
美 [feɪd]英 [feɪd]
  • v.褪色;失去光泽;凋落;渐渐消失
  • adj.平淡的;憔悴的
  • 网络已褪色的;已凋谢的;退色

第三人称单数:fades 现在分词:fading 过去式:faded

memory fade
quickly fade,rapidly fade



《Friends》词汇表B ... hardwood n. 硬木, 阔叶树 faded adj. 已褪色的, 已凋谢的 dollhouse n. 玩具屋, 儿童游乐室 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... hardwood n. 硬木, 阔叶树 faded adj. 已褪色的, 已凋谢的 dollhouse n. 玩具屋, 儿童游乐室 ...


推荐一个摄像软件!比FXCamera更加强大... ... toy camera bw 黑白玩具相机 faded 退色 summer 夏天 ...


可图弗却在阳光下凋零faded),从此以后他藏进了洞府深处,具体原因是什么并不清楚,在太阳下山后他是否就能出来也不 …


沪江博... ... ) fallen“ 摔倒了”,B) “失败了”, ) faded褪色了”, ) fainted“ 昏迷了”呢?根据常识推测可知,飞行员应该是昏倒了…

All these had faded like unsubstantial dreams from his mind as though they had never been. He did not remember. 所有这些都想虚幻的梦一样从他心中消失了,好像这些事从来就没有发生过。他不记得了。
Here lived a girl who was in love with him; now the only reminder of her is a shred of faded ribbon, and her lake-cabin-a rotted ruin. 那里以前住着个钟情于他的女郎,而今只剩下一缕退了色的丝带和湖滨木屋的废墟。
Worn in a faded frock and shod with a pair of silver shoes from the wicked witch, Dorothy went on her great journey. 多萝西(绿野仙踪的主角)穿上了他的褪色的连衣裙以及那双从邪恶的巫婆那得来的银色鞋子,踏上了她的伟大旅程。
Most of the time, the aurora borealis was a faded shadow, like the strands of color on a soap bubble. 大部分的时间,极光只是一种淡淡的影子,就像肥皂泡上的彩丝一般。
With risk currencies falling, analysts said the euphoria fueled by China's pledge of a flexible yuan over the weekend has clearly faded. 随着风险货币走软,分析师称,中国承诺增强汇率波动性引发的乐观情绪明显消退。
Lie Yang West Ramp, the sky dimming, reflecting the white light of the earth are slowly faded out of the original Lingling angle corner. 烈阳西斜,天色渐暗,反射着白光的大地也慢慢褪出了原来的菱菱角角。
Harry's victory faded from his mind as he watched. He recognized the figure's prowling walk. 哈利注视着,心头胜利的喜悦渐渐消失了。他认出了那个身影的鬼鬼祟祟的步态,
You do not want to wear your most faded jeans with a nice shirt and tie, but you can mix it up to have a unique look. 不要穿上你那条褪色很严重的牛仔裤并着一件很好的衬衣和系一条很好的领带,但可以通过搭配产生出独特的外表。
Well, Augustus died, and his kingdom faded long ago. But Jesus lives, and his kingdom is all around us. 凯撒已经去世,他的国亦早已殒灭,但耶稣今天依然活著,祂的国无处不在。
In other words, the prospects for a peace deal, already dim, seem to have faded even further. 换句话说,缔结和平条约的前景本就黯淡无光,现在似乎更加渺茫了。
The sounds of thunder and lightning faded away as the alchemist and his dead companions disappeared into the dark night. 随着巫师和僵尸仆从消失在夜幕中,雷鸣和闪电也一并消逝。
Your female breasts gently down, the heart in the sense of urgency faded away, the whole body becomes at ease. 你的女性胸脯轻柔地垂下来,心脏中的紧迫感逐渐消散掉,整个身体都变得轻松自在起来。
After that, the dream faded away, and when she woke, very late next morning, she did not remember that she had dreamed at all. 此后,梦就消失了,第二天早上她很晚才醒来,这时她已完全不记得做过梦了。
To stay on campus, and was afraid: "I and the TA far, and fate faded, not just a phone call the distance between the. " 呆在校园了,很怕:“我和TA远了,缘分淡了,不只是一个电话之间的距离了。”
The turbulent love has faded away with the wind, like the stars and the moon it has dropped into the mountains. 飘摇曲折的爱情逐渐随风消逝,像星月般地沉入山涧。
The automatic support and warmth the U. S. public had for the United Nations faded, he said. 他说,美国公众对联合国的无保留的支持和热情逐渐消失。
They were still ascending. Radar continued to track the Cougar until, for some unknown reason, it simply faded away. 他们仍在上升当中,雷达也继续跟踪着这架“美洲狮”,直到它不明原因地离奇失踪。
I watched as your laughter faded into tears, as I stared at him and cried my own tears of joy. 我看了你的笑声刚落,到眼泪,因为我盯着他,并高喊自己的泪水,是喜悦。
while the invalid, half rising from her armchair, watched with horror as the last certainty in which she could have found rest faded away. 病人从扶手椅上欠起半边身子,惊恐地看着她曾指望在其中找到安宁的最后一样切实之物化为乌有=
Just a few decades of life, the vagaries of life, in my youth has not faded before God, I can arrange to meet you, I am really happy. 人生短短几十年,生命变化无常,在我青春还未褪色之前,上天能安排我遇见你,我真的感到很幸福。
She wore one of his shirts, a shirt that had once been blue but had faded until the color could not be named, and a pair of his breeches. 她穿着他的一件衬衣,这件衬衣曾经是蓝色的,由于褪色,已经变得说不上是什么颜色了;还穿了他一条马裤。
It is not difficult to understand why Catherine, miles away in the United States, soon faded in her husband's memory. 远在美国的凯瑟琳和奥基弗天各一方,难怪会被丈夫很快抛到脑后。
that the little woman, with her vapid talk and faded prettiness, was not fit to BE mistress of a great literary salon. 他痛苦地感觉到:他这位矮小的太太,谈吐无味,姿色早衰,实在不配做一个大规模文艺沙龙的女主人。
But the eidetic spark of mutual attraction had been there for the first five years of his marriage and had only gradually faded. 但那一相互吸引的历历在目的情感碰撞的火花在他婚后头五个年头里一直燃烧着,后来才渐渐熄灭。
The obsession I once had with them faded away but those parts of me that were influenced and shaped by their music stayed. 我对他们曾经的偏执狂热已经消退,但是我内心那些被他们的音乐影响并改变过的部分却留了下来。
Enormous amount of artificial fabric, which had been dyed violet in workshop, were faded when exposed to the sunlight. 大量的人造织物在车间被染成了紫罗兰色,一暴露在阳光下却褪去颜色。
It was not until I saw myself that I realized how much my memory had faded of things I once could see. 直到我看见了自己,我才认识到,很多我曾经看到的事物在我的记忆中逐渐消失。
Two years ago, Mars popular fashion trend has not faded out, a new round of network Catchwords also in the promotion of the netizens there! 前两年流行的火星文还没有淡出时尚潮流,新一轮的网络流行语又在网民们的推动下出现了!
The last thing we are going to do is drop the opacity of the landscape photo to 80% to give it a faded out look, like everything else has. 我们要做的最后一件事情是降低风景照片的不透明度到80%,以使图像如前面的一些操作一样使色彩淡出。(增加真实感——译者注)
The kohl around your eyes and the faded henna designs on the back of your hands, they make you look like you never take a bath. 你眼眶周围的黑色眼影,和手背上的褪色指甲花图案,都让你看起来像是从来没洗过澡一样。