the 4400

the 4400the 4400

the 4400

The 16 euro-zone countries have agreed to guarantee up to 440 billion in loans if any among them is unable to borrow from private markets. 欧元区16个国家已同意,若任何一个成员国无法从私营市场借款,它们将确保为其提供至多4,400亿美元的贷款。
per ton of 4400-low cost of $, which means that most of the realisation have no profit at all, or even a loss. 每吨4400元的价格,意味着大部分造纸企业都无利可图,甚至出现亏损。
The commerce ministry counters with its own forecast that the SEZs will generate additional revenues of 440 billion rupees. 商务部则根据自己的预期予以反驳,称经济特区将创造4400亿卢比的额外税收。
Coke said it would also be on the lookout for acquisitions, citing its recent $44 million stake in British smoothie maker Innocent Ltd. 可口可乐表示,还会继续寻求收购,其最近收购了英国果昔厂家InnocentLtd。价值4,400万美元的股份。
Over the next two years, teacher pay went up $4, 400, the fastest growth rate in the nation. 在接下来的两年里,教师的工资涨了4400美元,这在全国是最快的增长幅度。
l The 4400 Sport Yacht with IPS drives. The new infusion process in laminating the hull has created a strong yet lighter weight structure. 附有IPS驱动器的4400运动游艇。新的层压灌输过程使船身坚固且更轻。
To push back against that contagion, the euro zone agreed to a wide expansion of its 440 billion bailout fund. 为防止危机蔓延,欧元区同意大规模扩大4,400亿欧元救助资金的范围。
It will replace, in 2013, the 440 billion temporary facility created in May and now being used to help Ireland. 它将在2013年替代今年5月份创建、目前正用于帮助爱尔兰的4,400亿欧元临时救助工具。
Some $440 billion in credit default swaps sat on the company's books before it collapsed. AIG在瘫倒之前就有大约4400亿美元的CDS记在公司的帐簿上了。
Worldwide, remittance flows are expected to reach $440 billion by the end of this year. 从全世界来看,海外汇款流量预计到今年年底将达到4400亿美元。
The $4, 400 price tag to switch to natural gas included permitting, new equipment, installation and removal of his oil tank. 在4400美元的价格标签改用天然气列入允许的情况下,新设备,安装和拆除他的油罐。
The EFSF is a lending vehicle of up to 440 billion euros which is backed by euro zone government guarantees. EFSF贷款基金在获得欧元区政府担保支持下,最大规模可达4,400亿欧元。
When you look back with the benefit of hindsight, it is truly amazing how outsized A. I. G. 's insurance commitment was, at $440 billion. 当你事后回头看时,那真是令人惊讶,AIG这4400亿美元的保险契约真是多么过分。
Earlier, they had decided to widen the facility's actual lending capacity to 440 billion ($602 billion). 两位领导人早先曾决定将该基金的贷款能力提高至4,400亿欧元(合6,020亿美元)。
The fund will be able to borrow as much as euro 440 billion ($537 billion) to lend to struggling countries. 该基金将会把高达4400亿欧元(5370亿美元)贷款借给艰难挣扎中的国家。
The U. K. is the second-largest recipient of Chinese investment, but that investment still totaled just $44 million in 2009. 英国是中国投资第二大接收国,但2009年这一投资总额仅4400万美元。
In the short term, the 440 billion euros in the EFSF appears adequate to recapitalize the banks and fund fiscal gaps in Greece and Portugal. 短期内,EFSF的4,400亿欧元看来足以应付银行业的注资需求,并填补希腊和葡萄牙的财政缺口。
The previous year, Fox Searchlight's 'Slumdog Millionaire' rocketed to $143 million, from $44 million before its nomination. 2009年,福克斯探照灯(FoxSearchlight)出品的《贫民窟的百万富翁》(SlumdogMillionaire)票房从提名前的4400万美元攀升至1.43亿美元。
The EFSF will now be able to use 440 billion ($612 billion) to guarantee about 1 trillion of bonds. 目前,EFSF将可利用4,400亿欧元(合6,120亿美元)为约1万亿欧元的债券担保。
The central bank's statement says the clearinghouse will have 300 million yuan, or about $44 million, in registered capital. 央行的声明说,上海清算所的注册资本金将为人民币3亿元,约合4400万美元。
The lawsuit seeks to recover some $44 million on behalf of victims of the Madoff fraud. 在诉讼中,皮卡德还代表马多夫诈骗案的诸多受害者,向鲁丝索赔4,400万美元。
It lacks the firepower: its total uncommitted usable resources are only about $440bn. IMF火力不足:其全部可自由支配的资金只有4400亿美元左右。
Wachovia said it has already cut 2, 000 retail mortgage jobs and plans to eliminate 4, 400 more in the next year. 瓦乔维亚称已经裁掉2,000个零售抵押贷款职位,并计划在未来一年再裁掉4,400多个。
The Model 4400's low profile makes it the perfect choice for moving into low shipping containers and trailers. 该4400型重式叉车是低集装箱和拖车的最佳选择。
Singapore, ahead of the game by 20 years, is reckoned to have a $440bn or so in investment agencies Temasek and GIC. 根据估算,在这方面领先了20年的新加坡,其投资机构淡马锡和新加坡政府投资机构(GIC)掌握着约4400亿美元的资金。
Analysts say the current pot of 440 billion euros is too small to rescue Spain or Italy if they get into trouble. 分析人士说,目前4400亿欧元的财力,一旦西班牙和意大利也陷入危机时,就成为杯水车薪的局面了。
The award winning $44 million Gateshead Millennium Bridge is the first and only tilting bridge in the world. 曾为其设计者带来4400万美元巨额奖金的盖茨亥德千禧桥是世界上第一座也是唯一一座摆式大桥。
Seventy years ago the average income in America's South was $314 a year. 70年前,美国南方的人均收入是314美元,折合成今天的价值,大概有4,400美元。
The World Bank says rising food prices have pushed an extra 44 million people into poverty since last June. 世界银行表示,自去年六月份粮食价格上涨导致又有大约4400万人口陷入贫困。
The EU has established a 440 billion euros ($606. 3 billion) sovereign rescue fund, mainly in response to the Greece crisis. 主要为应对希腊危机,欧盟建立了4,400亿欧元(合6,063亿美元)的主权救助基金。