Never Be The Same

  • 网络从来都不一样;从来都不相同;不再一样

Never Be The SameNever Be The Same

Never Be The Same


just one的歌词?不是just one... ... What I do never be the same< 我做的事情不会一样的> Never be the same< 从来都不一样> ...


just... ... What I do never be the same 我从来没有做过同样的事情. Never be the same 从来都不相同. Just one 一次机会. ...


Sermon of Year 2012 ... 不再一样 : 丰盛的生命 Never Be The Same:Abundant Life 不再一样 Never Be The Same ...

"Egypt will never be the same, " he said, implying that it would be better. 他说,“埃及绝不会再这样了”,暗示着埃及局面将会更好。
Slowly I regained my health. But I would never be the same again, because all I wanted to do for the rest of my life was study wisdom. 慢慢地我恢复了健康,但和从前再也不一样了,在余下的光荫中我只想去学习智慧。
I sensed that I was no longer a part of things and that the environment as I knew it would never be the same again. 我感觉到,我不再属于从前的那个团队,而整个气氛,我知道将永远不会一样了。
Scared to open up, afraid to let you see, and terrified that our friendshi p would never be the same if I do. 害怕打开心扉,害怕你看见我的内心,我害怕我这么做了我们的友谊将不再如前。
My heart is always with you ! Join us , your life will never be the same. 我的心永远和你在一起,加入到我们的行列,你的人生将与众不同!
Dave Randlett was someone of whom I can say, "Because of him, my life will never be the same. " 谈到戴维•蓝德雷特,我能这么说:「因着他,我的生命不再一样。」
Sure, your vehicle's resale value will never be the same, but at least you'll never starve if you get stranded in a snowstorm. 当然,你的车子的转手价值肯定不同了,不过至少在被暴风雪困住时你不会被饿死。
Your home movies may never be the same if Gordon Bell gets his way. 如果戈登·贝尔完成了项目,你的家庭录像可能就不是今天这个样子了。
There was no alternative, but these dramatic steps show how finance will never be the same again. 这么做虽然事出无奈,但这些戏剧性的步骤表明,金融业的格局将发生根本变化。
Feverish speculation all over the internet, gadget shoppers nearing mass hysteria and pundits predicting our lives will never be the same. 网络上充满了狂热的猜测,玩家们接近癫狂,专家预测我们的生活将发生改变。
I saw you and her walking in the rain. You were holding hands and I will never be the same. 我看到你和她在雨中走着,你们牵着手,而我也将不再是现在的我了。
It will give you understanding and wisdom. Believe me, with education, your life will never be the same. 相信我,教育能改变你的一生。
If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged, or even shattered. They will never be the same. 如果你丢掉任何一个,他们都将磨损,遗留痕迹,损坏甚至粉碎。无法在和从前一样。
I just feel like my life will never be the same, you know? 我只是感觉我的生活再不会一样,你知道吗?
After weeks of fighting for her life and months of dialysis, Ashley is home again, but life will never be the same. 经过数周与生命的抗争及数月的透析治疗,艾希莉终于又能回家了,但是她的生活永远回不到从前了。
The fence will never be the same, when you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like the ones on the fence. 这个栅栏再也不可能恢复到当初了,你生气时候说出的话,也会在别人心里留下伤疤,正如钉子留在这个栅栏上的伤疤一样。
Mr Babacan argues that relations with Israel will "never be the same" . Yet the cost to Turkey of cutting ties with Israel would be high. 巴巴詹先生认为:“与以色列断交对土耳其尔言损失巨大,尽管如此,与以色列的外交重建,也会与以前有所不同。”
Lisa Espich of Tucson woke so deeply disturbed by a dream featuring her husband that she knew her marriage would never be the same. 图森的丽萨艾碧醒来后心烦意乱,她梦里的主角是丈夫,她知道自己的婚姻将要发生变化。
It was generally conceded that the Sequoia Club , its name disgraced and influence diminished, could never be the same again . 人们普遍认为,红杉俱乐部名誉扫地,威信丧失殆尽,再也抬不起头来了。
So things will never be the same between you and I. 所以事情将不会同过去一样在你我之间一。
With all the media attention and sponsorship possibilities, Michael's life would never be the same again. 随着媒体的关注以及可能随之而来的各种赞助,迈克尔的生活肯定会不同以往。
With you , my life will never be the same. 有了你,我的一生将永远改变。
Technology means that foreign policy will never be the same again, the prime minister said at a meeting of leading thinkers in Oxford. 英国首相在牛津大学举行的领导者会议中表示,科技意味着对外政策将永远不会一样。
Love is in the air, but tragedy lies ahead and Hogwarts may never be the same again. 爱是在空中,但摆在我们面前的悲剧和霍格沃茨可能再也回不到原来的样子了。
The moment we are married, connecting ourselves to our spouse, life can never be the same again. 我们都知道一旦我们结了婚,与配偶连结,生命从此变得不同;
A few short months ago, everyone agreed that things could never be the same again. 短短几个月前,每个人都认为,事情再也不会像从前那样了。
Once you cross the threshold towards your tipping point, your mind will never be the same and nothing can ever stop you; except yourself. 一旦你跨进了所与自己的人生转折点,你也许永远都不会与之前一样并且不会有任何事情阻止你,除非是你自己。
That flow of information means that foreign policy can never be the same again. 信息的流动意味着外交政策再也不能和从前一样了。
If you can learn to truly appreciate yourself and respect what you can bring to the table your life will never be the same. 如果你学会如何真诚地赞扬你自己,并尊重你带来的成果,你的生活就会变得不一样。
Moving from survival of the fittest to rational collaboration and sharing, life on the earth will never be the same again. 从适者生活的协作和交流,合理,生活在地球也永远不会是原来的样子。