要让一个人牢记妈妈的警告,让他不要跳。
You: But I don't want to get back with a girl just because she looks good. Let me ask you, which of your guys is most adventurous? 你:但,我不想因为她看上去漂亮就和她复合。问你一下,你认识的人中谁最有冒险精神?
Just because people have been doing it the same way since the beginning of time, I'm going to make it better. 从一开始,人们就一直用同样的方法做一件事,我要做的更好。
She explained that it was not just because of their two daughters and Vietnamese foster daughter that she decided to stay with him. 她解释说,她决定留在席哈克身边,并不只是为了他们的两个女儿及一位越南裔养女的缘故。
Mother had said nothing, just because she was a mother being capable of forbearing, even in front of her descendants. 母亲不说,仅仅因为她是一个懂得忍让的母亲,即使是面对自己的晚辈。
Just because no-one has yet needed to fight for the right to eat meat does not make it any less of a right worth defending. 没有一个人因为要吃肉而打架,也没有人会这种行为看成需要捍卫的权力。
I thought we might lose just because Denver had so much more riding on the game than we did, but I didn't expect this sort of performance. 我以为我们会输,只是因为掘金,比我们更加的需要赢得这场比赛的胜利,但我没有想到会是这样的表现。
They would not assign them to her just because it was in their hospital and she was a specialist. She volunteered. 他们问她可否义务帮忙,他们没有请她担任主诊医生,因为那是他们的医院。
just because that i did not tell your of my marriage problem, you never have a right to be so rude. 就因为我没有告诉你我的婚姻问题,你也没有权利表现的这么粗鲁。
Get up and do those dishes just because. It shows how much you care. 起床做做早餐来表明你是多在乎这这个家。
Eg. He got the air form Juliet just because he asked her to marry him on the spur of the moment. 他想Juliet求婚遭到拒绝,是因为他是在一时冲动之下向她求婚的。
Just because you had a bad day doesn't give you permission to take it out on me! 你不能因为今天过的不顺,就把气发在我身上!
Just because a former employer may have directed you to the door, however, you can still walk out with your pride intact. 以前的雇主指着门让你离开,你可以依然昂首阔步地走出去。
Just because what you're doing does not seem to be working, doesn't mean it won't work. 只是因为你做的事情似乎不成,并不意味着它就一定成不了。
Don't bracket me with him just because we work for the same company. 别因为我们为同一个公司工作,就把我和他相提并论。
I never bring this up with any other, just because no one will ever realize the seriousness of this problem. 我从未对任何人提起,因为没有人会了解这个问题的严重性。
Muhammad Ali just because it would be great to have a chat with him. It would be an interesting insight into his way of thinking. 穆丅罕穆德·阿里,因为如果能够和他交谈会很棒。这会是一种理解他的思维的有趣方式。
"It's a little bit of an assumption to say that this planet, just because it's in the right place, has water, " Swain said. “说到这个星球可能有生命迹象只是因为它在一个适宜的位置并且有水存在,这只是一个小小的假设。”斯温说。
Contest between men and women, the loser is always a woman. Not because she was not smart, just because she loved him. 男人女人之间的较量,输家永远是女人。不是因为她不够聪明,仅仅是因为她更爱他。
Just because they are showing adaptive response, it doesn't mean that we don't know how much it's going to help them adapt. 仅仅因为它们对环境的变化做出了回应,并不表示我们不知道怎样去帮助它们适应环境。
Just because you're unhappy doesn't mean you can take it out on me. 你心里不舒服,并不表示你可以拿我出气。你只有一张嘴。
and as a woman, that's embarrassing for me that it took me that long just because, you know, we weren't always given that right. . . 而作为一名女人,我花这么长的时间才开始投票令我尴尬,因为你知道,我们并不是从一开始就有那项权利…
You're asking me to invest in that poorly rated company just because you know the son of the president? Not on your life! 只因为你认识那个总经理的儿子,就要我去投资那家明明评价不怎麽样的公司?简直岂有此理!