
美 [keɪn]英 [keɪn]
  • n.手杖;藤条;藤杖;(某些植物,如竹或甘蔗的)茎
  • v.用藤杖打
  • 网络拐杖;细长的茎;棍棒

复数:canes 现在分词:caning 过去式:caned



n. v.

2.[u](用于制作家具等的)竹竿,藤条these stems used as a material for making furniture, etc.

5.[c](旧时学校用于惩罚学童的)竹杖,藤条a piece of cane or a thin stick, used in the past in some schools for beating children as a punishment


侠盗猎车圣安地列斯武器位置完整页_乐游网 ... ——Flowers 花朵 ——Cane 手杖 ——Dildo XX 用具,紫色,在警察局的浴室 …


考博词汇下载(10000词汇完整版) - 豆丁网 ... candidate n. 候选人, 报考者 cane n. 茎; 甘蔗; 手杖 canine n. 犬齿 ...

考博词汇下载(10000词汇完整版) - 豆丁网 ... candidate n. 候选人, 报考者 cane n. ; 甘蔗; 手杖 canine n. 犬齿 ...


七年级上册英语词汇积累_百度文库 ... Bulletin Board 告示栏 cane 拐杖 briefcase 公文包 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... poultry n. 家禽 cane n. 细长的茎, 藤条 ood OODabbr. 面向对象设计 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... poultry n. 家禽 cane n. 细长的茎, 藤条 ood OODabbr. 面向对象设计 ...


...rap)、鞭子(whip)、拍板(paddle)、棍棒cane)、刀子、蜡油、冰块、晒衣夹(clothespin)、竹签(bamboo skewer…

This was not a king who held a staff just as a symbol of power. This was a young man who needed a cane to walk. 这些迹象都表明,图坦卡蒙不是一位以手握权杖来象征王权的法老,他只是个需要以手杖来辅助行走的虚弱年轻人。
Now some scientists are trying to help quolls, and maybe other species, by teaching them that cane toads are not food and should be avoided. 现在,一些科学家想办法帮助这些小袋鼬,或许还有其它类似的物种,方法就是教会它们树蛙是不能吃的,应当躲开。
She handed him his cane, and walked with him to the front door. 她把他的拐杖递给他,并陪他走到前门。
It lies on the map like the top half of a broken cane, parallel with the Equator but a long, long way north. 它在地图上就象一根破烂手杖的上半节,和南面平行的赤道遥遥相望。
It is difficult for her to get around without a cane. 她不用拐杖就寸步难行。
Laurence hooked up a big fish with the crooked end of his cane and held it out to her. 正当那女人要在失望中饿着肚子离开时,劳伦斯先生用他的拐杖钩起了条大鱼递给她。
There, making her way down through the small uneven pathway of ice, was an old woman with a cane. 那里,一位老妇人拄着一支拐杖,走在狭窄、不平的冰路上。
A blow with a cane was an old form of punishment. 杖打是一种老式惩罚方式。
The dark cane bed is a beautiful contrast to set of a traditional Hawaiian Quilt. 黑色的甘蔗床在传统夏威夷拼花被的衬托下,形成美丽的对比。
I talked in a deep voice, and I frightened him with my cane, but he knew very well that it was only to make him laugh. 我对他大声嚷嚷,用拐杖吓唬他,但他知道这是闹着玩的。
of the cane, he took a while to reach the chair. Finally, he sat down, dropped his glasses. 因为用拐杖不方便,他花了好一会儿才到椅子那儿。
Cane spiders are bright yellow with a brown geometric pattern on their backs, and can grow to be the size of a silver dollar. 细蜘蛛是明黄色的,在背上有一种褐色的几何图案,并能长大成一块硬币的大小。
At the Aspen Maker Faire, she displayed a new prototype for a virtual cane for the blind that could be built right into a garment. 在阿斯彭制造者集会上,她展示了一件新样品,是可以装入服装内部的盲人虚拟手杖。
I place the tip of the cane on the underside of your cock and slide it up and down the shaft. It gently taps on your balls. 我将藤条的末端放在你的阴茎上,然后轻轻的滑动一下,它便上下抖动起来。
Cane toads to the right of the track on the grass stared at me and I tried not to step on the fat ones. 路旁右边的草地上的癞蛤蟆正死死地盯着我看,而我争取不踩着那些体型肥胖者。
After the old man finished his breakfast, Mary handed him his cane, and walked with him to the front door. 老人吃完早餐后,玛丽把拐杖递给他,并与他一同走到大门口。
That said, the cane toad may just be living up to its genetic legacy. 也就是说,甘蔗蟾蜍可能只会辜负他的基因遗产。
"We're trying to find new jobs for the cane cutters, " said Ricardo, adding that some would be trained as mechanics and drivers. “我们正试图找到新的工作,为甘蔗刀,说:”里卡多补充说,有些人会受训成为技工和司机。
Without having to be told, Bob steered his kin to one side away from the lines of children, and stood with his eyes fixed on the cane. 鲍勃无言地将弟妹们领至一边,自己站着,眼睛盯着那根笞杖。
I could not face my brothers, knowing that they were sure to blame me for bringing our father's cane down on their backs and legs. 我没脸见我的哥哥们,他们一定会指责我,是我让他们的背和腿挨了父亲的打。
If my computer was personified, it would be an old and half-deaf man walking slowly with a cane. 如果我的电脑被拟人化,它有可能会是个杵著一根拐杖缓慢前进的半聋老人。
The first decorated conversation homework our class a male classmate no heart, results cane Mr Raise him up to recite the, he said forget. 第一次布置得会话作业我们班一男同学没放在心上,结果藤原先生叫他起来背诵,他说忘了。
He is the guy with the little mustache who carries a cane, wears a bowler hat, and ends up in every ridiculous situation imaginable. 他是那个蓄著小胡子、手持拐杖、头戴圆礼帽的男子,而且每每都以各种你所能想像得到的荒唐情境收场。
Forget cricket bats, golf clubs or carbon dioxide, Australia has found a new weapon in its war on the cane toad: cat food. 忘掉板球球棍,高尔夫棒或者是二氧化碳吧,澳大利亚发现了一个对付甘蔗蟾蜍的新武器:猫粮。
But after a few months of twice-weekly sessions, he decided it was time to leave his cane at home. 但是,经过一段时间的每周两次训练后,他认为是时候离开他的拐杖了。
In the front living room she had cane chairs with heart-shaped backs, and triangles of lace decorated the shelves. 在前面的客厅里有几张藤背椅,它们的靠背是一个心形,三角形的花边装饰着座凳。
Men who wear sunglasses at night don't look cool, rich, or sexy. They look as if they should be holding a cane or following a dog. 晚上戴墨镜的男人看起来不酷、不富,也不性感。他们看起来像是应该拄着拐杖或者跟着一只导盲犬。
Saturday, 4: 47 a. m. : Was just now trying to return my dead grandmother, s cane to her. 星期六凌晨4点47分:刚刚试着把拐杖还给我已去世的奶奶。
She began walking with a cane, and needed a fancy electronic doodad to tell her when her cup of tea was full. 她开始使用拐杖走路,需要一个花哨的电子斗爸爸告诉她时,她的茶杯满了。
Do not know how one thing, I wanted to go to see the sugar cane. 也不知道怎么一回事,我一见到甘蔗就想去吃。