
  • na.同“New York City”;“NYC”的变体
  • 网络纽约(New York City);纽约市;国家青年委员会(National Youth Commission)



纽约(New York City)

纽约增班:自2005年1月1日起由台北飞往美国纽约(NYC)航线,将改由747-400型飞机服务,服务舱等亦由C/Y二舱 级服务改为…


纽约市NYC)留学应该带什么Written on 07月 29th, 2007 , 飞跃之我们见 功能 页面 关于我们 最新日志 一 二 三 四 五 六

国家青年委员会(National Youth Commission)

...’s Wanted” campaign, the National Youth Commission (NYC) has over the past three years awarded travel funds to nearly 50...



We spent a few days just exploring Islington and it reminded me a little bit of the the West Village in NYC. 我们花了几天的时间探测伊斯灵顿,它让我想起一些处于纽约市的西部村庄。
Saks and Bloomingdales were then unique to just a few cities, so shopping in NYC was a very big deal. 这两家店只有在个别几个城市中才有,所以能在纽约城里购物是件了不起的大事。
Yes, he's grateful you gave him your car when he moved out of NYC, but he would rather have had to work for it. 是的,从纽约搬出来之后,你把车给,他是很感激的。但是他会想要自己努力工作来赚到一辆车。
He's an intelligent person with desirable skills so I have no doubt that he will be able to secure a comparable job in NYC . 他聪明过人而且才能出众,因此我确信,他能够在纽约找到一份条件相当的工作。
"After 10 minutes of trying to hail a NYC cab in the rain I get one and " Who's Going To Drive You Home " by The Cars is playing. " 在纽约下雨的街头打了10分钟出租车以后,我终于上车了。而车上放的歌正是‘谁将开车带你回家’。
Yet, based on what I've encountered in LA and NYC where I'm based, the attitude towards Asians is not at all derogatory in nature. 由于我多在洛杉矶和纽约市工作,以这两地为基地,确实曾亲身经历过美国人对亚洲人的态度完全没有贬损的意思。
More Military personnel need to get in the faces of these officers and scream at them like the Marine in NYC did. 而更多的军事人员需要面对这些军官并像纽约城的海军陆战队员一样向他们大喊大叫。
It will be a race to the bottom for the frothiest luxury markets like Hampton beach homes and downtown NYC condos. 泡沫最大的奢侈品市场将竞相寻找底部,如长岛汉普顿海滩的房屋和纽约市中心的公寓。
NYC and Calorie Counts on Foods : Trying to cut calories to lose weight? 纽约市和卡路里对于食品的考虑:试图以减少热量来减肥?
As mentioned earlier, most people think that the proper fee for an ATM transaction is no fee at all, and that's what Free ATMs NYC delivers. 正如早先提到的,很多人认为ATM交易的合理费用是根本不收费,这正是免费ATM所提供的。
This is probably not scientifically accurate, but I can safely say that Tokyo is just as expensive as NYC, if not more. 这可能不是科学的统计,但是我能保证说东京和纽约一样贵,或更多。
NYC Building Codes state that elevators in the city have to be thoroughly inspected at regular intervals, not exceeding one year. 纽约市建筑法规规定该市的所有电梯必须定期检查,时间间隔不得超过一年。
Here Nyc too, since the winter is nearly coming, I just try to stay home as much as I can. 只要我能呆在家里,我就呆在家里。这个用法太简单了,可用的地方很多。
Upon my graduation from Harvard, I decided to move my company to NYC, with the idea that we should be in the center of the financial world. 我从哈佛大学毕业以后,就决定把公司迁到纽约市。我的想法是我们应该处于世界金融中心。
The world was my oyster and I made a very fulfilling professional future in NYC and the surrounding northern suburbs. 曾经一切称心如意,我在纽约市以及纽约北部郊区拥有令人满意的职业前途。
At a discussion meeting held a few weeks ago in the West Village, the . nyc group debated a number of issues. 几个星期前在西村召开了一个讨论会,.nyc团队就很多问题展开争论。
Surely, NYC residents took a serious knock in this survey because so many of them have had the same password for years: "minneapolisenvy. " 当然,纽约居民也要从这个调查中得到警示,因为他们中有很多人长年以来都使用“minneapolisenvy。”作为密码。
Next, the Balfour Declaration. Then in 1942 the NYC Zionist proclamation demanding a State of Israel in the WHOLE of Palestine. 接着,是贝尔福宣言。然后在1942年,纽约城的犹太复国主义者宣称他们寻求在整个巴勒斯坦建立一个以色列国家。
But thanks to a group of fervent Facebook fans, the band is reuniting in NYC for a good cause. 但是由于一群狂热的Facebook歌迷,乐队出于一个很好的初衷,正在纽约市进行重新组队。
The Christmas lights in NYC, the crisp winter air, and the fact that I was still alive put me in good spirits. 纽约城的圣诞灯光、冬天清新的冷风、以及我现在还活着这个事实,都让我情绪很好。
I have seen latency of up to 350 ms with a server in NYC hosting an application used by the Tokyo office. 我曾见过东京办公室使用纽约服务器上托管的应用,其响应时间达到了350ms。
For $15, tourists could join a Pennsylvania-based tour company, NYC Vacation Packages, for a three-hour walking tour of the area. 只需15美元,游客就可以参加一个在宾夕法尼亚州的旅游公司创办的纽约假日旅行套餐——一次长约3小时的区域步行游览。
Years ago, I was riding my bike in NYC, speeding downtown when I had an urge to put on the brakes as I was approaching an intersection. 几年前,我在纽约市区骑车,车速很快,当我接近一个十字路口时,突然有种刹车的冲动。
I love traveling, playing golf, going to the beach, movies, dining out, good wine, and just bumming around NYC on a weekend. 我喜欢旅游、打高尔夫、去海滩、看电影、外出用餐、好酒、周末游荡在纽约城。
But despite all this, I keep commuting into Manhattan every day, just like the rest of us bridge-and-tunnel NYC workers. 但是,尽管经历了这一切,我仍然每天往返曼哈顿,和纽约城其他需要“过大桥穿隧道”的上班族一样。
I was working at the time at a small trading firm in NYC, Wall Street job, living at home with my parents. 我是在纽约的一个小贸易公司工作,是华尔街的工作,和我父母住在一起。
The opening half hour is well constructed and the lingering shots of a deserted NYC are quite effective. 打开了半个小时,一个废弃的镜头依旧纽约市是很有效的。
With a neat bow waist-tie and sheer top, she was looking very mature in NYC in 2005. 搭配一条蝴蝶结腰带和薄纱上装,让艾玛看起来很有成熟的味道。
The trials were conducted without the knowledge or cooperation of the NYC Transit Authority or Police Department. 这些试验共进行不知情或纽约市捷运局或警察部的合作。
Through NYC Open Data, we found the Health Department's inspections of Manhattan's restaurants. And some of the scores are just plain ugly. 通过纽约市公开的数据,我们看到的卫生署对曼哈顿地区餐厅的巡查结果,有些餐馆的分数一般。