
美 [ˈnoʊtɪs]英 [ˈnəʊtɪs]
  • n.注意;通知;通告;布告
  • v.注意;留意;意识到;注意到
  • 网络公告;注意事项;通知公告

复数:notices 现在分词:noticing 过去式:noticed

issue notice,notice difference,notice sign,attract notice,pretend notice


n. v.

注意paying attention

1.[u]注意;理会;察觉the fact of sb paying attention to sb/sth or knowing about sth

通报信息giving information

2.[c]通告;布告;通知a sheet of paper giving written or printed information, usually put in a public place

3.[c]公告牌;警示牌a board or sign giving information, an instruction or a warning

宣布announcing sth

4.[c]启事;声明a small advertisement or announcement in a newspaper or magazine

5.[c]通知a short announcement made at the beginning or end of a meeting, a church service, etc.


6.[u]预告;警告information or a warning given in advance of sth that is going to happen

辞职;搬迁when leaving job/house

7.[u]辞职信;搬迁通知a formal letter or statement saying that you will or must leave your job or house at the end of a particular period of time


at short notice|at a moments notice

随时;一经通知立即;没有准备时间not long in advance; without warning or time for preparation

on short notice


懒人ios代码库-ios项目开源库实例 ... 手势交互( Gesture) 通知( Notice) 选择器( Picker) ...


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 2158 thief n 贼 2159 notice v 注意,通知 2160 robber n 强盗,盗贼 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... remain 留下;被遗留 notice 注意到;察觉到 produce 生产;制造 ...


龙将,龙将官网,51wan龙将礼包|龙将酒馆|武将... ... 新闻 News 公告 Notice 活动 Activity ...


防水涂料_百度百科 ... 施工工艺 Process 注意事项 Notice 产品概述 Production Outlind ...


四川省天全中学 ... 资源中心 Resource Center 通知公告 Notice 校园动态 Dynamic campus ...


通字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 通告〖 notify;announce;inform〗 通告notice;announcement〗 通共〖 inall;alltold;altogether〗 ...


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 1996 hall n 大厅,会堂,会馆 1997 notice n 通告,布告 1998 audience …

"To undress one of these women is like an outing that necessitates three weeks advance notice. " “想把她们的衣服脱掉就像需要提前三个星期通知的郊游”。
Take notice of every warning sign. Striding over the hazardous area is not allowed. 厂内行人要走指定通道,注意各种警告标志,严禁跨越危险区。
You can withdraw money from a deposit account by giving notice to the bank. This notice is usually seven days. 客户从账户上取款,要提前通知银行,通知之时间一般为七天。
But you don't have to be an expert to notice that things are not working all that well on the planet. 但你不需要非要是专家才能发现这世上那些不太好的事情。
It is required by law that a husband have to pay the debts of his wife until formal notice is given that he no longer has to pay them. 法律规定,在收到有关正式通知(通知其不必继续偿还)之前,丈夫有义务为妻子偿还欠款。
Notice that this stored procedure does not change the sequence number of an account already associated with the specified profile. 请注意,这个预存程序并不会变更已关联于指定设定档的帐户序号。
Think of a time when you were anxious or afraid of a future event, and notice what happened when that event happened and you experienced it. 想想当你对未来的事件感到焦虑或害怕时的情景,再留心下当事情最终发生而你所经历的情况。
And when finally some clerk does deign to notice you, you are made to feel as if you were interrupting him. 当终于有个售货员肯屈尊理你,那样子又让你感觉像是打扰了他。
for general civilities soon called his notice from her, and the farewell visit, as it then became openly acknowledged, was a very short one. 随即,他又公开表明他是来告别的,因而这场告别式的造访很快便结束了。
The little girl who never seemed to notice anything stared at him with wide eyes. 此时,这个对身边事物似乎从不在意的小姑娘,瞪大了双眼盯着麦克。
I had never taken any notice of the thing before, but now, as I lay staring at it, a most extraordinary idea came into my head. 我从来没留意过那幅画,可是当时,我躺在那儿盯着它看时,有了个特别不寻常的想法。
She was lost in thought, and did not seem to notice that everyone was looking at her. 她沉思着,似乎没有注意到大家都在看她。
You have found a new job and you're ready to give two weeks notice to your current employer. 你找到了份新工作,准备提前两个星期通知你现在的雇主。
Notice that the view does not need to be orthographic. You can specify any viewpoint to be the Front view. 请注意,不需要对视图进行正投影。您可以将任何检视点的视图指定为前视图。
In conclusion, the Trespass Notice has not been validly issued given that Kevin enjoys rights as a director and co-owner of the company. 结论:“禁止非法侵入通告”无效,因为凯文享有作为董事和公司拥有人之所有权利。
A short announcement on the notice board of Kathmandu's Assumption Church said the suspension came into effect on August 1. 在加德满都圣母升天堂的告示板上一则简短公告指出,禁制令由八月一日起生效。
King QingYue took the children to see Chen, notice he scanned the sky and the public telephone address, let heaven to find LiangGongYu Chen. 王清越带着孩子来看陈顶天,通知他查到了公用电话的地址,让陈顶天去找梁红玉。
At least I could have got a more interesting stand in than James. Do you know how hard it is to find a good fake boyfriend on short notice? 至少我可以找到一个比James更有趣的替补你知道要马上找到一个优秀的假男朋友有多难吗?
You may not even notice it as you begin to do less and less of the things you did when you were dating. 你可能都没注意到,你在约会的时做的事情现在越来越少了。
How much notice is require before you report to work on a long term assignment? 如果有一个长期的任务,你需要多少?
blew to give notice that the boat was about to leave. 汽笛声响起是告知船即将启航。
Take no notice of what he said - he was just being silly. 不要理会他所说的话——他只是一时糊涂。
You'll notice that you can set the sun to be at particular positions based on the time of day. Play around with it. 你可能会看到你可以基于一天中的时间来设置太阳属性。
Each December we sent her a tax notice, which would be returned by the post office a week later, unclaimed. 每年十二月我们都寄给她一张纳税通知单,但一星期后又由邮局退还了,无人收信。
'I was in the middle of serving a customer so I was running around trying to do something and didn't take too much notice, to be honest. “我正在为一位顾客服务,跑来跑去地干这干那,确实没太在意。”
Notice that this tab includes four fields: Available Values, Initial value, Expression, and save to, as shown in Figure 15. 注意该选项卡包含四个字段:AvailableValues、Initialvalue、Expression和saveto,如图15所示。
Darcy's farther notice; though often standing within a very short distance of her, quite disengaged, he never came near enough to speak. 他虽然常常站得离她很近,边上也没有人,却一直没有走过来跟她说话。
He was asked to leave for Xi'an at such short notice that he didn't even have time to call his wife. 他接到通知要他立即去西安,时间紧迫得连给他的妻子打电话的时间都没有。
The bulk of your goods are to go, as long as you notice it shipped directly to the factory's warehouse can be specified. 由于你的货是散货走,出货时只要你通知那家工厂直接送到指定的仓库即可。
You will notice that great part of it will be crap, and it will allow you to refine your style and avoid mistakes that you used to make. 你会发现所谓的精华成为了废话,这样可以帮助你完善你的风格,避免犯过去同样的错误。