
美 [tʌŋ]英 [tʌŋ]
  • n.舌头;语言;方言;嘴巴
  • v.舔;榫接;嵌接
  • 网络鞋舌;舌状物;岩舌

复数:tongues 现在分词:tonguing 过去式:tongued

hold tongue,tongue speak,bite tongue
native tongue


n. v.

1.[c]舌;舌头the soft part in the mouth that moves around, used for tasting, swallowing, speaking, etc.

2.[u][c]口条the tongue of some animals, cooked and eaten

3.[c]语言a language

4.[sing]说话方式a particular way of speaking

5.有…说话方式的;说话…的speaking in the way mentioned

7.[c]~ (of sth)舌状物something that is long and narrow and shaped like a tongue


get your tongue around/round sth

正确发出(难读单词)的音to pronounce a difficult word correctly

hold your tongue/peace

忍住不说;保持缄默to say nothing although you would like to give your opinion

roll/slip/trip off the tongue

容易说(或发音);顺口to be easy to say or pronounce

set tongues wagging

惹得满城风雨;使议论纷纷;招闲话to cause people to start talking about sb's private affairs

with your tongue in your cheek|with tongue in cheek

说说而已;半开玩笑地if you say sthwith your tongue in your cheek , you are not being serious and mean it as a joke


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... the United Kingdom 英国 tongue n 舌头;语言;口语 △ mother tongue 母语 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... the United Kingdom 英国 tongue n 舌头;语言;口语 △ mother tongue 母语 ...


关于鞋子的英语_百度文库 ... Quarter 鞋腰(身) Tongue 鞋舌 Insole 中底 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... tone 音调;风气;腔调;色调 tongue 舌,舌头;语言 too 也,太 ...


高中英语单词表 ... tonight ad. 在今晚;在今夜 n.今晚,今夜 tongue n. 舌头;语言;舌状物(火舌) tomb n. (隆起的)墓(穴) ...


方言tongue),顾名思义就是指语言,指为交流、沟通而说的系统性的语言。启示录14:6节说,“我又看见另有一位天使飞 …


石油英语词汇(T3)--石油百科 ... tongue of flame 火舌 tongue 舌;岩舌 tongue-and-groove coupling 舌槽榫合联轴器 ...

The meaning , tongue diagnose used in clinic . stick out a smile . and the image of tongue is also be a impersonality proof . 中医舌诊的临床意义显而易见,同时舌象又是作为中医诊断辨证的不可缺少的客观依据。
Slang is nothing but a dressing-room where the tongue having some bad action to perform, disguises itself. 黑话只不过是语言在要干坏事时用来改头换面的化装室。
I wonder if there's a way to ask him in gargoyle-tongue. 不知有没有用滴水嘴兽语和他交流的方法。
What has a head like a giraffe, a body like a horse, stripes like a zebra, and a blue tongue long enough to clean its own ears? 它的头像长颈鹿,身体像马,又有斑马的条纹,还有长到可以用来舔耳朵的蓝色舌头,它是什么来的呢?
It's obviously a little bit of tongue in cheek towards NASA, if somebody knows it is an American song, especially if patriotic for America. 这显然是在挖苦nasa,如果有人知道这是一首美国爱国主义歌曲。
There was also a section on the webpage for tongue lengthening, which I'm sure a few people out there may be interested in as well. 在这个页面上还有一部分是关于如何让舌头变长的内容,我想也许会有人对此感兴趣吧。
In an alien gesture of authority, he would often punctuate such calls with a flicker of his long, forked tongue. 作为一个显示权威的异族动作,他经常吐出长而分叉的舌头来强调这种呼吁。
Allen Falkner's tongue is split down the middle, and when he sticks it out, it looks like a two-pronged snake tongue. 艾伦·福克讷的舌头从舌尖到舌中部分开,当他把舌头伸出来时,舌头就像是有著两个舌尖的蛇舌。
She put her thumbs into her ears, wagged her fingers, crossed her eyes and made a loud farting sound with her tongue. 她将两个拇指塞入耳朵,煽着手指,斗起双眼,用舌头打出一个响屁样的声音。
I've been talking a great deal about that lately, but tonight isn't for arguments, and I'm going to hold my tongue. 近来,我对此问题谈了许多,但是今晚不是讨论这个问题的时候,我愿保持缄默。
The earth hums to me nowadays in the sun, love a woman at her spinning, some bwhichlead of the old time in a forgotten tongue. 当今大地在太阳光里向我营营哼鸣,象一个织着布的妇人,用一种已经被忘却的语言,哼着一部分古代的歌曲。
and vibrant " tongue, he said in his acceptance speech, and it had provided him " a niche where I can do meaningful work. 他在应邀的一次讲演中说,英语是一种“包容性强,充满活力的语言”,它给他提供了“一个可以从事有意义的工作的空间。”
for after a day or two at sea he began to appear on deck with hazy eye, red cheeks, stuttering tongue, and other marks of drunkenness. 由于出海一两天后,他便开始带着迷糊的眼神、发红的面孔、结巴的舌头,以及其他酗酒的迹象出现在甲板上。
Tablets may be chewed, or placed on the child's tongue and allowed to dissolve, or mashed in water in a teaspoon. 可嚼片,或放置在孩子的舌头含化,或在一茶匙用水捣碎。
The name of that old flame who kissed you in Kew Gardens way back when is on the tip of your tongue. Your memory is atrocious. 很久以前在基尤花园吻你的旧情人的名字到了嘴边却说不上来,你的记忆力糟透了。
If anyone thinks himself to be religious and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this one's religion is vain. 若有人自以为是虔敬的,却不勒住他的舌头,反欺骗自己的心,这人的虔敬是虚空的。
A question put to one radio agony uncle - "If I'm having lunch with an Aids carrier and I bite my tongue, can I catch Aids? " 在节目中曾经有人问到“如何同艾滋病携带者一起吃饭时我咬破了自己的舌头,会得艾滋病吗?”
Eg . She was not the shrew who had a glib tongue to defend herself with a vicious vocabulary and a fast lip. 她不是那种伶牙利齿的泼妇,不会用恶毒的词句和如簧之舌来保护自己。
Without a face, the tongue, teeth, nose, eyes and mouth will have to stay outside. 没有脸的话,舌头、牙齿、鼻子、眼睛和嘴巴都要露在外面了。
When a man and a woman die, as poets sung, His heart's the last part moves--her last, tongue. 如诗人所吟诵的一般,人死的时候,男人最后停止活动的部分是心脏,而女人则是舌头。
What is beneficial to the body from a nutrition standpoint is usually not what is experienced delicious by the tongue. 因为从营养学角度来看对身体有益的食物通常并不可口美味。
I bit my tongue! This was the only time that I had slurred on the phone and Master caught me in the act! 我暗暗吐舌头,那是我仅有的一次在讲电话时敷衍了事,马上就被逮个正着。
Teeth is often bite my tongue, not to mention it, or two separate individuals. 就是牙齿也还常常咬了舌头,何况还是两个独立个体呢。
"Israel has no intention of giving the flu any new names. It was nothing more than a slip of the tongue , " the official said. 这位官员说:「以色列无意为这种流感冠上任何新名称,这只是一时失言罢了。」
Burke has done research on "tots, " those tip-of-the-tongue times when you know something but can't quite call it to mind. “tots”-舌尖现象,也就是你分明知道某事,但一时却回想不起来。
One lie has even become such a standard, that it's more of a joke than a real lie. I've said it to my son, but always with tongue-in-cheek. 有句谎话甚至被我讲成了笑话,我总是半玩笑半认真的对儿子提起它。
He almost spills his drink, is sort of tongue tied, but does manage to say his name is Frank. 他几乎喷出了他的饮料,像是舌头打结了,结结巴巴的说出他的名字叫弗兰克。
Words were on the tip of his tongue, but he was unable to say. If he opened his mouth to make a tiny sound, he would burst into tears. 话到嘴边不能说出口,张开嘴或者发出一点微细的声音都会冲破泪水的闸门。
The ink must surely have served to color his tongue to make it look like he'd been a victim of the same poison as Philibert. 这墨水一定曾被用来染黑他的舌头,使他看上去象是和菲利布特一样的被下了相同的毒药而致死。
But I should really hold my tongue until I see some more advanced builds of Catalyst to give it a fair review. 或许我真的应该保持沉默,除非看到更棒的Catalyst之后再给出合理的评价。