would like

  • v.想要
  • 网络愿意;希望;想要某东西

would likewould like

would like


人教版七年级英语下册重点短语总汇,语法总结 ... Nobody knows me 没有人认识我 would like 想要 what size 什么尺寸 ...


七年级上册英语语法总汇_百度文库 ... 电影院 cinema 123、 愿意 would like 124、 电影 film 125、 ...


中国基础教育网-英语-教案荟萃 ... 17 . well 喔;那么;好吧 4 . would like 愿意,希望 5 . something to eat 吃的东西 ...


九年级英语 ... 36.part of speech 词性 1.Would like sth 想要某东西 12.homeless 无家可归的 ...


... III. 重点语法再回首 would like 的用法: I’d like some bread. 我想要些面包。 ...


2012新版英语七年级下单词表 - 豆丁网 ... 蜡烛 candle 愿意;喜欢 would like 年龄 age ...


Lesson 16 Talking... ... I'm expecting a letter from him. 我在盼望他回信。 would like 是愿意的意思。 mayor n. 市长 ...

I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words about why I have chosen such a project as the focus of my concern. 趁这个机会,我简单地说一说为什么我要选择这样一个专案作为我关注的焦点。
Unlike vmstat or iostat, the defaults usually do not give you as much information as you probably would like. 与vmstat或iostat不同的是,这种方法的默认设置可能不会提供您想要的那么多信息。
we thought we would like to ask you to come here for an interview. 我们已收到你的推荐信和简历,认为你可以来面试。
"Wanhua would like to acquire an equity stake in Borsodchem and to eventually take control, " said one person familiar with the matter. 一名知情人士表示:“万华有意收购Borsodchem的部分股权,并最终成为控股股东。”
The bank president then asked her how much she would like to deposit. 总裁就问她想存多少钱。
I have some ideas about how we might be able to work more effectively together, but I would like to know from you what I can do to help. 对于如何我们也许能更有效地一起工作我有一些砍翻,但是我希望从你知道我能够做出什么带来帮助。
What analysts would like to see now is a strong January rally on heavy volume, suggesting investors are pouring new money into U. S. stocks. 现在分析师们希望看到的是巨大的成交量推动下的1月份股市上涨,这会显示出投资者正把更多资金投入美国股市。
What I would like to do here is what I can't do in two or three sentences at the end of a reading. 我想在这里做的就好比要我读完一篇东西后用两三句话把它说清楚那样,难以办到。
Hard to imagine those are the values that Beaverton officials would like to see instilled in its fourth graders. 很难想象比佛顿的这种观念,竟然要把这种观念逐渐的灌输给四年级的学生。
After more than a year, each with a mobile phone to how you would like to call each think your heart is good bad! 经过一年多时间里,每一个移动电话你是如何想呼吁每个想你的心是好的,坏的!
I would like to ask a curious question, you know, maybe it is very general. 我想请问一个奇怪的问题,你知道,也许这是非常一般。
After these years of study, I decided to devote all my life to Computer Science and would like to apply for Ph. 在学习多年之后,我决心将我的一生都奉献给计算机科学。
In her love for each and every soul, she would like all to accompany her, but this is a matter of every person's free will choice. 在她对于每个灵魂的爱之中,她确实希望所有人都能够伴随她一起,但是问题是个人自由意志的选择依旧需要考虑进来。
What to love, to the life of the happiness, we would like to make much effort. And how much are willing to pay the price. 到底为了爱情,为了幸福的人生,我们愿意做出多少努力。又愿意付出多少代价。
At the end, I would like to encourage you to talk to your dad more, to discuss your plan with him, and to try to get his support. 最后,我想鼓励你和你的爸爸多交谈,多和他讨论你的计划,并且试着得到他的赞同。
Get her to tell you what she would like to improve in your relationship and what you could do to make her feel loved. 要让她告诉你,她喜欢怎么做来改善你们的关系,你能做些什么让她感受到爱。
I would like clients to be able to enter all of their information in, including logo, at the time of applying for a listing. 我想客户端能够进入他们的所有信息,包括标志在为一个申请上市的时间。
Jeremy, how important is the gym for you, i would like to know how much do you squat and bench? 杰里米,如何重要的是,健身房为您,我想知道有多少,你蹲下和法官?
"Their commitment to living wage simply appears to mean that they would like to see it happening in the long term. " 他说:“他们对生活保障的承诺,很显然只是一种远期的目标而已。”
But what do people think of Euro Disney? People everywhere are wondering whether Europeans would like this form of American recreation. 然而人们怎样看待欧洲迪斯尼乐园呢?各处的人们都想知道欧洲人是否会欢迎这种美国式的消遣活动。
He would like to see others from outside Europe, such as Asian and Pacific Rim countries, signing up to the accord. 他愿意看到欧洲以外的国家--如亚洲和环太平洋国家--签署这份协定。
Finally, Owl was given a stocking the color of the sky-in which, Pooh thought, he would like to fly if he were Owl. 最后,维尼把一只天蓝色的袜子送给了猫头鹰,要是我是只猫头鹰,可以飞,该多好呀!
They would like to see further proof that the bank is using the resources it has efficiently before thinking about more. 他们希望先看到更多证据证明世界银行有效地使用了资源然后再考虑资本注入。
Therefore, it would like to hear what the problem was with working with such a horizontal comparative table. 因此,他希望听一听采用这种横向比较的表格有什么不妥。
One reason to think not is that the central bank has not been able to raise interest rates anything like as quickly as it would like. 有人认为不会改变,一个原因是中央银行不会按照利率应该变化的速度来提高利率。
Give me links to work that you have done. Obviously I would like to see at least one dating site. 给我链接你所做的工作。很显然,我希望看到至少有一个交友网站。
Your intention is good, but I still can't agree with you. If no one would like to share it with you, you have to pay it all by yourself. 你的意图是好的,但我仍不同意。如果没有人愿意同你合租,你就必须付全部租金。
"They have got to do a bit of everything but we would like them to think increased dividends. " “他们已经什么都做到了,我们更希望他们能考虑增加股息。”
The world will never be perfect, in the wee hours of a winter, I expressed to her lover's heart: salmon, I would like to ask you my wife. 这个世界永远不会是完美的,在一个冬天的深夜里我向她表达了爱慕之心,说:鱼儿,我想请你做我的妻子。
Or accomplish whatever you want to do despite the moment not looking just as you would like it to. 尽管完成你想要做的事,不要顾忌所谓的最佳时机。