too bad

  • 网络太糟糕了;可惜;太糟糕啦

too badtoo bad

too bad


口袋妖怪联盟 - 人人小站 ... 进入深处,会有声音叫你走开( GO AWAY!) (too bad 太糟糕了) -> (no more 不再…) ...


哪些是迈克尔杰克逊自己写的歌?_百度知道 ... They Don't Care About Us 他们不在乎我们 too Bad 可惜 Ghosts 鬼怪 ...


英国最常用的118句口语 ... 99. Think about it . 考虑一下。 100. Too bad! 太糟糕啦! 102. What did you say? 你说什么? ...


老友记经典英文台词 ... (And stuff 诸如此类) 41、 (too bad 开头来描述一件糟糕的事情) 42、 (have the guts 有种,有勇 …


刀锋战士(双语) ... 没有 No . 真可惜 Too bad . 我的天 Oh,my God ! ...


不堪的意思... ... [utterly;extremely] 用于形容词后面表示程度深 [too bad] 坏到极点 [be not qualified] 不能胜任,不能承当 ...

It's just too bad Salinger was just as tortured by it as you might've thought, or he woulda added to his own. 林赛格被你们的揣测拷问这简直是太糟糕了,他或许会自己来解决这些问题。
That's too bad. He probably chose something he would like to have and didn't consider your taste. I hope you thanked him for it anyway. 我觉得,给别人买东西,应该买别人喜欢的才对。不过我打算发个电子邮件,谢谢他,不知道怎么写,来请教你。
Sarcastic comments included: "Trees died for this book? " and, for a smart phone: "All the features you want -- too bad they don't work! " 讽刺性的评论包括:“难道这本书要等到花儿也谢了?”还有关于智能电话的:“所有的特性应有尽有,包括智能到根本就不听使唤!”
So saying it cannot occur just because the alternative is too bad to fathom, I think, is a bit too easy to say. 所以说它不会发生仅仅是因为抉择太难参透,我想,说说容易而已。
So, and once in a while it will get worse, so then it is a little bit nauseating, but it's actually fine, it's not too bad, I am used to it. 它偶尔会变得更加难闻,那时你会觉得有一点恶心,但实际上这还好,并不是太坏。我已经习惯了。
And I said, "Well, that's kind of too bad, because we need 100 million units a year. " 于是我说:“哦,那真是可惜。因为我们一年就需要一亿部。”
Iran doesn't recognise Israel, has no diplomatic relations with it . . . Too bad, but I don't care. 伊朗不承认以色列,跟该国没有外交关系……太糟糕了,但是我不在乎。
If you know your mind is busy and full of thoughts, then that's actually not too bad. But often that's not the case. 如果你知道你的心是很忙碌而且充满念头的,那还不算太糟,但通常不是这个样子。
Oh, I'm not sure I agree with you. It was not a good one, but it was not the worst one. Actually, it wasn't too bad. 噢,我肯定不同意你的意见。它不是一部优秀的电影,但是它也不是最差的。事实上,它不是很差。
It wasn't too bad although queue was forming behind me and I got up in the lift to floor 3 with a couple of minutes to spare. 情况还不算太糟,虽然在我身后有很多人排队,我花了两分钟才坐上到三楼的电梯。
Ai says that it's too bad things turned out like this, because she always secretly sort of liked WG. 爱说,这太糟糕的事情出现这样的情况,因为她总是喜欢偷偷样的工作组。
But if you thought about him just enough and not too much, you could figure it out that he wasn't doing too bad for himself. 不过你要是想他想到恰到好处,不是想得太多,你就会觉得他的日子就还不算太难过。
It's too bad the curtain as the fall, it's been a perfect night with you. 作为秋天它是太坏的帷幕,和你一起它是精彩的夜晚。
Well, that's too bad, this was the deal you and I made the last time. 很遗憾,这是上次我们说好了的。
Seems to me that China is protecting its businesses. Too bad Congress and the rest of those idiots can, t protect our jobs. 我看似乎是中国。糟糕的国会,那些傻蛋才不会保护我们的就业机会呢!
However the outlook for the weekend was not too bad, although Friday afternoon's training was more or less cancelled due to rain. 不过,展望周末不算太坏,虽然周五下午的训练是更多或更少取消因大雨。
Maybe he'll sort of understand, then, if we crank the volume all the way up, just a few more times, hoping nothing too bad will happen. 也许他也理解那种感受。我们把音量调到最大,一次又一次这样做,但同时希望着这没啥不妥。
And after I had work for a month, I can say, yes, not too bad, but, I prefer to be a tutor in a university, that will be better. 实习了这一个月以后,我可以说,是的,还好,但是我觉得高校老师更好。
There was a bit of turbulence while we were over the Pacific Ocean but it wasn't too bad. 就是经过太平洋的时候有气流但是不是很糟糕。
Its too bad the curtain as the fall, its been a perfect night with you. 窗帘要拆下来那太糟那和你在一起的夜是完美的了。
Fine, but don't feel too bad if it can't arrange for some reason or other. As I said earlier, my suggestion is just in your consideration. 好的,如果因为某些原因而不能安排的话也不用太为难,就像我开始说的,我们的建议只是给您一些参考。
"At this point in time" came along during the Nixon congressional hearings. Too bad it didn't go out with him. 尼克松在国会听证会里面用了“Atthispointintime”的表达,可惜这种表达没和他一起消失掉。
Wow, well, that's too bad. I really feel bad now but. . . OK, I think I think I might take this one. Actually how much is it? 哇,那太糟糕了。我现在感觉真的很糟糕,但是……好吧,我想我想我想我就买这个,那么多少钱?
"Well its been a good yr too bad its over, " the actor, 22, Tweeted Friday, seemingly alluding to his diminished role on the show. “过去的一年真的很不错,很遗憾这么快就结束了”这位22岁的演员上周五在推特里如此写道,似乎暗示自己在该剧中被削弱的角色。
We had a look at him and we didn't think it was too bad, so we were happy for him to report to Spain's training camp. 我们为他做了检查,发现情况并不严重,所以我们也很高兴他能返回西班牙国家队训练营报到。
He felt too bad for that there were all spelling mistakes on the card. 这张卡片全市拼写错误。他觉得糟透了。
It's nice to see that Google have almost sort of realized that their recruiting algorithm is problematic. Too bad they haven't fixed it. 令人高兴的是,Google似乎有点意识到他们的招聘方法存在问题,可惜的是他们没有设法解决。
Too bad the only thing Monday stands for in most people' s minds is the beginning of a week full of toil and drudgery. 可是在大多数人的头脑里,星期一只代表充满辛劳和乏味的一周的开始,这糟糕极了。
Yossarian had everything he wanted in the hospital, the food wasn' t too bad, and his meals were brought to him in bed. 尤索林住在医院里要什么有什么,伙食并不算坏,而且每餐都送到他的床前来。
"Not too bad! Brother Gong, thank you for your mercy! " replied the young man, biting his lip with a pale face. 那少年脸色苍白,咬着嘴唇道:“多谢龚师兄剑下留情。”