
美 [voʊt]英 [vəʊt]
  • n.投票;表决;选举;选票
  • v.选举;提议;选出;建议
  • 网络表决权;投票权

复数:votes 现在分词:voting 过去式:voted

cast vote,take vote,win vote,lose vote,give vote
popular vote,crucial vote,unanimous vote,decisive vote,big vote


n. v.

1.[c]~ (for/against sb/sth)选票;票a formal choice that you make in an election or at a meeting in order to choose sb or decide sth

2.[c]~ (on sth)投票;选举;表决an occasion when a group of people vote on sth

3.[sing]投票总数;选票总数the total number of votes in an election

4.[sing](某一群体的)投票总数;(某一政党等的)得票总数the vote given by a particular group of people, or for a particular party, etc.

5.[sing](尤指政治选举中的)投票权,选举权,表决权the right to vote, especially in political elections


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690个英语四级高频词汇 ... volunteer n. 志愿者 vote v. 选举 wagon n. 四轮马车,铁路货车 421. ...


会计英语 ... value for money audit 经济效益审计 vote 表决 voucher 凭证 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... breed vt. 饲养 vote n. 选票; 选举(权) advanced a. 高深的, 先进的 ...


模联规则流程_湖南师大附中模联协会_新浪博客 ... 结束辩论 Close the Debate 投票表决 Vote 意向条 Page ...


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美公民入籍 ... A:apply for a federal job 答:申请联邦工作的权利 A:vote 答:投票权 A:run for office 答:竞选公职的权利 ...

He said he was not told when elections will be held or when an anticipated election law governing the vote will be announced. 他说,他没有被告知大选日期,以及何时宣布人们期待的选举法。
Election activity has surged in the past few days with both major parties trying to motivate their supporters to vote. 选举活动在过去几天开始升温,两大政党都在试图动员他们的支持者投票。
Mr Cheng's backing is likely to be seen as a vote of confidence in London's already booming property market. 郑家纯的支持可能被看成是对已经很繁荣的伦敦地产市场投出的一张信任票。
Voter registration is the right to vote on the rights of every citizen, from the legal recognition of their voter behavior. 选民登记是指对每一个享有选举权利的公民,从法律上确认其选民资格的行为。
Even if the alternative vote is not the official system, voters will tend to behave as if it were. 即使AV制不是正式的投票制度,选民的投票模式也往往符合AV制的安排。
But since it was not legal for a woman to vote at the time she was arrested. 要知道,那个时候,女性参与投票可是一件违法的事。后来,她与她的女性律师为此做了辩护。
The Economist, if it had a vote, would choose George W. Bush. 如果《经济学人》手中持有一张选票,它会选择乔治·W·布什。
Do you know who was the first American woman allowed to vote for her husband for president? 你知道谁是第一个被允许在总统选举中投票给她先生的美国妇女吗?
In advance of the House vote, President Bush said the legislation will help the U. S. intelligence community protect Americans. 众议院对修改的外国情报监视法表决之前,布什总统表示,这项立法将有助于美国情报部门保护美国人民。
Fewer Indians and Coloureds have been showing up to vote, indicating that many have not found a political home. 更少数的印第安人与有色人种已在参与投票,但表明他们的许多人未找到其政治归属。
"Every time we have a vote like this, it ratchets up the pressure, " he said. 他说:“每当我们有像这样一个投票结果时,就会引起压力”。
The vote on China currency was one of the last items on the congressional agenda before the midterm elections. 对有关中国汇率的法案进行投票表决,是中期选举前美国国会议程上的最后几项内容之一。
The site will let its users vote directly on which questions to ask, Raghavan says. Raghavan说,网站将让用户通过投票直接选出要问的问题。
If he wants my vote he'll have to take a stand on the question of East-West relations. 如果他想得到我的选票,他得在东西方的问题上明确其立场。
That more than half of the money allocated in July by the SIF came from philanthropic foundations was an important vote of confidence. SIF7月份的拨款中有超过一半都来自慈善组织,就是一次重大的信任投票的结果。
But word of his candidacy did not seem to set the straw poll on fire: he secured just under 4% of the vote that way. 但派瑞对自己候选人身份的讲话并没有太多人买帐:通过这种方式他仅仅保住了不到百分之四的支持率。
He made all free men living in Athens and Attica citizens, giving them the right to vote as part of a democratic society. 他让所有生活在雅典和阿提卡的市民都获得了自由,使他们作为民主社会的一部分有权进行投票。
as they vote for her to be the 2nd Runner-Up, the 1stRunner-Up, or the new Miss Universe. And we'll begin with Miss Namibia. 他们要选出季军,亚军,还有新的环球小姐。我们将从纳米比亚小姐开始。
Many Americans would no doubt vote for her if she made it through the primaries. 无疑地,如果她在初选时能做到这些,很多美国人将为她投票。
That meeting captured more headlines for a vote by shareholders to approve Mr Joyce a 71% pay rise, which took his salary to A$5m a year. 这次会议由于一个批准增加乔伊斯71%工资(令其年薪达到500万澳元)的股东投票而引发更多的关注。
In the capital, there was a sense of thrill and excitement as people poured out to vote. 在首都,人们蜂拥去投票时都带着激动与兴奋的情绪。
The SPD must share the left-leaning vote with the Greens and with the ex-communist Left Party, with which it refuses to govern. 社会民主党必须与绿党以及前共产主义左翼党共同分享选票,而左翼党拒绝共同治理。
It seems to me that clean air is just as necessary as a public restroom, so this idea has my vote. 在我看来,清新的空气一样必要作为一个公共厕所,所以这个想法,我投票。但是,不停止一切机会植树你。树木有很多漂亮。
To keep up his spirits, the sailor was voluntary to go on a very long voyage. The matter was decided by vote. 为了振作精神,海员自愿长途航行,这得由投票决定。
Mr Carter, who's leading an observer mission during the vote which ended today, said it had been very orderly. 公投于今天结束,率领观察团监督投票过程的Carter表示,公投过程非常有序。
Employing quantum cryptography to transmit the vote from polling stations to central counting house is thus a bit of a publicity stunt. 因此,使用量子加密将选票信息从投票站送往计票中心,也有那么点形象工程的色彩。
Before such a suggestion can be put to a vote next March, a second member of CITES needs to support Monaco's proposal. 明年三月此建议将进行表决,濒危物种的第二个成员国需要支持摩洛哥的建议。
The schism was borne out in and around Paris, where wealthy neighborhoods seemed to vote yes, while poor neighborhoods voted no. 分裂基本上发生在巴黎及其周边地区,富人们投票赞成,穷人反对。
By winning the popular vote, there is no doubt Mrs Clinton punctured Mr Obama's balloon in Ohio and Texas, but she did not deflate it. 希拉里在俄亥俄州和得克萨斯州赢得了党内普选,刺穿了奥巴马的气球,但这个气球并未因此而“瘪”下去。
"Someone will come round and take your rubbish away, or mend your fence. The next time he knocks it's to ask for your vote, " he says. 他说“有人会来看望你并清理掉你的垃圾,或者修补好你的篱笆,下次他就来敲门拉取你的选票”。