when i grow up

  • 网络长大以后;我长大以后;当我长大

when i grow upwhen i grow up

when i grow up


作文网与您分享原创长大以后(When I grow up)作文,优秀作文,小学英语作文大全,话题作文,感恩作文,初中作文,小学作文,高中作 …


◆您现在正在阅读的我长大以后(When I grow up)文章内容由99作文网>收集, 本站地址:www.99zuowen.com,版权归原作者所 …


草莓救星的<寂寞公路... ... i well be your lovely girl 我将是你 可爱女孩 when i grow up 当我长大 you well know 你会知晓 ...


初一英语语法--【天天家教网】 ... help each other: 互相帮助 when I grow up: 当我长大以后 tell sb to do sth: 告诉某人做某事 ...


my favorite things_英文素材-作文地带 ... My family 我的家庭 When I grow up 当我长大了 My Class 我的班级 ...


英语翻译,请高人来... ... 长大后 When I grow up 听着青蛙爱公主的故事 Hearing the story about the frog loving the princess ...


小野猫的歌曲有哪些?_百度知道 ... Elevator( 爱情升降梯) When I Grow Up( 我的志愿) I Hate This Part( 我讨厌这边) ...


Mayer-当当图书 ... 别往下看 Don't Look Down 当我长大后 When I Grow Up 新瓦罐 The New Potty ...

" Just as sweetly, the boy responded, " Oh, I am making a little bowl for you and Mama to put your food in when I grow up. 那四岁的孩子很天真地对他说,“我在给你和妈妈做个木碗,当我长大以后,你们可以用它来吃东西。”
When I grow up, my greatest wish is to discharge the stress of much more responsibility. I don't know how much I can afford. 成年后我们最大的愿望就是,卸去肩上万事过于负责的重压。因为不知道自己可以承受多重。
My ideal is to invent a pair of miraculous chopsticks when I grow up, one of the chopsticks is thin, the other is thick. 我的理想是长大后发明一双神奇的筷子,一只筷子小,一只筷子粗,小的那一只可以把全世界的东西缩小;
I watched you, and I learned most of life's lessons I need to know to be a good and productive person when I grow up. 我观察你,就学会了要成长为善良而有用的人所要掌握的大部分人生课程。
My mom always told me that when I grow up girls would be winking at me, fluttering their eyelids as a flirtation and I would never notice. 我妈妈经常说:“你长大以后,会有很多女孩围绕在你身边给你抛媚眼,而你却不知道!”
To see kids be able to talk that way with eachother, with no doubts, with consoler. That never happend, when I grow up in this country. 看到这些孩子们能够与其他人,没有疑虑地,带着安慰地交谈,这一切在这个国家在我长大的时候却是不可能的。
I love you with all my heart. would you marry me? when I grow up, can I go on stage with you, can we sing together? 我全心全意的爱你。你可以和我结婚吗?等我长大了,我可以和你一起站在舞台上吗?
When I grow up, I will become all the bad things you think I'm now, but I will not become realistic. 当我长大了,我依旧是你们所认为的那个一无是处的孩子,但我永远不会是一个现实主义者。
I saw you handled you responsibilities, even when you didn't feel good, and I learned that I would have to be responsible when I grow up. 我看到你即使感觉不佳,也不忘尽职尽责,就懂得了长大后也要负起责任。
I haven't decided what I'm going to do when I grow up and I don't even know if I want to be famous. 我还没有决定什么,我该怎么办时,我长大了,我什至不知道如果我想出名。
When I grow up, I will remain as foolish as you think I'm now. 当我长大了,我依旧是你们所认为的那个傻孩子。
He never said to himself, "I could become a pilot when I grow up. " 他从来没有想过:“我长大了要当飞行员。”
He said happily: " I really enjoyed the process of bins work. I must be an excellent bin man when I grow up. " 他开心地称:“我真的非常享受收垃圾的过程,等我长大后,我一定要成为一名优秀的清洁工。”
When I grow up to be a good building Fengdu, the Bryant attracted to, if you have to, I always welcome you! 我长大了要好好建设丰都,把科比吸引来,如果你也要来的话,我随时欢迎你!
When I grow up, I will remain as naive as you think I'm now. 当我长大了,我依旧是你们所认为那个天真的孩子。
When I grow up, I will remain as hasty as you think I'm now. 当我长大了,我依旧是你们所认为那个轻率的孩子。
m going to be a pop star when I grow up, 'said the boy. “我长大了要当流行歌星,”那男孩子说。
When I grow-up, I found that it isn't easy to realize my dream. 慢慢的长大,可是发现自己当作家的梦想并不是那么容易实现。
The normal thing for a kid to say is, 'I wanna be a fireman when I grow up; I wanna be President. ' 正常情况下,孩子们说‘我长大后要当一名消防队员;我要当总统。’
When I grow up and am big like my father, I shall learn all that must be learnt. 当我长大了,大得像爸爸一样的时候,我将会学到必须学的东西的。
But when I grow up, but deeply aware of the meaning of happiness is not the only one. 但是当我长大后,却深深地意识到了快乐的意义并不是只有一种。
In future, when I grow up to become an outstanding athlete, winning glory for the country and add luster! 将来,我长大后也要成为一名出色的运动员,为国争光添彩!
I don't want to be a singer when I grow up. But I think music can really make my life rich and colorful. 长大后我并不想当歌唱家,可是我认为音乐真的使我的生活丰富多彩。
Cutting a rolex out of a magazine ad, said when I grow up I can buy one for my dad. 从一本杂志的广告里剪了一块劳力士表,他说我长大以后可以买一块送给我爸。
I love to ask this when I was little: Will there be nobody who wants to marry me when I grow up? 小时后我最爱问:以后长大后会不会没有人要娶我?。
I wish to be an excellent teacher when I grow up. 我希望自己长大后能成为一个出色的教师
The fun of carousel did not disappear when I grow up. 旋转木马的乐趣并没有随着长大而消失。
I guess you'll have to see when I grow up and I have to be the likeness of the man I call my father. 我想你一定会看到我成长,并且我一定会像那个我叫做父亲的男人。
When it comes to work, the big question--for the formerly and currently employed--is: What should I be when I grow up? 说到工作,对于本来有工作,以及现在还在工作的人们来说,一个大问题是:长大以后,我应该当什么?
i m going to be a clown in a circus when i grow up . 我打算长大后到马戏团当小丑。