what do you do

  • 网络你是做什么的;你做什么工作;你是做什么工作的

what do you dowhat do you do

what do you do


小学英语语法基础习题四 ... He feels fine. 他感觉很好。 What do you do? 你是做什么的? What is he? 他是做什么的? ...


翻译_爱问知识人 ... It's cool. 好酷!不错! what do you do? 你做什么工作? How are things with you? 你近况如何?你一切还 …


what和how的用法及区别_百度知道 ... or what 还是其他的什么 what do you do 你是做什么工作的 what have you [口]等等;诸 …


小学生英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... nurse 护士 What do you do ? 你是干什么的? I’m a student/. 我是个学 生。 (十二) 四季 ...


谢泛宇 的分享 ... 2.Never Talk to Strangers3. 千万别跟陌生人说话 2.What Do You Do3. 你是做什麽的? 2.My Father3. 我的父 …


哽咽的... ... When the sun shines 当阳光闪耀时 What do you do 你在做什么 When the waves are too high 当海浪被风高高卷 …


Book1 L... ... Book1 Lesson 13-14 A new dress 一件新连衣裙 Lesson 12 What do you do 你是干什么工作的 customs n. …


... How do you practise? 你怎么练习的? What do you do? 你怎么做的? I listen to the radio everyday. 我每天听收音机。 ...

And I said, "What do you do? " And he said, "I'm a fireman. " 我说:“你做什么?”他回答道:“我是消防队员。”
No one wants any of these consequences laid on them after trying to get their GED or high school diploma, so what do you do? 不想要任何这些后果览后拉拢其总部或高中文凭所以,你在做什么?
It's easy to talk about relationships when everything is going great, but what do you do when things are headed in the wrong direction? 当你事事顺心的时候,谈论关系自然很容易,但如果事情朝错误的方向发展呢,你会怎么做?
Now that you know about the existence, structure, and interrelationships of these XML files, the question is, what do you do with them? 既然您了解了这些XML文件的存在、结构和相互关系,问题是,您要用它们来做什么呢?
What do you do when you know something is bad for you. And you still can't let go? 当你知道有些事情对自己是折磨,却无法离开,无法释怀的时候,你会怎么做?
"So, Emily, " he said to me across the metallic surface of the table in an interrogation room, "what do you do? " “好了,艾米莉,”在一间审讯室里,他隔着铁面桌子问我,“你的职业是?”
It's one of your managers. There's been a terrible accident! What do you do? What do you say? 你的经理电话你说有个很糟糕的事故,你该怎么做,你该说什么?
Baby, baby, I get down on my knees for you. What do you do. If you would only love me like you used to do. Yeah, somebody help me now! 宝贝爱人我为你跪下。你会如何处理。假如你想像从前一样爱我的话。是的,如此我就有希望了!
And I said, "Well, thank you very much for that. What do you do for a living? " 我说:“非常感谢你能帮助我们,您是做哪一行的呢?”
What do you do when you see someone that you know, but have forgotten his name? 你看到认识的某人,却忘记了名字,这种情况下你会怎么办?
This Web site in January this year have done such a survey: " your company Web site's search engine optimization (SEO) what do you do? " 该网站曾经在今年一月做过这样一项调查:“贵公司在网站的搜索引擎优化(SEO)方面都做了哪些努力?”
He's gonna, he was just, he was immensely proud. Yeah. And excited. And, I mean, kind of what do you do with information like that? 他会,他,他非常自豪。是的,而且很激动。而且,我是说,你拿那样的消息能干什么?
No. I got here the day before yesterday, but it's the first time I've been up to this floor. Flora, what do you do? 不,我是前天来的。但来到这一层还是头一次。弗罗托,你干什么工作的?
You dare to say that I am a monster unexpectedly, what do you do not see own appearance to be like again! 你竟敢说我是怪物,你又不看看自己的样子像什么?
What do you do if you are stuck in a field at a pop festival but there trouble ahead because your mobile phones battery is about to run out? 在你身处流行音乐节现场寸步难行时,麻烦来了,你的手机却快要没电了,你会怎么办呢?
You are "on a roll" and everything seems to be going your way. What do you do now? 假设你现在“一帆风顺”,似乎占尽天时地利,接下来你会怎么做?
My husband, Jerry, and elder brother, Marland, didn't like the idea much more than I did, but what do you do? 我丈夫杰里和哥哥马兰比我更不喜欢爸爸的这个主意,但我们又能做什么呢?
Once you've practiced a bit, you can relish the moment someone says, "So, what do you do? " 只要你能够练习一点点,你便可以享受那个时刻——当某人问你:“那么,你是做什么?”
But what do you do if you want to encapsulate the insert of a new row into a table of DB2 and IDS in a single transaction? 但是如果您需要在单个事务中封装到DB2和IDS表的新一行的insert,要做什么呢?
So the next time someone asks you what you do, consider responding, "I save lives and improve health. I'm a nurse. What do you do? " 所以,当下一次有人问你的工作是什么时,你可以考虑这样回答我拯救生命并且促进健康。
I mean he just, you know, he stopped the puck on Gaborik's stick! What do you do? -Oh my goodness. 我是说他只是,你知道,他(哈塞克)在加波力的球棍上挡出了冰球!你做了什么?-哦,我的上帝。
I said, "Well, I'm very flattered. What do you do for a living? " 我说“很荣幸,请问你是做哪一行的?”
What do you do in your free time? I love playing baseball. As a matter of fact, I just played some today. It was a lot of fun. 你空闲时会做什么?答:我爱棒球。事实上,我今天就打了会。太好玩了。
So the next time someone asks you "what do you do for a living, " Make it pop. 所以,当下一次有什么人问你“你以什么谋生”的时候,让其(你的主意)变得流行起来。
When you're getting half-hearted buying signals from a woman, but she's still saying yes, what do you do? 当你从一个女人那里得到了半心半意的信号,而她又回答了可以,你该怎么做呢?
What do you do if the license for b. jar expressly requires you to redistribute it in an unmodified form. 如果b.jar的许可明确要求您在重新发布它的时候不能修改它,那您怎么办?
You seem to have some method for keeping calm in strange situations or surroundings. What do you do? 你看起来对在陌生境遇和环境下保持镇定很有一套,你怎么做的?
An American conversational staple is to ask "What do you do? " 美国人谈话的范例是问“你做什么?”
You are ready to quit and head off into the sunset. So what do you do? 在你准备好离开一头冲进夕阳之时,你会做什么呢?
After an hour this, exasperated doctor asked lawyer, "What do you do stop people from asking you legal advice when you're out the office? " 如此这般钟头后,医生点恼火,于他问律师:“如果在办公时间,你怎么阻止人们向你咨询法律问题?”