how old

  • conj.多少岁
  • 网络多大;几岁;多大年纪

how oldhow old

how old


小学英语单词表_百度文库 ... old 年岁的 how old 多大 look 看 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... old adj. 年岁的;年老的;年长的 how old 多大年纪;几岁 speech n. 演说;讲演;说话;言论 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... old adj. 年岁的;年老的;年长的 how old 多大年纪;几岁 speech n. 演说;讲演;说话;言论 ...


特殊疑问词_百度百科 ... How soon: 多久 How old多少岁 How long: 多长(可用于时间,问做多长时间) ...


小学复习资料英语_百度知道 ... what for 为何目的 问目的 how old 多大 问年龄 how many 多少 问数量 ...


how many_百度百科 ... eg. How much can I get? 我能得到多少? how old 多大年龄 how far 多远 ...


人教版初一英语单词 ... old a. 年岁的;年老的;年长的 how old 多大岁数;几岁 speech n. 演讲;讲演;说话;言论 ...

And come to think of it, neither do any of the girls you know, no matter how old they are. 和试想想,也没有任何的女孩你也知道,不管如何岁,他们是。
And so, he wrote an op-ed piece in The Guardian about Katie's song, in which he said, well, we know exactly how old, how far from the edge. 当中,他指出我们确切知道宇宙边缘有多老及离我们多远,就是12--137亿光年,不是用猜的。
They make those decisions purely on how much money they have and how old the patients are. 他们纯粹是根据这些病人有多少钱、年纪有多大作出这些决定的。
'How old was the child? 'I asked, trying to control my excitement. “这个孩子多大?”我尽力控制着激动的心情问道。
Henry was sent by his mother to see how old Mrs. Smith was but was scolded by the old lady, why? 亨利听母亲的话去探望史密斯老太太,却被老太太训斥,这是为什么呢?
They asked me how old I was. I said 31 and he said I was still old enough to know better. 他问我有多大,我说我31岁,他说我还有很多东西要学。
Text A How Old Is She? A woman was having some trouble with her heart, so she went to see the doctor. 一位妇女的心脏有问题,所以她去看医生。
Maturity not to see how old you, but your shoulders strong enough to see multiple responsibilities. 成熟不是看你的年龄有多大,而是看你的肩膀能挑起多重的责任。
No matter how old she will be, perhaps there is always a nook in her heart for the moment when she entered the dance school as a child. 也许,不管她的年龄增长了多少,总有一处内心的空间永远留给她童年进舞蹈学校的那一刻。
The next day, she goes to McDonald's. She orders her lunch and asks the young man at the counter, "How old do you think I am? " 第二天,妇女去了麦当劳,她点了午餐后问柜台后的小伙子:“你瞧我有多大岁数?”
I do not know how old orange tree, but I know it has been his grandmother's most faithful patron saint. 我不知道老橘树有多大,但我却知道它一直是奶奶最忠实的守护神。
well , you would be surprised at how old that collectors market goes up to , " he said" . “是的,你会惊讶地发现这里有多大年纪的收藏者在购买。”他说。
But suppose the numbers were reversed. What if I had been around five when I taught a two- or three-year-old? How old does that make me? 但是假设数字颠倒了。如果我在大约五岁的时候教一个两到三岁的孩子会怎样?那样我是几岁?。
The warmth in their face goes away. You see women now and you know they're not young, but you can't tell how old they are. 这样的想法使女人脸上的光彩消失了,你看看这些女人,你知道她们已经不再年轻,却说不出她们确实的年龄。
He doesn't know how old he is; one of his friends says he might be 13; another suggests 15. 奥奇尔•库尔不清楚自己多大年纪,他的一个朋友说他可能是13岁,另一个则说他15岁。
Work out how old the oldest chondrules are, and you know when the sun ignited. 得出最老的陨石球粒的年龄,你就可以知道太阳是什么时候开始燃烧的。
How old was your grandfather when he came to live go get her with you? 当年你祖父搬来与你们同住时你有多大年纪?。
No matter how old or young, the object is to deceive the parents into thinking that this changeling is actually their child. 而不管他们年龄大小,我们的目标是骗过孩子的父母,让他们相信这个换生灵的的确确就是他们的亲骨肉。
She could not say how old she was or how many days were in a week, or even tell the time. 她也不能说出她多少岁,一星期有几天,甚至说不出时间。
Somebody can'ts help wanting to ask, can be these lawsuit caused to Yahoo how old the harm of degree? 有人不禁要问,这些诉讼会对雅虎造成多大程度的损害?
"They'd look at me, and say'How old are you again? How much experience do you have? 'And I say'I'm still in high school', " he recalled. “他们看着我说,‘再问一遍你多大了?你有多少执政经验?’我回答他们说‘我还在读高中。’”他回忆说。
He told me to move my chair a little bit closer to his bed and he asked me how old I was . 他叫我把椅子搬到靠近他的床的地方,然后问我多大了。
The degree of growth helps determine how old a puppy is, and the degree of wear and tartar helps estimate the age of an adult dog. 牙齿的生长状况能帮助你了解小狗有几个月了,而牙齿的磨损程度和牙垢则帮你估算大狗长几年了。
You'd be surprised at how old code can be resurrected into a possible and better routine, or maybe even an entire product. 你也许会惊叹,旧代码也能复活成为一种更好的程序,甚至是一个完整的产品。
It is fascinating to hear how old-fashioned New Labour sounds whenever it opens its mouth on the subject of terrorism. 任何时候听到已过时的新工党关于恐怖主义这个话题的说辞都是令人神往的。
It is OK to ask children how old they are, but it is not polite to ask old people about their age, especially women. 对于小孩子,问他们多大啦,是没问题的;但是询问年长者,尤其是女士的年龄,则是不礼貌的。
It would be interesting to know how old Harry was before he himself learned what his birthday was. 令人感兴趣的是:究竟哈利多大时,得知那一天是他的生日?
I remember that a month ago, I was looking at it from the High Line and a lady next to me said "how old is that building? " 我记得在一个月以前,我在高架线路上,旁边的一位女士问我:“这个建筑有多古老?”
And how old were you, though, when they told you you were going to be this messenger? 那个时候你多大,当他们告诉你你会称为这个信使的时候?
'By the way, how old is the manager? ' Jack pretends not to hear Lily's praise. ‘对啦,那位行长多大岁数?’杰克装作没听见莉莉的赞扬。