美 [pleɪ]英 [pleɪ]
  • v.演奏;播放;扮演;游戏
  • 网络戏剧;剧本;打

第三人称单数:plays 现在分词:playing 过去式:played

play role,play football,play game,play piano,play basketball
serious play,interesting play
play beautifully,play together,well play


v. n.

儿童of children

1.[i][t]玩耍;游戏;玩乐to do things for pleasure, as children do; to enjoy yourself, rather than work

2.[t][nopass][i](为玩耍)假装,假扮to pretend to be or do sth for fun


4.[t][i]~ (sth) (with/against sb)参加比赛;(同某人)比赛to be involved in a game; to compete against sb in a game

5.[i](在运动队中)担当,充任to take a particular position in a sports team

6.[t]~ sb (+ adv./prep.)派…出场;让…加入运动队to include sb in a sports team

7.[t]~ sth触,带,踢,击(球)to make contact with the ball and hit or kick it in the way mentioned

8.[t]~ sth走(子);行(棋)to move a piece in chess , etc.

9.[t][i]~ (sth)出牌to put a card face upwards on the table, showing its value


10.[t][i]~ (sth) (on sth)弹拨,吹奏(乐器);演奏to perform on a musical instrument; to perform music

11.[t][i]播放to make a tape, CD, etc. produce sound

DVD 光盘;视频DVD/video

12.[i][t]开始播放;播放(光盘或视频)to start working; to make a DVD or video start working


13.[t]~ sth(在电影、话剧中)扮角色,扮演,表演to act in a play, film/movie, etc.; to act the role of sb

14.[i]佯装;假装to pretend to be sth that you are not

15.[i]~ (to sb)上演;演出to be performed

起作用have effect

16.[t]~ a part/role (in sth)(在…中)发挥作用to have an effect on sth


17.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.(以某种方式)应付,处理to deal with a situation in the way mentioned

光;微笑of light/a smile

18.[i]+ adv./prep.闪烁;浮现;掠过to move or appear quickly and lightly, often changing direction or shape


大多数含 play 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 play the game 在词条 game 下。Most idioms containingplay are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for exampleplay the game is atgame .

have money, time, etc. to play with

有的是金钱(或时间等)to have plenty of money, time, etc. for doing sth

what is sb playing at?

(气愤时的质问语)某人在搞什么名堂?used to ask in an angry way about what sb is doing

play with yourself

手淫to masturbate


...) ,以便于其他应用程序保持一直,并反映在功能区的播放 (Play) 选项卡中可以找到的大 多数播放选项。

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... let v. 允许;让 play v. ;打(球) well interj. 喔;噢;唔;这个 ...


仁爱英语七年级下册单词_百度文库 ... have a rest 休息 play 打(球) ;玩;游戏;播放 basketball 篮球 ...


人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... zoo 动物园 play 玩耍,娱乐 in 在。。。里 ...


字典中 作 字的解释 ... (20) 建筑[ build] (22) 发出音响,演奏[ play] (24) 生出,长出来[ begin to grow; come into being] ...


七年级英语单词表 ... young 年轻的,年纪小的 play 戏剧;剧本 news 新闻;消息 ...


人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... young 年轻的 play 剧本 news 新闻 ...

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... let v. 允许;让 play v. 玩;(球) well interj. 喔;噢;唔;这个 ...

What he proposed was lighthearted seriousness or serious lightheartedness -- like that of a sportsman in a game or an actor in a play. 他提倡不经意的严谨或是出于郑重的轻松——像比赛中的运动员或是演出中的艺术家。
KM: I know it's out of character, but it was fun to at least play a little bit with the manic side of her. 我知道那完全违背她的本性,不过能够至少表现出她狂躁的一面也是很好玩的。
you know, I've heard that bridge is habit-forming. you should be careful not to play so much that you don't get your study done. 你知道,我听说过桥是形成习惯的。你应该小心不要玩的太多以至于不能完成你的学习工作。
Just a few years ago, in a game between the Lakers and the Heat, Bynum made his presence felt in just a mere 30 seconds of play. 几年前,在湖人和热火之间的一场比赛,拜纳姆仅用了三十秒就让人们记住了他的潜力。
"Wilt thou go and play, child? " repeated her mother. "But do not stray far into the wood. And take heed that thou come at my first call. " “你去玩儿好吗,孩子?”她母亲又说了一遍。“可是别在林子里走得太远。留点心,我一叫你就回来。”
Professor did not speak, he scores that first out, to the students. "Play it! " He looked strong students. 教授没开口,他抽出最早的那份乐谱,交给了学生。“弹奏吧!”他以坚定的目光望着学生。
His punch, with which he let me play, was a delightful toy. 他还让我玩他的打孔器,那实在是一种很有趣的玩具。
Play with the sample application to see for yourself how much fun calculating any date can be with Joda. 尝试操作一下样例应用程序,亲自体验一下使用Joda计算任何日期是多么有趣。
A tricky question in investing is how much of a role ethics should play in your stock selections. 投资时需要慎重对待的问题,道德规范在你选择股票时应该占多大份量。
Presently her ears detected the beginning of a well-known melody and unconsciously she began to play the air of Rigoletto. 过了一会儿,她的耳朵感觉出了一支著名曲调的前奏,于是她几乎是下意识地开始弹奏黎果赖妥的咏叹调。
to go in the soundproof booth over there. We'll play a little bit of music, and you and I will step over here. 去那边的静音室。我们会播放一点音乐,那你和我将留在这里。
He (Gerrard) was only able to look to the right, so I told him he could play as a left winger. 他还是只能扭头看右边,所以,我让他去踢左翼了。
He has the quick wit and comic timing to match Hermione in her verbal aggressiveness , to tease her, to play Benedict to her Beatrice. 他有急智,也会把握时机,足以和赫敏抗衡,还敢去逗惹她,他们俩是天生一对欢喜冤家。
If she had not me to play with, she would probably marry and secure her future. 如果没有我同她一起玩,她大概会结婚,使她的前途确定下来。
Tickets for the semifinal match had been sold out for days, and most businesses and offices in both countries were closed during the play. 这场半决赛的门票早在几天前就全部卖光,而印巴两国的大部分公司、办公室都因为这场球赛而关闭。
In England it seems to me that the main objective is to play a strong team. 在英格兰,在我看来,好像主要的目标就是以一个强大阵容出战。
It's hard to tell you what I felt in the changing room, the coach told me I had to play the second half but I replied that I couldn't. 我很难表述我在更衣室的感觉,教练对我说我还得坚持完下半场,但我回答说我不能。
The little sister was super excited as the hamster was really cute and she took it out to play everyday. 做妹妹的超兴奋因这小仓鼠太可爱了,每天都拿小仓鼠出来玩。
Ahh, who wants to be safe? -Yeah! And who wants to be sane? -Just a minute, kids, and we'll all play some nice games! 啊,谁稀罕安全?-耶!谁稀罕理智?-等一下,孩子们,我们可以一起来玩好玩的游戏!
A small river flows near the happy farm. The bank of the river has so much sand that it becomes the best place for the children to play. 一条小河从欢乐农场旁边流过,河边的沙地成了小伙伴们最爱来玩耍的地方。
Louie was fun, with a great sense of play, and yet, unafraid to take on new challenges. 路易很有趣,有很强的玩乐感,然而他却毫不畏惧新挑战。
Like a man should be like King Kong, standing on the roof of the world's highest is that of a woman to play his beloved aircraft. 做人应该像金刚一样,站在世界上最高的楼顶是那个为自己心爱的女人打飞机。
Has to be the breeze mother-in-law not in hour of clear, have no the breeze, cool night or morning, she to just come out to fully play. 只有当风婆婆不在时的晴朗、无风、凉爽的夜晚或早晨,她才出来尽情地玩耍。
But, mutagenic action is not the only mechanism of hereditary change, the epigenetic mechanism may also play an important role in it. 然而,致突变作用并不是遗传改变的唯一机制,表观遗传基础对此也具有重要作用。DNA甲基化成为外遗传的基础机制已经倍受关注。
I need to work with my team to recover well, work on my physical condition to be at my top form and get ready to play on grass at Wimbledon. 我需要配合我的团队工作使我的膝盖恢复良好,让我的身体状况提升到最佳状态,同时准备好在温布尔登进行比赛。
When Jia Zhen, a play boy by nature, was tired of his wife, his eyes fell on the beautiful Third Sister. 当贾折嗯,由自然发挥的男孩,是他的妻子累了,他的目光落在美丽的三姐。
This "vibration sensors, " is designed to save energy, hope that this device can be applied to practice to play a huge role. 这种“震动感应器”是为节省能源而设计,希望这种装置能够应用到实际中去,发挥巨大的作用。
It was therefore necessary to fuse all the elements together and play with subtlety, in keeping with the manner of these two chefs. 因此,有必要一起玩精到,在保持与这两个厨师的方式,融合所有的元素。
Xiamen to shenzhen city bus, net friend consulting, ready to shenzhen play xiamen to shenzhen bus how collect fees, probably do long. 厦门到深圳大巴,都市网友咨询,准备去深圳玩厦门到深圳的大巴怎么收费的,大概做多久。
Young a man, is one of a copy to stick alive legs to play, he saw the man put his hands over his knee joints, roll on the ground a few. 少年的一个哥们,被其中一个混混抄木棍活活的往腿上打去了,只见他哥们用手捂住膝盖关节处,在地上滚了几下。