i was wrong

  • 网络我错了;我犯了个大错误;但我错了

i was wrongi was wrong

i was wrong


she's gone_百度百科 ... Out of my life. 远离我的生活 I was wrong, 我错了 I'm to blame, 我罪该如此 ...


一首变态超好听的摇滚悲情... ... Out of my life 我的生命中没有了她 I was wrong 我犯了个大错误 I’m to blame 我也深深的自责 ...


... I thought I needed some time to myself. 我以为我想独自待会儿。 I was wrong. 但我错了。 I... I need you. 我需要的是你。 ...


生活中实用句型_燕子_新浪博客 ... It’s my fault. 是我的错. I was wrong. 我当时错了. You are right. 你是对的. ...


专辑 | 伍佰官方网站 ... 戒指 Ring 都是我的错 I Was Wrong 心如刀割 Knife ...


:::面具底下的真实:::... ... But i was wrong 结果是我想错 I was wrong 错都怪我 If you,if you could get by 若你 能够了解 ...


... I was wrong. 事实证明我错了。 I was wrong. 但是我错了。 Mary: Lily,you're eating like a bird. 玛丽: 莉莉,你吃得太少了 …

It was a friendly tournament so I thought it would be a nice relaxed game but I was wrong. 这是一场友谊赛,所以我认为这会是一场很放松的比赛,但是我错了。
And I just wanted to say that I was wrong. . . to point it out. 我只想说我实在不应该……把这一点指出来。
I never thought she resented how much money I made, but I guess I was wrong. 我从没想过我挣钱多让她不爽了看来我是错了
I believed by the end of that year an advanced version of that software would have been developed, but I was wrong. 到去年为止我还相信一个先进的翻译软件将被完成,但我错了。
After school, Brian came with me. We went to the playground. I thought that it would be easy to babysit there . I was wrong! 放学后,布莱恩过来和我在一起。我们去了操场。我想在那儿照顾孩子会是容易的。可是我错了。
Captain, 'said the squire when I'd finished, ' you were right, and I was wrong. ' “船长,”我讲完后乡绅说,“你是对的,我错了。”
Looking back, I still think Lehman should have been allowed to fail, but I was wrong not to grasp that it had to be done in an orderly way. 回想起来,我还是认为政府应该让雷曼倒闭,但我错在没有领悟到这需要以一种有序的方式来进行。
I thought nobody would care about this ceremony, but the fact has proven that I was wrong. I'm the only one who were wearing slippers. 我以为没有人会在乎这个仪式,但是事实证明我错了,我是当时唯一一个穿拖鞋的人。
That I was wrong, even if my love for you to pay so much, you still you, I or me. 原来我错了,就算我的爱为你付出那么多,你还是你,我还是我。
But from the beginning to now, I already know you don't love me, I always thought that I love you enough, in fact I was wrong. 其实从开始到现在,我早就知道你不爱我,我一直以为我爱你就够了,其实我错了。
car people tend to vote to different eyes, as if I was wrong. 车厢里的人们都不约而同地向我投来异样的目光,好像错的是我。
After almost 8 years, I did not think I could be surprised about anything that George Bush says. But I was wrong. 将近8年了,我本来以为无论乔治•布什说什么都不会令我吃惊了,但是我错了。
Mom, I really thought you were right at the beginning, but I was wrong. 妈妈,起初我真的以为你总是正确的,但我错了。
Not all that much - except five months ago, I was wrong. This time there is a chance I may be right. 其实没多少不同,只不过是五个月前我押宝押错了,现在我可能押对了。
i have a dream, a pretty bright one. i lost it ever, gave it up ever. but i knew i was wrong, i ain't gonna be such a dum any more. 我有一个梦想,一个明亮的梦想。我曾经找不到它,曾经放弃过它。但是我错了,我以后都不会这么傻了。
I was too silly, lips say that no one, but I did not, ultimately, I was wrong. People are liars. Also includes me. 我太傻了,嘴上说不相信任何人,可是我没有做到,最后我还是错了。人都是骗子。也包括我。
I do not know I was wrong of you or not, I was too selfish, I should tell you to join me every day. 我不晓得是我的不对还是你的不对,是我太自私了,我不该叫你天天和我一起。
When he dropped the hint, it suddenly dawned on me that I was wrong. 经他一指点,我才恍然大悟,原来是我错了。
I admit now that I was wrong, and I am ready to acknowledge it in front of everyone. 我现在承认我错了,并准备在大家面前公开认错。
What she said convince me that I was wrong. 我怎么才能让你相信她很诚实呢?
But I WAS WRONG. I went to open to see who it is. I got to know it is her. 但是我错了,我打开那个QQ空间,我明白了一些了,是她。
But the result of the first exam told me that I was wrong. 但是随着第一次考试成绩德公布,我的希望破灭了
As I opened it, I knew I was wrong. It was from one of my students and I just couldn't believe it. 当我打开它的时候,我才发现我弄错了,原来是来自于我的一名学生,我简直不能相信这!
I thought it would last like this forever, but I was wrong. 我曾认为能一直这样下去,但是我错了。
'Don't be childish. I thought you loved me, but I was wrong. As you wish. ' 您真是个孩子,我还以为您是爱我的哩,我想错了,那么好吧。
"I thought the canal should have been privatised, but I was wrong, " says Felipe Chapman, an economist in Panama City. “我原以为运河会私有化,现在看来我错了,”巴拿马城的一位经济学家FelipeChapman如是说。
So now you're gone And I was wrong I never knew what it was like To be alone. . . 所以你走了而我错了我从不知什么是芥末的滋味……
It's hard to say "I was wrong" , but if you don't say it, you'll have to pay for it. 说出“我是错的”是很困难的,但是如果你(在该说的时候却)不说,你会为此付出代价。
you (to be)an honest man, but I was wrong. 我认为你是个诚实的人,但我错了。
To be honest, I didn't really know about this. I have always thought that yeast was mainly a woman's problem. I guess I was wrong! 说实在的,我以前对这个不甚了解。我一直以为阴道炎主要是困扰女性的疾病。现在我想我大错特错了!