
美 [hjudʒ]英 [hjuːdʒ]
  • adj.巨大的;极多的;程度高的;非常成功的
  • 网络庞大的;极大的;无限的

比较级:huger 最高级:hugest

huge amount,huge market,huge number,huge difference,huge deficit


1.巨大的;极多的;程度高的extremely large in size or amount; great in degree

2.(informal)非常成功的;走红的very successful


新目标英语八年级下册单词表_百度文库 ... shape 外形 huge 巨大的 earthquake 地震 ...


八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 60 everywhere ad. 到处,无论何处 63 huge a. 庞大的,巨大的 64 earthquake n. 地震 ...


新概念第二册单词表(附音标)_百度知道 ... urge 怂恿,极力主张 huge 极大的,庞大的 lie 说谎,作假 n.谎言 ...


闭着眼睛背考研英语大纲单词:H-搜狐教育 ... hug n. 拥抱 huge adj. 巨大的, 极大的, 无限的 hum v. 嗡嗡叫, 哼n.嗡嗡声,吵杂声 ...

While describing Shanghai as 'the New York of Asia, ' he said basic communication was a huge problem. 虽然把上海称作“亚洲的纽约”,但卡纳说,基本的交流都成了一个大问题。
This method works. If you don't believe me, try it for at least a week. You'll be amazed at what a huge difference it makes. 这个方法起作用。如果你不相信我,那就至少实验一星期。你会惊奇的发现它能产生多么大的影响。
Now Bynum looms as a huge question mark for the team heading into training camp. Will he be ready to go? 目前拜纳姆能否出现在球队的训练营上还是个巨大的问号。他准备好了吗?
There would be a flyer hanging in some hallway of a dorm and at the top of the page, in HUGE letters, was the word "SEX" . 会在宿舍的走廊里挂一个传单平且在首页用大写字幕写上“SEX”。
In retrospect, the GI Bill may appear to some to have been a huge public "welfare" program. But it would be wrong to think of it that way. 回头看,《退伍军人权利法》可能会被有些人视为一个庞大的公共“福利”项目,但这种看法是错误的。
Son of Prometheus, Deucalion had been warned before hand by his father of the coming flood and made himself a huge chest. 丢卡利翁的父亲事先就警告他会爆发洪水,因此,他制了个巨大的箱子。
"We were just about to park our car. We are turning home and out of nowhere a huge white GMC came up, " the woman said to the dispatcher. “我们正要公园的车。我们是将置出一条巨大的白色的GMC来到了,”女人说的调度。
It had great natural resources, trained workers, and a huge market within its own borders. 它拥有重要的天然资源、受过培训的工人和境内巨大的市场。
That seems to me to be a huge wake up call for on-line travel companies. 对我来说,这相当于为在线旅游企业敲响了警钟。
His dandruff was such a huge turnoff that I could not even look at him. 他的头皮屑可真让人恶心,我甚至连看他一眼都受不了。
But Lampard's agent, Steve Kutner, says his client has already received a huge pay increase to put him in line with the club's top earners. 但是兰帕德的经纪人史蒂夫-库特纳表示他的委托人将会得到俱乐部的加薪,这也使得他即将成为切尔西的几名顶薪球员之一。
In a little while Tough Bill, accompanied by two huge negroes, came in, and it was easy to see that he was already three parts drunk. 过了不大一会儿工夫,硬汉子彼尔在两个高大黑人的陪同下走了进来。一眼就可以看出,他已经有七八分醉意了。
We were all seated, with discreet distances between each, in huge Victorian armchairs facing the blazing flames of the log fire. 我们都坐在面向炽热的炉火的维多利亚式靠背椅上,彼此间保持一定距离。
It was a huge gambit and one that came like a tonic to Wall Street, which had panned an earlier outline of the program that lacked detail. 这一大手笔对华尔街是一剂强心剂,之前他们曾对该计划的早期概要提出批评因其缺少细节。
But for it to succeed, researchers are going to have to reduce the huge amounts of energy needed to make salt water drinkable. 不过要实现这个目标,研究人员将不得不减少海水变饮用水所需的巨大能耗。
He knew what a huge fish this was and he thought of him moving away in the darkness with the tuna held crosswise in his mouth. 他知道这条鱼有多大,他想像到它嘴里横衔着金枪鱼,在黑暗中游走。
Strong industrial base, developed the equipment manufacturing, which had been brewing bearing products and technical equipment huge market. 雄厚的工业基础,发达的装备制造优势,孕育了轴承产品及技术设备庞大的市场。
I can honestly tell you that it has really been a HUGE motivator for me! 老实说,它对我来说一直是一个巨大的动力。
It's not easy at first but once you've practiced it for a week or two it will make a huge difference in the amount you eat. 我知道这不是一件简单的事,但一旦你试着这样做了一到两周以后,你的饭量就会有一个很大的变化。
After waiting for so long, all he got was an empty stomach and a huge disappointment. 经过如此漫长的等待,他所等到的只有个空荡荡的胃和极大的失望。
Turning round, I found a man of huge size and fierce appearance looking at me with a cruel smile. 我转过身来,发现一个粗壮凶狠的人正在狞笑着看着我。
And just as I predicted, they gave him a fine funeral, with solemn mass, huge wreaths, and everything. 正如我所预见的,他们替他举行了隆重的丧礼,庄严的弥撒,巨大的花圈,一切应有尽有,应有尽有。
I let the boat like a huge white lotus stopped before the ship, I say I want to see five minutes. 我让船娘在一朵硕大的白色荷花前停下船,我说我想看五分钟。
The huge advantage of such globalisation was that lenders no longer needed to be physically close to borrowers. 这种全球化带来的巨大益处是,借款人不再需要自己接近贷款人。
It's been a couple weeks since the movie came out, so you don't have to worry about dealing with those huge opening-weekend crowds. 这部电影已经出来几个星期了,所以你不必担心那些首映周里面拥挤的人群了。
He also started sending me out on errands, like going out with his credit card one afternoon to fill his huge Blazer up with gasoline. 后来他开始把我派出去为他办点儿跑腿的事儿,比如带上他的信用卡去给他的巨型越野车加油。
The huge bird seemed to hang in the air, borne by the wind currents, soaring with scarcely a beat of its huge, powerful wings. 那只大鸟好像被气流托浮着停在空中,几乎不用拍动它那对巨大而有力的翅膀就能翱翔。
Actually . . . with a huge hole in the front of my shirt since I still refuse to go shopping. 事实上,衬衫的前面应该还有个大洞,因为我一直不愿去买件新的。
How much media will move to online delivery is the subject of huge debate. 有多少媒体产品的交易会转移到在线交付是一个极具争议的问题。
Suddenly, however, a huge lion emerged from the jungle, pounced on the violinist and made a hearty meal of him. 可是丛林里突然跑出一头大狮子,扑向小提琴家,把他当做盛餐吃掉了。