
美 [tɔrn]英 [tɔː(r)n]
  • v.“tear”的过去分词
  • 网络撕裂;撕开;撕破




cs1.6地图的全部中文名 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... de_survivor 幸存者、生还者 de_torn 撕裂、破裂 cs_italy 意大利(国家) ...


高考英语词根词缀记忆大全第五部分 ... jubil=shout of joy (欢呼) laver=torn撕开) lass=weaty (倦) ...


【在线听音乐】经典歌曲及纯音乐千余首 ... 8 Wide open 完全打开 10 Torn 撕破 11 Save tonight 今晚保留 ...


城镇水路Torn)(暂时只在韩国版有) 列车站台(Train)(暂时只在台湾/香港版,中国大陆版和韩国版有) 秋枫神社(Tr…


全球... ... 《Valerie 瓦莱丽》、澳洲才女娜塔莉曾演唱的 《Torn 心碎》,突显各团员演唱实力和合音的协调度。抒情歌曲 1 Intr…


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译... ... tormentress 使痛苦的女人 torn 扯破 tornado 旋风 ...


Unit 1 Personal Relationships ... holiday season: 休假期 torn: 破的 pass by: 路过 ...

It had an evil influence on society and had to be torn down immediately, " said an official. " 并对社会造成恶劣的影响,必须立即拆除。
If I were his lawyer, I would have torn the evidence to shreds, or at least tried to. 我要是他的律师,我就把那些证据一条一条驳斥掉,起码我会努力这么去做。
That's just what I said to myself when I woke up this morning, but when I looked on the floor, there was the veil, torn in two halves! 这也是早晨醒来时我对自己说的,可我看地上的时候,那儿真有面纱,而且撕成了两半!
One of them went away from me, and I said, "He has surely been torn to pieces. " And I have not seen him since. 一个离开我出去了;我说他必是被撕碎了,直到如今我也没有见他。
Having lived for five years in the Dominican Republic, I am able to understand the two concepts of time but am torn between them. 在多米尼加共和国住了五年后,我对两地的时间观念有了深刻的理解,也深受其苦。
it had sought human companionship and help and it made no threatening gesture as she looped one end of the torn petticoat about its horns. 它在艰苦中到处寻找人类来帮助它,所以当她把那条用衬裙做的绳子系在牛角上时,牛也没有做出任何威胁的姿态。
The photograph of the leader had been torn down in the night by his enemies. 这位领导人的照片在夜晚被他的敌人撕了下来。
The man's tie was stained, his face was smeared with red lipstick, and a half empty bottle of gin was sticking out of his torn coat pocket. 这人的领带上有污斑,他的脸上净是唇膏印,还有半瓶杜松子酒从他撕破的口袋里伸出来。
as common as knee or ankle sprains, torn ACLs put players out of the game for up to a year. 虽然不像膝盖或脚踝扭伤亚囊经常出现,但是前十字交叉韧带撕裂会让运动员停赛最长达一年之久。
The melee ends as quickly as it had erupted, torn pieces of money lying like confetti on the ground. 但这样的混乱很快被打断了,撕碎的钱币如五彩碎纸散落满地。
She worked all day now and the child lay on an old torn quilt on the ground, asleep. 她整天在地里干活,娃娃就躺在地上的一张破旧的被子上睡觉。
Little children torn up and eaten by dogs are a sad sight no doubt, but not once do we look for the actual reasons for this plight. 毫无疑问幼小的儿童被狗撕咬甚至吃掉是一幅凄惨的景象,但我们一次也没有去寻找造成如此困境的真正原因。
The fat of an animal found dead or torn by wild animals may be used for any other purpose, but you must not eat it. 自死的和被野兽撕裂的,那脂油可以作别的使用,只是你们万不可吃。
This greatly reduced the speed of the ship, for there was a danger that if he travelled too quickly this rudder would be torn away as well. 这大大降低了船航行的速度,因为如何船行驶太快,舵很危险,有可能还会被刮走。
But a member from the wrecker crew said both front tyres were punctured and the front left wheel was almost torn off. 但是,会员从破坏者船员说,前轮胎被扎破左前方车轮几乎撕下。
When he arrived at the scene, he says, the door of professor Ali-Mohammadi's house was torn off and there was a fire. 他说,当他赶到现场时,穆哈马迪教授房子的门被炸掉了,房子还着了火。
The outburst might have been generated by a star torn to shreds when it ventured too close to a black hole in its host galaxy, he suggests. 他猜测,这次爆炸可能是因为一颗被撕成碎片的恒星过于靠近其所在星系的一个黑洞引起的。
The Happy Prince has given his precious stones to the people to help them and yet his statue is still being torn down at the end of the day. 欢愉王子给啦他地宝石地人去协助他们,但他地雕像仍被撤除,在一天地完毕。
Scarlett blew her nose on her torn handkerchief, and they started up the dark drive arm in arm, the horse following slowly. 思嘉用她的破手绢擤了擤鼻涕,然后他们彼此挽着胳臂走上黑暗的车道,那骑马在后面缓缓地跟着。
China is defending its stance on Sudan, arguing that it has taken a constructive role in trying to settle the conflict in war-torn Darfur. 中国为其苏丹问题的立场辩护,辩称已经为努力解决被战争蹂躏的达尔富尔地区的冲突扮演了一个建设性的角色。
What has happened to all your joy? I can testify that, if you could have done so, you would have torn out your eyes and given them to me. 你们当日所夸的福气在那里呢?那时你们若能行,就是把自己的眼睛剜出来给我,也都情愿。这是我可以给你们作见证的。
The leaves had been torn down by the rain, by the wind, some by day, some at night, they now formed a deep carpet over the forest floor . 这些落叶有些在白天,有些在夜里被雨打落,被风吹落,如今在森林的地面上形成了一条厚厚的落叶毯子。
That southernmost section was torn down in the 1960s, long before any thought of turning the line into a park. 铁路最南端的部分于上世纪六十年代被拆除,之后过了很长时间,才有人提议可以将剩下的部分改造成公园。
Forgiveness ought to be like a cancelled note--torn in two, and burned up, so that it never can be shown against one. 宽恕就得想取消一张票据一样——撕成两半,烧掉,再也无法向任何人出示。
After I finished ripping it up, I looked on my desk to see my brainstorming paper fully intact, and my essay torn into bits. 突然,我发现我的草稿纸完好无缺地放在我的桌子上,我TMD撕的是我刚写好的散文。
The Berlin Wall, the major symbol of communist oppression, was torn down in November of that year. 的共产主义压迫的主要的象征,柏林墙被推倒在这一年的11月。
Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang has arrived at a renowned private hospital in London to receive surgery on his torn right Achilles tendon. 中国跨栏运动员刘翔已经抵达伦敦一家著名的私立医院接受右脚跟腱手术。
The vicious drug lord, found in an alley just around the corner with his head cutoff, and his spinal column torn from the body. 就在最近,大毒枭金·威利被发现死在小巷的拐角,头被砍掉,脊柱都被扯出体外。
So far, 2011 is proving to be the year of the unexpected, a year in which plans are already being torn up. 迄今为止,事实已经证明,2011年将是无法预期的一年,计划都已被撕得粉碎。
The photograph of the unpopular leader had been torn down in the night by his enemies. 那位不受欢迎的领导人的照片在晚上被他的敌人扯下来。