
美 [ˈʌpər]英 [ˈʌpə(r)]
  • n.鞋帮;靴面;兴奋剂
  • adj.上边的;上部的;靠上部的;内陆的
  • 网络上面的;鞋面;较高的


upper limit,upper arm,upper lip,upper class,upper section


1.上边的,上面的,上层的(尤指同类或一对中的一个)located above sth else, especially sth of the same type or the other of a pair

2.上部的;靠上部的at or near the top of sth

3.内陆的;高地的;向北部的located away from the coast, on high ground or towards the north of an area


gain, get, have, etc. the upper hand

占上风;处于有利地位;有优势;有控制权to get an advantage over sb so that you are in control of a particular situation


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... upon 在□之上 upper 上面的 upright 直立的 ...


外贸中satin和charmeuse用哪个好?_百度知道 ... 鞋后密口 open shank 鞋面 upper 鞋面前端 vamp ...


未分类 - - Nicolas’ Blog - Upholstery ... upon prep. 依据,遵照 upper a. 上的,上部的 uppercase n. 大写字母 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... upon prep. 在……上面 upper a. 较高的,较上的 upset a. 心烦的,苦恼的 ...


徒步鞋主要由三部分组成:鞋帮Upper)、内底(Midsole)、和外底/鞋底(Outsole)。 徒步鞋鞋帮由鞋面和内衬组成。


GREP_百度百科 ... [:punct:] 标点符号 [:upper:] 大写字符 [:alnum:] 文字数字字符 ...

men and women were welcome to register as contestants and while there was a minimum age of 20 , there was no upper age limit. 男性与女性都欢迎登记参赛;尽管有至少年满20岁的下限,但并无年龄上限。
It is not such a surprise that this behavior was not easily curtailed when plagiarism extends into the upper echelons of Chinese academia. 当这种不正之风在学术界的高层蔓延时,学生中的这种舞弊行为有增无减,也就不值当人们为之大惊小怪的了。
Part of a space station solar panel is visible at image upper right; behind the panel, a bright region indicates the Sun low on the horizon. 右上角还能看到一小块空间站的太阳能电池板;在电池板后面,绿色的部分表明太阳光就在地平线下面。
However, there was no such a large scale, the ministers who do not know How to gain the upper hand. 但由于当时没有那么大的秤,大臣们谁都不知道该如何下手。
Meanwhile snow continues to blanket parts of the upper Midwest. Up to a foot fell on Wisconsin and Minnesota. 与此同时中西部偏北地区却持续大雪纷飞,威斯康星州和明尼苏达州积雪已达一尺深。
mermaid A mythical piscine humanoid, the upper portion being that of a female human, the lower that of a teleost. 美人鱼一个神话的鱼类人动物,上面的部份是人类女性,下面是硬骨鱼。
He just happened to have been born into an upper-middle-class American family that had the resources to send him to a private school. 他恰好出生于一个有能力送他上私立学校的上层中产阶级的美式家庭。
Go anti-clockwise around the circuit and take an enemy with you, trapping him in the pits at bottom left, lower right and upper right. 往逆时针方向跑,引诱敌人掉进左下方、右下方和右上方的陷阱。
Cave art seems to have reached a peak toward the end of the Upper Paleolithic period, when the herds of game were decreasing. 岩洞艺术好像在旧石器时代晚期达到高峰,那时猎物数量在降低。这句话本身不重要,往前看。
On Wednesday, five prosecutors from the British Upper House began to hold a hearing on an appeal by a lower court. 星期三英国上院的五名检察官开始就检察官对一外下级法院的裁决提出的上诉举行听证会。
The boy didn't seem to understand what we were saying. He was probably a bit weak in the upper storey. 那男孩似乎不明白我们在说什么,可能有点痴呆。
"Great, 'cause I've got a date tonight, " she says, patiently lying on the hard table as he pokes a needle into the back of her upper lip. “好极了,我今晚有个约会,”她说,耐心的躺在硬床上,医生则把针刺进他上唇的后面。
Recovering from an upper-hamstring tendon injury typically takes at least a year. 上腘绳肌肌腱拉伤完全恢复,至少需要一年的时间。
and the upper end of the edge of the specimen platform is provided with a barrier wall (6) or two or six barrier sheets (5). 样品平台的边缘上端还可设阻挡壁(6)或二个或六个阻挡片(5)。
So long as it was only a question of rent or settling with the traitors, the upper circle of the peasantry had played a prominent role. 在只涉及到减租和清算汉奸的问题时,农民中的富裕阶层曾经起过重要的作用。
Difficult to make out in the upper right-hand corner is one of the best jibes: "Kerry looks French. " 在右上角很难看清的也是讽刺得最妙的一个是“克里长得像法国人。”
We report the case of a man who had an insidious onset of asymmetrical distal muscle weakness of the upper extremity at the age of 17. 我们报告的情况下,谁的人了阴险的发病不对称远端肌肉无力上肢在17岁时。
The company currently occupies an upper floor of a nondescript building in Tel Aviv, but in its earliest years it lived on three continents. 公司目前在特拉维夫一幢不可名状的大楼里拥有一个高楼层,但是最初的岁月里,它分布在世界三大洲。
The aperture through which the sand runs is so tiny that first it seems as if the level in the upper glass never changes. 沙子穿过的孔太小了,第一次看到它时就好像上面的沙子永远没有变化。
There have been a few honourable exceptions in the upper chamber, notably John McCain's interventions on the use of torture. (但是也)存在几个在上议院值得尊敬的反对意见,特别是约翰麦凯恩在通过利用拷问上的干涉。
Today, Mr. Norris, 57, has a partner of 18 years who lives with him in the Upper West Side apartment he once shared with Mr. Reddick. 今天,57岁的诺里斯先生,和他生活了18年的同居伴侣一起生活在西边山上的一个公寓里,他曾经和雷迪克合伙租过这个公寓。
The eclipse was first seen Tuesday over Jerusalem, where the sun appeared to have taken a large bit out of its upper right section. 本周二的这次日偏食始于耶路撒冷,当时太阳的右上角被咬去了一大块。
At the bottom of the VFS are the file system abstractions that define how the upper-layer functions are implemented. 在VFS下面是文件系统抽象,它定义了上层函数的实现方式。
Gossip girl: As you might have guessed, Upper East siders, prohibition never stood a chance against exhibition. 绯闻少女:正如你所猜测的,东区的贵族们,在“表现”面前“阻止”是根本起不到任何作用。
He fished one big fish, tied up the fish head and the upper part of the body side the boat above. 他一个大的捕捞鱼,捆绑起来的鱼头部和上身一侧船以上。
Many workers on upper floors, knowing there was no escape, committed suicide by hurling themselves out of windows to their deaths. 在上面楼层的许多工作人员,知道没有逃路,自已冲出窗外自杀身亡。
Since the building to the west is only about 10 stories tall, however, the noise may not be as noticeable on the upper floors. 尽管酒店西边的建筑只有10层楼高,可是,在较高的楼层,嘈杂声就不会太明显。
The upper portion of a perfusion tube is provided with a twisted tube and a few arbitrarily changeable jet nozzles. 输液管顶端使用曲折性管件和多个喷嘴,喷嘴可任意调换。
By changing the upper five bits to any other code, other port addresses may be generated. 把高5位改为任何其他码,即可产生其他端口的地址。
and the climbing device can be fixed on an object to be climbed by the upper fixing mechanism and the lower fixing mechanism respectively. 攀爬装置能够分别通过上固定机构和下固定机构固定在被攀爬物上。