
美 [nɑˈiv]英 [naɪˈiːv]
  • adj.缺乏经验的;幼稚的;无知的;轻信的
  • 网络天真的;朴素的;言行自然而天真的

比较级:naiver 最高级:naivest



1.缺乏经验的;幼稚的;无知的;轻信的lacking experience of life, knowledge or good judgement and willing to believe that people always tell you the truth

2.天真的;率直的innocent and simple


刘妍芝_百度百科 ... O——obbligato( 不可缺少的) N——naive天真的;淳朴的) I——intelligence( 聪明的) ...


以n开头的英语英文单词 ... nag 唠叨,烦扰 naive 幼稚的;天真的 naivete 天真烂漫,无邪,纯真 ...


心理学专业词汇翻译辞典 - MBA智库文档 ... nail biting 咬指甲癖 naive 朴素的 naive anthropomorphism 素朴拟人论 ...


英语六级高频词汇汇总_百度文库 ... suspicious a. 对……怀疑 naive a. 言行自然而天真的 质朴的 gloomy a. 暗淡的 ...


英语... ... mobile a. 活动的,流动的 分析: naive a. 言行自然而天真的,质朴的 分析: negligible a. 可忽略的,微不足道的 分 …

Naive blokes like me continued to think men were supposed to be handsome. 只有像我这样天真的人还认为男士应该英俊潇洒。
Regulators took the naive view that this was a good thing because risks were spread across more institutions. 监管机构天真地认为这是件好事,因为风险分散到了更多的机构身上。
He said you to now also so Mimi naive, I just playing a joke with you. 他说米米你到现在还这么天真,我只不过和你开个玩笑。
There in a dream, I can at least come face to face with you. I can be happy, I can smile naive smiles, I can chatter away freely. 至少在梦里,我可以见到你,我高兴,我没有挂虑地微笑,我不假思索地随口讲话。
Beginning to see when they feel the MaoAnYing played a little bit too naive melt, the idealized. 始看的时候就感觉到把毛岸英演得有点过于幼稚化、理想化。
I think, no matter how others look at me, look at my mother to see my family, I have such a naive mother had done enough. 我想,不管别人怎么看我,看我的妈妈,看我的家庭,我有这样一个天真妈妈就已经足够足够了。
Neil said him a bit stupid to compare Josephine, but I don't think so, he just looked naive, be clear in his mind in fact. 先生说跟约瑟芬比起来,有点儿笨,我倒觉得他只是外表看起来憨憨的,心里明白着呢。
The former head of one of India's largest foreign investors shakes his head and says it was naive about putting shareholders' cash there. 一家最大的外资企业的前领袖无可奈何地表示,把股东的钱投到这个地方,真是太幼稚了。
Laugh at my naive, thought can be good to see, even for a long time, the future is laughing at my foolishness. 笑自己的天真,以为能好到很久,看,就连未来都在笑我愚蠢。
Classmates laugh at me, let me unable to mind, they laugh at me with a balloon, has been too naive. 同学嘲笑我,让我无法想到的,他们在笑我一个气球,一直太天真了。
What I had interpreted as a malicious attempt to embarrass a naive freshman had been merely a moment of college fun. 我曾经被说成恶意为难一天真大一新生的事最终仅仅成为校园趣事。
Last appreciation outside the company, I put out a professional package of makeup to see under the naive charm. 上次公司外部升值,我穿上职业套装化了个幼稚妩媚的妆去见下属。
The biggest problem with this was that a naive processor is likely to load that DTD URL, which might be an unwanted network operation. 这样做的最大问题是新型的处理器很可能加载此DTDURL,而这可能是一种不必要的网络操作。
New security features were found to be unreliable and likely to lull naive users into a false sense of security. 新的安全性能并不可靠,似乎只是暂时的给天真的用户以一种错误的安全感。
Still, it would be naive to try to understand the spread of a 500m-strong religion without reference to sociology. 尽管如此,如果不考虑社会学,就试图去理解这个拥有5[font=宋体]亿多信众的信仰的扩展也是天真的。
At best, EU bureaucrats can be naive about how much integration ordinary voters will bear. 从最好的方面看,欧盟官员天真地幻想着普通选民们能承受多高的整合度。
This seems naive: a new party of the left, if it ever came into being, might split the Democratic vote and thus elect more Republicans. 在笔者看来,这种看法太过天真,如果真有一个新的左派政党,只会抢了民主党的选票,最终让共和党得益。
She knew, and I knew, that she sounded naive, but I think I would have exclaimed in the same way, except that Sylvia always woke up first. 她知道,我也知道,她听起来天真,但是我认为要是西尔维亚不老是第一个醒来的话,我会以相同的方式呼喊。
Can still see a group of look up at the sky has a dream of the children, is so naive, with green vigor. 依然能看到一群仰望天空有着梦想的孩子们,是那样的天真,拥有着青春活力,让生活更加充满乐趣。
All that now seems to belong to a distant, prelapsarian, naive age. 现在看来,这些终究只是那个遥远、纯洁而又天真的年代才有的。
If someone talks about liberty or equality there, most people will just laugh at him to be too naive. 如果有人谈论有关自由或平等,大多数人只会笑他太天真了。
This time was I naive, drink a few days, but he did not cough, the sound has changed in the sun. 这回还是我天真了,喝了几天,还不见止咳,把声都变晒。
Being naive, I did not realise that this would be a never changing truth. 天真的我没预料到这可能是永远都不会改变的事实。
In all probability, I am being naive, and she has got there way ahead of me, as most children seem to have these days. 很可能,我是天真的,她已经超越了我,正如当代的多数孩子一样。
Slowly and grudgingly the US may finally be starting to close its deficit as well after years of naive Keynesianism and fiscal opportunism. 多年来奉行天真的凯恩斯主义和财政机会主义的美国,可能最终也开始慢吞吞地着手缩减赤字。
But you would have to be naive not to see the endorsement as a verdict on the Bush years. 然而,如果你没有将该支持视为是对布什政绩的决断,那你无疑是天真幼稚的。
The magnitude of his expectations and naive faith in her financial prowess struck Inna like a splash of cold water. 他对她的巨大的期望和对她财政实力的天真的信心就像被凉水泼了一样垮掉了。
I remember a moving advertisement: a big-eyed little boy carrying his struggling with a basin of water, naive said to his mother: Mom, foot! 我记得一篇感人的广告:一个大眼睛的小男孩,吃力的端着一盆水,天真的对妈妈说:妈妈,洗脚!
Hometown naive blue! The swallow eager from south fly back, in Zhan basket sky peep out so, as if in singing hymns of spring. 家乡的天真蓝啊!燕子迫不及待的从南方飞回来了,在湛篮的天空中叽叽喳喳的叫着,仿佛在唱着春天的赞歌。
It might be a bit naive at the moment but there's a lovely freshness about what he does. 现在看来也许还有些稚嫩,但是他的作品有一种动人的清新气息。