user is not authorized

  • 网络用户未授权

user is not authorizeduser is not authorized

user is not authorized


docs/pcs/rest/file... ... user is not active 用户未激活 user is not authorized 用户未授权 user not exists 用户不存在 ...

An attempt was made to reset personalization data when the current user is not authorized to modify personalization state . 在用户未经授权可以修改个性化设置状态的情况下,进行了重置个性化设置数据的尝试。
ErrorNotAuthorized. jsp - Renders an error message indicating that the user is not authorized to access a particular resource. jsp–呈现错误消息,表明用户没被授权访问特定资源。
Present an access-denied page if the user is not authorized to access the protected resource. 如果用户未被授权访问受保护资源,提供一个访问拒绝页面。
If the end user is not authorized to invoke this service, an error is surfaced and the transaction is marked for rollback. 如果终端用户没有被授权调用这个服务,那么会遇到一个错误,事务被标记为回滚。
The Deny setting takes precedence and the user is not authorized to publish test results. “拒绝”设置优先级更高,用户无权发布测试结果。
The accessDenied. jsp page is presented only if Acegi finds that the user is not authorized to access a protected resource. 只有在Acegi发现用户没有被授权访问受保护的资源时,才会显示accessDenied.jsp页面。
This is alright for some web applications, but certainly not if the user is not authorized to view all projects. 这对于某些web应用是没有关系的,但是如果用户没有权限去看所有的projects就不行了。
For example, a menu or portal page will not show links or portlets that the user is not authorized to access. 例如,菜单或门户页将不会显示未授权用户访问的链接或Portlet。