
美 [ˈvɪdioʊ]英 [ˈvɪdiəʊ]
  • n.视频;录影;录像带;盒式录像带;电视;视频;影像
  • adj.录像的;视频的;电视(用)的
  • v.录电视节目;给…录像
  • 网络影片;视频文件;视讯

复数:videos 现在分词:videoing 过去式:videoed

video system,video technology,video image,video signal,video recorder
watch video,show video,make video,get video


n. v.

1.[u][c]录像带;盒式录像带a type of magnetic tape used for recording moving pictures and sound; a box containing this tape, also called avideo cassette

2.[u]录像系统a system of recording moving pictures and sound, either using videotape or a digital method of storing data

3.[c](指制品)录像,录影a copy of a film/movie, programme, etc. that is recorded on videotape

5.[c]视频;视频剪辑a short film or recording of an event, made using digital technology and viewed on a computer, especially over the Internet


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"The present videos on demand will still be free, but a certain gap exists between them and paid movies in definition and speed, " luo said. “现在的点播会继续免费,与收费电影在清晰度、速度方面会有所差异,”罗为民介绍。
PETA referred videos, photos and a narrative to the local prosecutor, who said he is reviewing the matter. 善待动物组织向当地的检察官提交了视频、照片和叙述,检察官表示他正在对这个事情进行审查。
As he explored the sea, he took pictures and videos of many things that people had never seen before. 至于他在海底探险,照相,录制的东西,都是人们从前未曾见过的。
He was looking for software capable of publishing photos, videos, and sounds so he made a call for bids. 他正在寻找一个能够胜任发布照片,视频和音频工作的软件,于是他开展了一次投标活动。
I also added videos to the site, and though these took a little longer to load, they were as easy to post as my digital photos. 我还在网站上添加了视频,虽然上传视频耗时稍长,但是这和发布数码照片一样很容易。
YouTube allows you to tag your videos with keywords that make your videos show up in relevant searches. YouTube允许用户通过关键词给视频添加标签,这样用户视频就会出现在相关搜索中。
Winning bidder will be required to work on at least 6 other videos (similar sort of duration) over the next 8 weeks. 中标人须在至少6(类似的时间排序)其他影片的工作,在未来8周。
As I said already in my videos, the higher developed star nations will not interfere with the education of the earth people. 正如我已经在我的视频里说过,更高发展的星际国家是不会打搅地球人民的教育过程的。
Surprisingly, the only activity to see a dip is uploading videos to video sharing sites. 让人意外的是,唯一出现下滑的是视频分享网站的上传活动。
Believer: The flag did not need wind to move, and does not move in any of the videos unless touched. 支持者:旗帜并不一定需要有风才能动,而且在所有的录像中它都没有动过,除非被人碰到。
Admin will also be able to login on the site to access education videos to be played for patients while they wait. 管理员也可以登录我们的网站获取,而他们为病人等待发挥教育影片。
Much of that will be in the form of videos like the one below. 这些数据中有许多以下面的视频形式传播。
We do have to wonder how much the company would charge us for our own personal sushi chef, though. Hit the jump for the videos. 我们需要做的就是想象mini公司会为我们的私人寿司大厨开出多少价位.所以,点击链接观看更多视频吧。
Moroz wanted to make the CSDA videos into a safety program with a test that he could give to his employees in all four branches . 莫罗兹想把美洲可持续录象节目成为一个安全测试时,他才答应给他所有四个分公司员工。
A quick scan of YouTube's terms of service reveals that the company sees most of its videos as intended solely for online streaming. 浏览YouTube的服务条款就会发现,该公司认为其绝大多数视频只用于在线播放。
On the help page, I found the reason. It turned out to be that the videos were hosted by a site with a different domain name. 在帮助页面里,我找到了原因,那是因为视频是由一个不同域名的站点提供的。
So music videos are something that I always found interesting, but they always seem to be so reactive. 因此我对音乐电视一直很感兴趣。但音乐电视作品通常很老套。
That service can carry complex instructions, messages or videos from you to ensure that your tomb is created as you want, after your death. 当你离开人世后,这项服务可发布你提供的复杂指示、信息或视频,确保你的坟墓按你本人设想的样子建立。
Congress went further and made it a crime to sell photos or videos of animals being tortured and killed. 联邦法律则更进一步,把出售动物遭到虐待和杀害的照片或录像也定为犯罪行为。
The Khan Academy is most known for its collection of videos, so before I go any further, let me show you a little bit of a montage. Khan学院是因为它大容量的视频而被人们所熟知。所以在我进一步讲述之前,先给大家看一些视频剪辑。
easy to use, just need to type the word, browse and upload for picture and videos. 容易使用,只需要输入文字,浏览和上传图像和视频。
Strangely, there seems to be very little actual gardening in the videos, but there are a lot of cars. And here's something I've noticed. 有趣的是,在录影中没有多少真的园艺,但是却有很多车,这正是我注意的。
A search of his computer revealed videos of the robber modeling the old-man mask and trying to speak like an elderly person. 警方还在其电脑中发现了抢劫犯戴老人面具,学老人说话的视频。
In January of this year, a series of videos showing what appeared to be a UFO hovering over Jerusalem's Dome of the Rock caused a stir. 今年的一月份,一系列的视频引起了轰动,这些视频好像是一个UFO正在耶路撒冷的圆顶清真寺上盘旋。
Parent alert: the Walt Disney Company is now offering refunds for all those "Baby Einstein" videos that did not make children into geniuses. 父母们注意了:华尔特迪斯尼公司现在正为那些没有将孩子们变成天才的音像制品提供退款。
Later the Americans revealed his stash of porn, and videos of him watching himself on television. 后来,美国将他收藏的色情片、以及他观看电视上自己形象的视频公之于众。
he took pictures and videos of many things that people had never seen before. 他拍了图片和大量的录像,那些都是人们之前没有见过的。
An animated short from College Humor, "Dinosaur Office, " was one of a handful of 3-D videos that have been released for the device. 动画短片“恐龙办公室”,是CollegeHumor发布到3DS上的几个3D视频之一。
It is unclear how much impact such videos will have on voters, but YouTube and the like are changing campaigns in significant ways. 电视宣传对于选民的影响到底有多大并不非常明确,而类似YouTube的宣传形式正改变着竞选策略。
In several videos, Dunn -- wearing a black mask -- said the baby food had been poisoned with cyanide, prosecutors said. 检方称,在几个视频中,Dunn头戴面具,称已经在婴儿食物中投放了氰化物。