the lottery

  • 网络彩票;摸彩;疯狂乐透

the lotterythe lottery

the lottery


1、剧中不断提及1948年Shirley Jackson的短篇小说《彩票》(The Lottery)。小说中,一个小镇特别选择一人为了丰收而献祭。


my blog - 达人(二里头) - 5D艺术网 ... by James Hurst 詹姆斯·赫斯特 The Lottery 摸彩 by SHIRLEY JACKSON 雪莱·杰克森 ...


鸿鹄杂记 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: ... 202. The Good Heart 一片好心 203. The Lottery 疯狂乐透 204. Leaving 为爱远离 ...


抽彩The Lottery) 秀丽潆克逊(Shirley Jackson)保存到微盘 为资料评星: 用手机下载 常见问题 资料星级: 资料格式:W…


...济学院,湖南长沙 410008) 摘要:短篇小说《抽签》(The Lottery)是美国当代女小说家雪 莉·杰克逊于1948 年发表的经典 …


精华区 - 批踢踢实业坊 ... 18:00 穿越生死线 Do Or Die 19:30 中彩日 The Lottery 21:00 意外的人生 Regarding Henry ...

You won't believe how much money I won from the lottery. 你肯定不会相信我买彩票赢了多少钱。
He excitedly told me that he had just won the lottery, but I gave him a slap in the face when I told him that his ticket was expired. 他兴奋地告诉我中了六合彩,仔细看才发现原来彩票过期,我就像把一盆冷水泼向他。
Colin's immediate reaction, just as I'd hoped, was to look like a man who'd been told he'd won the Lottery. 科林的第一反应不出我所料,他看起来就好像是听说自己买彩票中了似的。
Officially the lottery games are different from gambling, but in practice there is often no obvious distinction. 按照官方的说法,彩票游戏与赌博不同,但事实上,它们之间往往没有明显的区别。
Perhaps they intend to marry a movie star or to win the lottery but working their way up is not part of the plan. 也许他们想嫁个电影明星,或者中个大奖什么的,自力更生不在其计划之列。
"I'm only going to be remembered as the lunatic who won the lottery, " he said. 我恐怕仅仅被当作一个赢了大奖的疯子而留在人们的记忆中。
All this has transformed the lottery from a glorified tax on the poor, as it is in most countries, into part of the social fabric. 所有这些都把圣诞彩票从一个对穷人的额外税附(大多数国家是如此)变成了社会网络架构的一部分。
The money he got from winning the lottery allowed him to live out his dream of sailing around the world. 他中彩票获得的钱足以让他实现航海环游世界的梦想。
Bill didn't even bat an eye when they told him he had just won the lottery. He just shrugged and said, 'Well, I guess I can use the money. 当他们告诉Bill他中了乐透的时候他眼睛都没有眨一下,他耸肩并说道:“哦,那我猜我可以用那钱了。”
In other words, Americans think you are just as likely to get rich by winning the lottery as you are by saving. 换句话说,美国人认为你通过省钱致富的概率和中彩票发家差不多。
Yet when a close friend in Madrid managed to land a table, I felt as if I had won the lottery. 但当马德里的一位密友想方设法搞到一张桌位时,我感觉仿佛中了彩票一般。
The Lottery, with its weekly pay-out of enormous prizes, was the one public event to which the proles paid serious attention. 彩票每星期开奖一次,奖金不少,这是无产者真正关心的一件大事。
He was trying to be very quiet about it but the news that he had won the lottery spread rapidly by word of mouth. 他本来不想别人知道,但是他中了彩票头奖的消息还是很快口头传开了。
As people's concept of consumption become mature, the lottery market is entering into a stage of stable development. 消费者的消费观念日趋成熟后,彩票市场逐步进入稳定发展的阶段;
Naturally, it would help if the Olympics did not cannibalise too much of the lottery funding for grass-roots sport. 自然,如果奥运会没有占用太多原本用于全民体育健身的彩票基金的话,应该会有所帮助。
The lottery winners were also asked how much they enjoyed buying clothes, a question that was omitted in the case of the quadriplegics. (那些中彩者还被问及他们从购物中获得多少享受,这个问题同样也用到了四肢瘫痪的受访者当中)。
Even the Spanish Civil War did not succeed in shaking the lottery's grip: each side held its own Christmas draw. 连曾经的西班牙内战都没能动摇彩票的吸引力:内战双方都举办了圣诞抽奖。
'It was like winning the lottery. . . a magical night, ' he said. 他说,就像是彩票中奖一样……那真是一个神奇的夜晚。
A Did I wake you up? I'm sorry. But I had to tell you that I won the lottery. 我在做梦吗?不好意思,但是我得告诉你我中大奖啦。
AEG officials are trying to make sure that the lottery winners can't resell the tickets. AEG管理人士正在努力确保中签获得入场券的人不能倒手转卖门票。
The next day he picked up his winnings from the lottery And gave a part to a beggar in real misery. 次日,他领取了一笔奖金。他把一部分的奖金送给一个可怜的乞丐。
What were the odds that I just happened to stumble upon the only breakable game the very first time I played the lottery? 在我玩乐透的第一次就恰好撞上了唯一一种可以被破解的游戏,这样的几率该有多小呢!
Staff said, the lottery system profit as coin, but you can escape the relevant department of the inspection. 工作人员表示,出彩票系统的获利不如退币,但是可以逃过相关部门的检查。
An old man turned ninety-eight He won the lottery and died the next day. 他赢得了大彩,但第二天就死掉了。
He enjoys competitive sports, so get him tickets to the next Super Bowl game. Won the lottery? Buy him a Harley Davidson motorcycle. 他享受竞争的运动,因此对下一个超级杯决赛游戏拿票给他。
Through time , however , the lottery winner can persuade herself that she deserves the money . 然而,随着时间的流逝,中奖者可以说服自己,让自己认为这钱是自己应得的。
Authorities in traffic-clogged Beijing began using the lottery in an attempt to control the number of vehicles on the streets. 当局在交通拥堵的北京使用摇号的方法旨在控制路面上的行车量。
In "The lottery of life" you get the chance to find out how your life might have looked like if you were born in another country. 在“生命的彩票”你得到机会来发现你的生活怎么可能有一样,如果你在其他国家出生的照顾。
Professor: All right. Suppose everyone agrees to the lottery. They had the lottery. The cabin boy loses, and he changes his mind. 教授:好的。假设每个人都同意的抽签,他们已经抽签。那个男孩抽中那个签,但他改变了主意。
When Srivastava reported his finding, he was referred to Rob Zufelt, a member of the lottery corporation's security team. 当斯利瓦斯塔瓦报告了他的发现之后,他被引见给了罗伯·祖菲尔(RobZufelt),这个乐透公司安全组的一个成员。