
美 [ˈvɜrtɪk(ə)l]英 [ˈvɜː(r)tɪk(ə)l]
  • n.垂直线;垂直位置
  • adj.竖的;垂直的;直立的;纵向的
  • 网络立式;垂线;垂直方向


vertical axis,vertical line,vertical integration,vertical column,vertical tail


1.竖的;垂直的;直立的going straight up or down from a level surface or from top to bottom in a picture, etc.

2.纵向的having a structure in which there are top, middle and bottom levels


草莓网5折男士香水 - 全球免运费 ... 香根草 Vetyver 垂直 Vertical 维奇迪尔 Vicky Tiel ...


高考阅读高频单词_百度文库 ... vessel n. 船舶;容器,器皿;血管 69. vertical a. 垂直的 70. oblige v. 迫使,责成;使感激 71. ...


雅思口语范文:Interesting Animal_天道留学 ... drainage: (河流的)流域, 排水区 vertical: 纵向的 ruddy: 红色的 ...


MFC绘图(转载) - 胡胡的日志 - 网易博客 ... HS_HORIZONTAL 水平线 HS_VERTICAL 垂直线 HS_FDIAGONAL 正斜线 ...


立字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 立时〖 immediately;rightaway〗 立式〖 upright;vertical〗 立誓〖 vow;takeanoath〗 ...


三角学与几何学英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... versine 正矢 vertical 垂线 vertical angles 对顶角 ...


垂直方向 (Vertical) : 选择“上方“( top ),这保证图片是处于网页最上方的; 重复( Repeat ): 选择“一次”( once ),这 …

Its profile is now vertical at the top as opposed to the bottom, with the bottom, not the top, sloping outwards. 现在它的外型向上与前翼下部垂直,从前翼下部,而不是从其上部,外侧开始向外倾斜。
The vertical load did not help to reduce the lateral displacement at the pile top anymore when it was applied after the lateral load. 先施加水平荷载再施加竖向荷载时,竖向荷载不再起到减小水平荷载作用下桩顶侧移的作用。
He made vertical lines with his hands in front of him, as though he were drawing the trunk of a stout oak in the air. 他用双手垂直线在他的面前,似乎他是在空中画了一个坚固的橡木树干。
The campaign to eliminate river blindness began as the most vertical programme imaginable: helicopters dropping insecticides out of the sky. 根除河盲症运动开始时是可以想象的最纵向的规划:直升飞机从空中投撒杀虫剂。
Once the enemy radar is verified, the UAV make a near vertical dive to the target and destroy it with its high explosive warhead. 一但敌人的雷达被核实,UAV对目标做出一个近乎垂直向下俯冲并用它的高爆弹头破坏它。
So far, none of his vertical take-off and landing prototypes has risen much more than a few feet. 目前为止,他的任何一款垂直起降的原型机还没有离地超过几英尺。
How much force does the tyre return for a given vertical deflection and how long is the contact patch in that case? 请问多大的力为给定的垂直偏转轮胎返回多久是在这种情况下接触补丁?
Within a vertical distance of just a few tens of meters, trees disappear as a life-form and are replaced by low shrubs, herbs, and grasses. 在仅数十米的垂直距离内,树木逐渐消失,取而代之的是低矮灌木、草本植物和草地。
Note: The orientation of the surface may be defined, e. G. Horizontal, vertical, hence horizontal illuminance, vertical illuminance. 注:被照表面的方向需注明。如:表面方向为水平或垂直时,可以分别得到水平照度或垂直照度。
This kind of stair is beautiful, easy, and can do more roomily , do not have vertical ladder corner completely the sort of curt feeling. 这种楼梯美观、大方,而且可以做得比较宽敞,完全没有直梯拐角那种生硬的感觉。
These can be "dragged out" of rulers, providing a vertical or horizontal line to reference as you place components on the workspace. 可以从标尺“拖出”这些线,作为在工作区上放置组件时的垂直或水平参考线。
However, without a vertical drop of any significant drama, Inga Falls may not count as a waterfall under other classifications. 然而,它却没有一处有值得注意的巨大垂直落差,若根据其他分类方法,因加瀑布还可能算不上是一条瀑布。
At the front tier of OpenNMS, adapting the system for a specific vertical application domain is quite straightforward. 在OpenNMS前端这一层,使系统适应特定垂直应用程序领域变得非常简单。
Today they carry just a few helicopters, but it's possible the ships will eventually embark vertical-landing F-35B stealth fighters. 现在她们仅搭载了一些直升飞机,但是最终可能会搭载垂直着陆F-35B隐形战机。
The only area where I had a bit of a problem with fit was at the toe box, which was a bit too roomy in terms of vertical space. 唯一让我感到不适的地方来自鞋头,垂直方向的空间似乎过于宽敞了些。
She was the body of blood, as were all of a sudden Choude-ray, heart and brains down a vertical, 000 falling into a bottomless abyss. 她感到全身的血液象一下子被抽得光光的,心脏煞地往下一垂,落到个无底深渊里去了。
However, this meant that an embedded font was required, as a standard font does not show up in the vertical button. 不过,这意味着需要嵌入字体,因为标准的字体不能显示在垂直按钮中。
The vertical floor loads accumulate from the top to the bottom of the building, requiring larger columns AS one moves down. 它的垂直楼板的荷载能力从建筑物的顶部往下,需要依次增大,每往下一层,柱子要相应粗一些。
But it is hard to see Chinese stocks' vertical ascent going on much longer without a pause for an almost vertical decline. 但如果中国股市不暂停一下升势,来一次近乎直线的下跌,那它这种直线式上涨将很难维持更长的时间。
As you see in Figure 1, IBM and its partners can transform today's networks of vertical silos into a horizontally integrated platform. 正如图1中所示,IBM及其合作伙伴能够将目前的垂直竖井网络转换为水平集成的平台。
a pocket in a garment (usually below the waist) to which access is provided by a vertical or diagonal slit in the outside of the garment. 由外衣外面的垂直或斜的裂缝可以进入的外衣上的口袋(通常在腰部)。
The crack is re-sampled by the skeleton and calculate via vertical direction of the tangent direction of the point on skeleton. 通过骨架对裂缝二次采样,沿骨架点切线方向的垂线方向求出相应的宽度。
The question of whether to build a horizontal or vertical prototype depends on what risks you're trying to mitigate. 是创建水平方向还是垂直方向的原型依赖于你想规避什么样的风险。
" Let's take a look at your situation, " he said calmly. On a sheet of paper he drew a vertical line down the middle. “我们来看看你的境遇吧,”他平静地说,然后在一张白纸中间竖着画了一条垂直的线。
A high-rise building is nothing but a slender, vertical, cantilevered beam resisting lateral and vertical loads. 高层建筑物其实就是一细长的、能抵挡横向和垂直荷载的垂直悬臂梁。
Of course, r goes all around the z axis, but I'm just doing a slice through one of these vertical half planes, fixing the value of theta. 当然,r可以围绕z轴转圈,但我只做了一个垂直的半平面,对于一个确定的θ来说。
The firm's recent acquisition of Medstory, a vertical-search engine focusing on health care, has given it a boost in this area. 微软最近收购了专注于保健领域的垂直搜索公司Medstory,这有助于该软件巨头在此领域开展业务。
But if you're the right type of person to do it, a whole new world of vertical fun will open up. 不过,如果你是适合攀岩的人,一个垂直乐趣的新世界将会从此展开。
At least on a small scale, vertical farms are no longer just a theory. 至少在小范围内,纵向农场不再只是纸上谈兵。
Sardinians live in vertical houses, up and down the stairs. Every trip to the store, or to church or to a friends house occasions a walk. 撒丁岛人居住在垂直房屋里,上下楼梯每次去商店,教堂或朋友家里都走上片刻。