put on

  • na.假话
  • 网络穿上;上演;戴上

第三人称单数:puts on 现在分词:putting on

put onput on

put on


初中英语短语大全 ... 65.brush one's teeth 刷牙 67.put on 穿上,戴上 68.take off 脱下,摘下 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... put off 推迟,拖延;阻碍 put on 穿上;上演;教唆 put out 熄灭;关(灯);出版 ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 65.brush one's teeth 刷牙 67.put on 穿上,戴上 68.take off 脱下,摘下 ...


考研英语常考固定词组(word下载版) - 豆丁网 ... put off 推迟,推延 put on 穿上,戴上;增加(体重) put out 熄灭,消灭 ...


初中英语短语大全_百度文库 ... at night 在夜里 67. put on 穿上,戴上 68. take off 脱下,摘下 69. ...


美女上错身 S1E01 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... stand: 台,座 put on: 装出,假装 breather: 短暂的休息时间 ...


演_百度百科 ... 演唱[ sing in a performance] 演出[ perform;show;put on;act] 演化[ evolution] ...

No matter how much water you put on it, it will never get soaked. 不论你对它倒多少水,它永远不会湿透。
He fixed a drink, quietly put on the tea and let him "on behalf of wine to tea" , not embarrassed because drinks do not drink. 看他喝不动了,就悄悄换上茶,让他“以茶代酒”,不至于因喝不下酒难堪。
As she was driving me home, she pulled into a lay-by to put on her rings. Then she leaned over towards me. 当她载着我回家的时候,她停在了路边戴上了她的戒指,随后她依偎着我。
Her face took on the semblance of a look of happiness as she put on her hat to go below. 当她戴上帽子走下楼去时,她脸上露出了高兴的模样。
She put on her things, and shook hands with Gerald without once meeting his eyes. And she was gone. 她收拾起自己的东西。她与杰罗尔德握手时,避开了他的视线。她走了。
If I had delayed my speech, it would have sent a message to the American people that their business had been put on the back burner. 如果我再推迟这个演讲,就相当于给美国民众传递这样一个信息——他们的事情并不重要。
While the company of the prophets was meeting with him, he said to his servant, 'Put on the large pot and cook some stew for these men. 先知门徒坐在他面前,他吩咐仆人说,你将大锅放在火上,给先知门徒熬汤。
Well, I used to be size fourteen, but I've put on a bit of weight recently, so may be sixteen. 额,我过去穿14码,但是我最近重了一点,所以可能要16码。
Also, he must change out of his street clothes and put on a gray jumpsuit when he wishes to see visitors. 他也必须脱下他的休闲服穿上一件灰色的连身裤,当他愿意见访客时。
Half an hour later, Marguerite, pale as death, put on her fur-lined cape and left the ball. 半个小时以后,玛格丽特脸色苍白得像死人一样,她穿上皮大衣,离开了舞会。
But put the pack against one of the trees and we jointed up the rod, put on the reels, tired on leaders and got ready to fish. 但是把背包挂在一棵树上后,我们就开始接鱼竿,装线轴,挂上铅弹,准备钓鱼。
The news of its discovery comes just a week after another "lost" El Greco work was put on display in Poland. 就在人们得知基督受洗图被发现前一周,另一幅“遗失”的埃尔·格列柯的作品在波兰展出。
But Germans are no longer so ready to be put on the moral defensive or to view the Nazi era as the defining episode of their past. 但是德国人再也不准备在道德上为自己辩护或者把纳粹时代视为对他们的过去起决定作用的时期。
Put on a coat, come to a cool and beautiful world, a morning oncoming plunged, with a little bit of snow aroma. 穿上大衣,来到了一个凉爽而美丽的世界,一股寒气迎面扑来,还带着一点点雪花的芳香。
He wanted to pop out to the corner shop, but realised he would have to put on a smart shirt and trousers, despite the intense humidity. 他想出去到街角的店铺里买点东西,但是意识到尽管天气湿度极大,他还得穿上漂亮的衬衫和裤子才能出门。
seems the boss wants me to put on a tie and begin acting like an executive. 看来老板要重用我,希望我西装革履像个行政部门官员。
Last night, critics said the plans should be put on hold until a major safety assessment had been conducted. 昨晚,批评人士指出,该计划应于主要的安全评估完成后开始实施。
This may be due to a lack of knowledge as it has always been reported that dairy is fatty and can cause you to put on weight. 这也许是认识不足的缘故,因为乳品使人肥胖并导致体重增加的报导已司空见惯。
He told me that following his last, flat-ish decade, he had recently put on a spurt, and was now singing better than ever before. 他告诉我,经历了过去平淡的10年后,他最近突飞猛进,现在唱得比以往任何时候都更好。
In your friend and her friends in front of a total not to put on a pair of big men Laihuan to call it. 在你的朋友和她的朋友面前不要总一摆出一副大男人呼来唤去的样子。
Nevertheless, I counted down the days until the end of the field hockey season, vowing never to put on a pair of running shoes again. 尽管如此,我都会数着距离曲棍球赛季结束还剩几天,并发誓绝不再穿上跑鞋。
It got dark outside, and he put on his clothes and went for a pint in the pub at the top of her road. 天黑了,他穿上衣服走到她家路口的酒吧喝酒。
It does no good to put on airs against the Ontological proof, as it is called, and against Anselm thus defining the Perfect. 表面上人们无论如何高叫反对所谓本体论的证明,并反对安瑟尔谟对最完善的存在的规定,其实仍无济于事。
lot of good to see the sheep, and said: "The sooner you put on your clothes, go on like this, you will have frozen to death of. " 许多好心的羊看见了,说:“你快点穿上衣服吧,再这样下去,你会被冻死的。”
This kind of body, should be quite easy to put on the clothes, but must avoid the tight-fitting clothing or the low waist trousers. 这种体型,应该是比较容易穿衣的,但要避免紧身衣裤或低腰长裤。
It's also nice to put on a few personal messages to let people read and see what you are about. 提供一些个人信息能够让人们阅读并且了解到你是怎样的一个人,这也很不错。
He once refused to speak to his wife for several months because she told him to put on a winter coat. 一次,就因为妻子让他添件冬衣,他便数月不肯同她讲话。
Her obsession seemed to go way beyond a simple desire to know whether to put on a coat or carry an umbrella the next morning. 她的执念似乎远超过单纯想知道隔天早上是否该穿外套、是否该带雨伞的渴望。
I also put on a black gown, and remember that it did not fit perfectly, and that it interfered with my movements considerably. 我也穿上了黑袍,我记得它不太合身,严重地妨碍了我的行动。
Common questions we hear are, how much information should I put on a page and how big is a web page? 我们经常听到一个问题:网页中应该呈现多少信息,网页内容应该有多大?