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Ultra Hard Metric

Ultra Hard Metric (UHM) Cable Assemblies Memory Card HeadersmicroSD™Surfacemount SD™CompactFlash™ (CF)PC Ca…

口语教程--开口战场 ... M:Triangle? 三角? M:Uhm? ? F:Do you know it? 你知道那个地方吗? ...


分别是超高模量UHM)、高模量(HM)和中级模量(IM)的纤维。 在此语义下,“模量”本质上意味着“刚性”,所以我们可以 …


求西域男孩所有歌的歌... ... But I wanna go home 而我只想回家 ..uhm 哦……我的家。 A million people I 也许有许多人会陪伴 …


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夏威夷大学马诺阿分校(University of Hawaii at Manoa)

根据美国夏威夷大学马诺阿分校UHM)科学家在最新一期《自然气候变迁》中的研究报告指出,地势较低的沿海地区,除了 …

Well, we're back here with Tom Cruise. Uhm, you know, something that we were talking about in the commercial break. . . 好的,我们和汤姆•克鲁斯一起回来。嗯,你知道,我们在广告时间谈论的一些事…
Uhm, and my mother pushed me into reading uhm, Narnia and I was not interested 'cause I just thought it was just a child's book. . . 呃,是我妈妈让我开始读纳尼亚,但是我并不喜欢,因为我觉得那只是小孩读的书···。
Uhm, I can successfully say that 2008 was an excellent year for me, but a big part of it had to do with you guys. 呃,我可以肯定的说2008年对我而言是非常棒的一年,但其中的一大部分都与你们这群伙伴有关。
Uhm, and so I had them give him my hotel number and he called me up in my room and it was that voice, you know. . . 嗯,所以我让他们转告他我的酒店电话,他打电话到我的房间,而那个声音,你知道…
Uhm, so American Express asked me to do another commercial for 'em, so I said, "Okay, but can Beyonce be in it with me? " 嗯,所以美国运通请我为他们再做一个广告,我说:“好的,但碧昂斯能和我一起做吗?”
Uhm, you know, the fact that there are no more loading screens means that if you're trying to tell a story in the game. . . 你知道,事实是不会再有场景下载,这意味着当你想要叙述一个故事的时候。
Uhm, as I said, I guess we're just trying to make something useful out of what already exists. 嗯,正像我说过的,我们只是努力利用现有的东西。
Well, you know, it was a tough day. . . uhm, got off to kind of a slow start. . . 哎呀,你知道,这是很辛苦的一天…嗯,一开始进展就有点慢…
Alright, which ones do you think are most likely, then, if you put it that way? -Uhm, of these three I felt, that's just a little thing. 好了,那么,如果你来做,哪些是你认为最有可能的?--我认为就这三种而言,都是小事。
it opens it up and the turtle can escape and go up to the top to breathe. Uhm, and then the flap will close behind them. 它就会打开,海龟就能逃离并回到水面呼吸。嗯,然后活门会在它们身后关闭。
Uhm, so it's a. . . it's just an amazing feeling. I've had an incredible two years playing both these characters, and uhm, you know. . . 嗯,所以这…有点儿令人震惊的感觉。我扮演这两个人物的这两年非常难以置信,嗯,你知道…
Okay, what else goes in here? -And then we need to put in uhm, just some water, to make it a paste. -That's it? 好的,还要些什么?-然后我们需要放入,嗯,一些水,让它成浆糊状。-就这样吗?
And, uhm. . . yeah. That's the reason. Uhm, 'cause. . . like I said many times before, I've got quite a lot of stuff going on in my life. 恩…是的。这就是原因,额,因为正如我前几次所说的那样,我有很多作品要将要推出。
Uh-huh. Let's see. Uhm, well, first you need to lose any kind of empathy. You can't be empathetic at all. That's number one. 嗯嗯。让我们看看。嗯,好的,首先你需要失去所有同情心。你根本就不能同情别人。这是第一件。
And uhm. . . you know, over the last four months, you know, you have to trust the doctors. 啊…你知道,在最近四个月来,你知道,你必须信任医生。
Uhm, I couldn't be more excited, you know, I'm here to help this team win and bring a championship back to Chicago. 嗯,我激动的无以复加,你知道,我来这里要帮助这支球队获胜并将冠军带回芝加哥。
In a good way. Uhm, and uh, yeah, I mean, he was - you know, excited, proud, elated. 一种好的方式。嗯,是的,我是说,他–你知道,激动、自豪、兴高采烈。
Uhm, I uh, well, what happened is, you know, this men, women communicating, uh, I uh, filed for divorce. . . 嗯,我,嗯,好的,事实是,你知道,这个男女之间的沟通,嗯,我,嗯,申请离婚…
Ms. Murray: Uhm. . . of course. You know, I've skied for twelve years, I'm the best. 玛雷:唔…当然啦。您知道,我滑雪的历史已有十二年之久。我滑雪可是一流的。
Hey, it's uh. . . it's Tiger. I need you to do me a huge favor. Uhm, can you please, uh, take your name off your phone? 嘿,这嗯…这是老虎。我需要你帮我一个大忙。嗯,可以请你,嗯,脱掉你的手机你叫什么名字?
Uhm, also, I believe I have the organizational aptitude that would be very attractive to your company. 呃,同时我也相信我具有组织方面的才能,这将对你们公司非常有益。
Uhm, yes. You know, it depends on where I am, but again I love talking to people and meeting people, so it's always. . . 嗯,是的,它取决于我在哪,但是我喜欢和人谈话,喜欢与人打交道,因此,总是。
Uhm, it needs to be completely off the collar, and if you could taper it back here, and totally off my ears. . . this is way too long. 嗯,我需要完全不挨领子,如果能向后成型,而且完全不沾耳朵…这太长了。
Tell you what. If you go down that way, about half a mile, there's a village. Uhm, there might be somebody there that speaks English. 告诉你吧。沿着这条路走下去,约半英里,有一个村庄。嗯,那里可能有人讲英语。
This may be one of the reasons that men like uhm, sloppier kisses, wetter kisses, more open-mouth kisses, with more tongue action. 这可能是为什么男人更喜欢嗯,更深的吻,更湿的吻,嘴张得更大,并伴随更多的舌头动作的吻的原因。
uhm, because you know, I was broke again. Whatever money I could get, you know, was gone. 嗯,因为你知道,我再次一文不名。我能找到的所有钱,你知道,都没了。
What did you do? -We uhm, well, we're not a very conservative couple, and I definitely like to have fun with things. . . 你做了什么?-我们,嗯,我们不是很保守的一对,而我肯定喜欢找些乐趣…
They're an integral part of the ecosystem, uhm, they've been around for millions and millions of years ever since the dinosaur. . . 它们是生态系统不可或缺的一部分,嗯,他们自恐龙时代起已经生存了数百万年…
Maybe you're busy with another customer, or maybe uhm, it's a very busy day, but people have to be acknowledged. 或许你正忙于服务另一名顾客,或者,或许,嗯,今天非常忙碌,但人们需要得到认可。
Well, what's interesting, when you said that uhm, the. . . uh, shoe thrower's actually going to be in front of a judge today. 好的,有趣的是,当你说,嗯…嗯,扔鞋者实际上今天受到法官传讯时。