family name

  • n.
  • 网络姓氏;科名;是姓

复数:family names

family namefamily name

family name


注册页面 ... 津巴布韦/ ZWE * Family name 护照号码: Passport No. ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... family n. 家;家庭 family name 姓氏 pencil n. 铅笔 ...


中文科名(Family Name):豆科(leguminous plants) 来源品名(Botanical Origin):苦参Sophora japonica (kushen,Sophora flavesc…


严格来讲是姓family name)是在最后的。这样标一下会比较清楚:Zhang, San 中国人的姓名译成英语时,用汉语拼音书写, …


中国公民入境日本注意事项-广州外办 ... TEL 电话 Family Name 姓的拼音 Given Names 名的拼音 ...


公布:泰国游... ... Yearly income 年收入不要选:无收入 Family name 填写护照上的英文姓(中文的拼音) 80,001 and over 8 …


数位典藏技术汇编2007年版 ... ><corpname>Corporate Name 团体名称 ><famname>Family Name 家族名称 ><function…

Disney's Mulan, it turns out, fights as much for herself as she does for her family name and her country. 事实证明,迪斯尼版的木兰从军打仗是她,及家族的名誉。
Another approach is for a woman to use her family name in her business life but her husband's name in her personal life. 另外还有一种方式,她们在工作中使用娘家姓,而在私人生活中使用夫姓。
Japan is the only one of the Group of Eight industrialized nations that requires married couples to have the same family name. 日本是八国集团中唯一立法要求已婚夫妇使用同一家庭姓氏的国家。
When he was a little boy, his mother remarried Norger Clinton, so the boy's family name was changed. 当他还很小的时候,他母亲就改嫁给了罗杰·克林顿。于是比尔改姓克林顿。
The brothers said they were trying to break into the business and had a right to use their family name. 兄弟俩说,他们正在努力闯进这个行业,并且有权使用自己的姓氏。
c: i'd prefer to call you mr. buchwald. isn't it rather disrespectful to make a nickname out of one's family name? 我更愿意称呼您布奇华先生。用别人的姓做昵称,不是很不礼貌吗?
The first one was an old man from the Chu State, with a family name of Li, given name Er, and a studio name of "Bo Yang" . 第一个老子是春秋末年楚国人,姓李名耳字伯阳,曾担任周王朝的“守藏室史”,相当于皇家档案馆或图书馆的馆长。
I would hesitate to call you anything but Mr. Buchwald. Isn't it rather disrespectful to make a nickname out of the family name? 除了布奇华先生之外,我不好直呼其他名字,替别人另外取绰号,不是很不礼貌吗?
Price said the story had been driven entirely by Mosley's family name and the paper's pursuit of "sexual titillation" . 普赖斯说,报道完全倒向于莫斯利家族与赤裸裸的“性冲动”。
Family Name - Herbert Regardless of cultural background , safety is the goal of every airline pilot . 除去文化背景的差异,安全是航空公司每一名飞行人员共同的目标。
Shenyang: I share a similar fate with her, with a grandpa by the same family name of Bi. 小沈阳:其实,毕老师,我的命运(敏感词语)跟她是一样的,我也有一个姓毕的姥爷。
If an Indian was converted, he might take a baptismal or Christian name, and then bear his old one as a family name. 如果一个印第安人皈依了基督教,他会取一个受洗名或教名,然后把原有的名当作姓。
who supposed that, though to be well favoured might be the gift of fortune, a family name came by nature. 他们只是认为,尽管人长得漂亮也许是运气赐予的,但是一个家庭的姓氏却是天生的。
If the colleague has a title, the safest address is to use their family name plus their title. Delete the word "deputy" . 如果同事有职位头衔,最安全无误的便是用姓氏加头衔这种方式来称呼他们。
My Chinese family name sets me apart from others with different family names. It also confers on me a family responsibility. 我的姓氏把我和其他姓氏的华人区别出来,并且赋予了我家族的责任感。
I have been researching my family name and has turned out to be stranger than it sounds, as it's a Norman name. 我曾经研究过我们家的姓。结果呢,它的来历比它的发音更奇怪——是一个诺曼名字。
According to the customs of that time, Obed would be responsible for providing for his grandmother Naomi and keeping her family name alive. 按照当时的规矩。俄备得将会负责供养他的外祖母拿俄米,使她的家族姓氏得以延续。
She had no family name; she had no family; no baptismal name; the Church no longer existed. 她没有姓,因为她没有家;她没有教名,因为当时教堂已不过问这些事了。
Gave her the family name under which the booking was made but she insisted that she needed the booking reference number. 登记了预定的家庭名称后,她坚持需要预定保证号码。
At the time of registering, private information such as name, family name, and identity card and telephone numbers will be recorded as well. 在注册的同时,个人资讯,包括了姓名,身份证号及电话号码也必需登记。
As an Italian family name Paparazzo is said to be common in Calabria. 作为一个意大利人的姓氏,据说Paparazzo在卡拉布里亚地区很常见。
Betty Saadeh, glamorously coiffed, revs the turbo engine of her bright red Golf GTI, her family name emblazoned on the hood in yellow. 有着一头漂亮长发的贝蒂.萨德发动了那辆鲜红色高尔夫GTI赛车的引擎,在风帽上,用黄色字体标出了她的姓氏。
He discovered that there was a group in the east of the country that shared the same family name - Kinte. 他发现在该国的东部有一个家族都姓肯特。
This theory of transition of family name economy is a more detailed, more standard government model its theory viewpoint. 斯氏经济转型理论就其理论观点而言是一个更详细、更正规的政府模型。
The configurations of the words "family name" , "marry" , "wife" are just like a hologram, which show us the track of the transition. 甲骨文“姓”、“娶”、“妻”诸字的构形就像一幅全息图像,透示了其过渡的轨迹。
Origin of name: from the family name Yun, Zhuanxu Dili for the descendants of the Sun Vulcan . 姓氏起源:出自妘姓,为颛顼帝之孙祝融之后裔。
Cao Song had been born to the Xiahou family, but he had been brought up by Eunuch Cao Teng and had taken this family name. 曹歌曲所生的家庭,但他而言已经引起了滕国、太监曹操这个家族的姓氏。
These mottos usually refer to a family name, birthplace, coat-of-arms, or office held before election to the papacy . 这些题词通常是提到一个家族的名字,出生地,盾形纹章,或者是在被选为教宗之前所持有的公职。
More likely, however, he actually had a family name, and it was omitted carelessly from the list, or forgotten, after he was dead. 情况很可能是,他确实有一个姓,只不过由于疏忽从名单上略去,而在他死后也就被人遗忘。
Unexpectatively, Xin, a Chinese family name makes track for of the wood sword will also send out so brilliant light of fire. 想不到,辛追的木剑也会发出这么灿烂的火光。