us time

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us timeus time

us time


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那一天是我们帮主病逝的一天 (US Time)那一天是我幸运的一天 在乔帮主病逝前入会那一天是我永远不会忘记的一天缅怀21世 …


美国时刻品牌US TIME)草本伟哥--男人的力量,全国全面招商中! ≮龙★縅≯ /0 04-07 14:26 ≮龙★縅≯ 营养价值:吃人参 …


...相同的震幅(US POWER)频率愈高热能愈大,故所需时间(US TIME)愈短 相同的热能需求,相同的时间(US TIME),相同的压 …

No, it's okay. I just want you to give us time, give us a real shot, Because i think i might be falling in love with you. 没关系的。我只是希望你给我们一些时间,一次机会,我觉得我可能已经深深爱上你了。
PM: So, Milo's being called back in by his parents, giving us time to be alone and to help him out. 彼得:现在米洛的父母要叫他回家吃饭了,留给我们的是独处的时间还可以帮帮他。
Wang Xiaodong confessed in an interview with the US'' Time magazine that the book''s title is a bit of a ruse. 王晓东在接受美国《时代杂志》采访的时候承认,书之所以取这样的名字是一个计谋。
Because of the plan of value result of our school, let us time of few lesson remaining. 由于我们学校的重视成绩的计划,让我们很少有课余的时间。
The problem is so difficult that it will take us time to work it out. 这道题如此难以至于我们要用很多时间才能解决。
A train journey seemed not only a perfect metaphor for the experience, but it also gave us time to sort out some of our new moves. 一次火车旅行不仅是人生经历的完美比喻,也给我们以时间来调整我们的某些行为方式。
Some of the Rational tools we'd decided to use were already saving us time. Rational的一些工具被用来节省我们的时间。
importantly, knowledge saves us time. I realized that from that day forward I would be. 知识节省了我们的时间。我认识到从那天起我将不用再花数小时等电话。
This button saves us time setting up all the nodes and connections to make the system work properly (thus it also turns final gathering ON). 这个按钮为我们在系统中设置正确的节点和连接节省了大量时间(它也需要打finalgathering)。它由三个基础部分组成。
For all the excuses you and I can make Jesus shows us time and time again in the Gospels that we are to be compassionate people. 尽管你我都可以找出许多借口,但在福音书中耶稣一次又一次地展示给我们看,我们要做心存怜悯的人。
With its maps and Internet access, the iPhone saves us time; with its downloadable games, we also carry a game machine in our pocket. iPhone通过地图和因特网接入帮我们节省时间;但因为它的下载游戏,我们等于同时揣上了一个口袋游戏机。
China would say 'look, we are a big, complex fast-growing economy with many issues and strains . . . you have got to give us time'. 中国会说‘瞧,我们是一个情况复杂、发展迅速的大国,还存在着许多问题和困难…你必须给我们足够的时间来调整’。
Once dubbed "China's literary bad boy" by the US Time magazine, Han is well known in China for some of his outspoken blog articles. 被美国杂志《时代》称为“中国文学坏男孩”的韩寒,在中国以他博客文章中直率干言的个性广为人知。
Apple stores became magnets for technology enthusiasts who waited for the phones to go on sale at 6pm local time in each US time zone. 苹果产品店一早就吸引了大量的技术“粉丝”,等待当地时间下午6点钟起正式开始销售。
Technology has also given us time- saving appliances that take aware the ardour of many household chores . 技术带给了我们许多可以减轻家务的省时工具。
By supplying these widgets, it saves us time, which of course we can spend surfing the Web and reading great articles like this one. 这些小部件节省了我们的时间,让我们能够上网冲浪或阅读像本文一样优秀的文章。
US "Time Weekly" , this was the past only then the Chinese leaders only then meets the presence the magazine, Li Yu spring three times. 美国《时代周刊》,这是过去只有中国领袖才会光临的杂志,李宇春上了三次。
The US Time the weekly evaluates in 2007 the world ten big construction miracles, CCTV headquarters building is a in which. 美国《时代》周刊评选出2007年世界十大建筑奇迹,中央电视台总部大楼名列其中。
This allowed us time to verify that the steps were correct and that the AIX migrations would complete as expected. 这使我们有时间确认迁移步骤是正确的,AIX迁移应该按预期的方式进行。
They lie to us time and time again, so no. I actually find it scary how we're all in the hands of these people. 他们总是不断对我们撒谎,事实上我发现我们政府很胆小,为什么我们却还在这些人的控制之下呢?
If problems persist, you can be sure we're working on it -- please check back later and allow us time to resolve the issue. 如果问题仍然存在,可以肯定我们正在处理-请稍后再检查,让我们的时间来解决这个问题。
World history has shown us time and again what happens to a society when its citizens no longer prize virtue. 世界历史已经反复向我们表明,当一个社会的公民不再尊崇道德时会发生什么样的情况。
Time is what we all have. But time is always in a hurry. Time will not await us. Time makes us older, time makes us mature. 时间是我们都拥有的,但是时间总是走得很急,时间不会等待我们,时间让我们老去,时间让我们成熟。
Life rarely left us time to think, review those who once in our life has a great influence on things. 生活很少留给我们时间去思考、回顾那些曾经对我们的一生产生过重大影响的事情。
Now, we sail about one hundred kilometers north. This gives us time to enjoy the river scenes along the Nile. 现在我们航行至北部一百千米的地方,在航行中我们有时间类欣赏尼罗河沿途的风景。
I'll ask mother to have dinner ready for us about half past eight. That should give us time to get washed up. 好的,我会要妈妈在8点半左右就帮我们把晚餐准备好,那样我们正好有时间梳洗一下。
We appreciate your patience in allowing us time to research the information and respond to your complaints. 您允许我们花时间查找问题并就您的投诉予以回馈,谢谢您在这一过程中予以的耐心。
If Google has made it easier to search, how can it claim to save us time? 如果谷歌搜索使得答案更容易获取,它怎么能说帮我们节约了时间呢?
"If human stem cells respond in the say way as mouse cells do, it could buy us time to apply other therapies, " Sipkins said in a statement. 斯普金思在一份声明中说,假如人类干细胞能够像老鼠的细胞一样反应的话,就可以为我们采用其它疗法治愈白血病赢得时间。
To give us time to think, and to escape from the rest of the world. 给我们时间去思索,逃避整个世界。