
美 [ˈræðər]英 [ˈrɑːðə(r)]
  • adv.而是;稍微;(常用于表示轻微的批评、失望或惊讶)相当;更准确地说
  • int.表示同意某人的提议
  • 网络宁可;宁愿;颇



1.(常用于表示轻微的批评、失望或惊讶)相当,在某种程度上used to mean ‘fairly’ or ‘to some degree’, often when you are expressing slight criticism, disappointment or surprise

2.(与动词连用以减弱语气)有点儿,稍微used with a verb to make a statement sound less strong

3.(纠正所说的话或提供更确切的信息)更确切地讲,更准确地说used to correct sth you have said, or to give more accurate information

4.(提出不同或相反的观点)相反,反而,而是used to introduce an idea that is different or opposite to the idea that you have stated previously


rather you, him, etc. than me

(表明不想做别人要去做的事)used for saying that you would not like to do sth that another person is going to do

rather than

而不是instead of sb/sth

would rather… (than)

宁愿;更喜欢would prefer to


八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 393 bench n. 长凳,工作台 394 rather ad. 宁可,宁愿,有些,相当 395 Sweden n. 瑞典 ...


宁字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 返回,回〖 goback〗 宁可;宁愿〖 rather;wouldrather〗 岂;难道〖 couldtherebe〗 ...


八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 393 bench n. 长凳,工作台 394 rather ad. 宁可,宁愿,有些,相当 395 Sweden n. 瑞典 ...

形容词是怎样定义的,如何使用它们?_爱问知识人 ... 3. so 那么 4. rather 有些, 1. as...as 表示相等 ...


八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 393 bench n. 长凳,工作台 394 rather ad. 宁可,宁愿,有些,相当 395 Sweden n. 瑞典 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... rat 老鼠;讨厌的人 rather 有些,相当;宁可,宁愿 ratio 比,比率 ...


新概念英语第二册单词总汇_英语网 ... continually ad. 不断地,连续地 rather ad. 相当,颇为,宁愿 continue vi. 继续,延长,留 ...


恶魔之灾 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... notice: 注意 rather: 有点 notched: 有缺口的 ...

The fact that the medical-industrial complex is trying to shape health care reform rather than block it is a tremendously good omen. 现在的事实是,医疗-产业联合体正在支持而不是破坏医改,这是个非常好的兆头。
If may choose, I rather do not know you, is not willing to fall in love oneself you, is not willing to give you the scar! 如果可以选择,我宁可不去认识你,不愿意让自己爱上你,更不愿意给予你伤痕!
They are beginning to see the Light in others, rather than concentrate on the physical aspects. 你们开始看到彼此之间的【爱的光芒】,超过去注意那些物质的需求。
Rather, it would reflect the fact that compensation that was previously hidden had now come to the surface. 相反,它将反映出这样一个事实——从前隐蔽的薪酬现在浮上了表面。
A bit of mental adjusting is required since Mango operates differently than most smartphones: Actions focus on people rather than apps. 使用这款手机还需要进行一点点心理调整,因为芒果的运行方式与绝大多数智能手机不一样:它的活动重点关注“人”,而不是应用程序。
But shareholders in financial institutions have seen rather too much of that strategy lately to be entirely comfortable with it. 但金融机构的股东们觉得,对于今后的发展,还未能找到太多完全适合自身的发展战略。
This seems like a rather drastic measure, so it will be interesting to see how the publishers on the Brightcove Network will react to this. 这看起来是非常极端的措施,所以看看Brightcove的用户是如何反应的将会很有趣。
But rather than falling asleep, he became intrigued by an account of a wireless network in Hawaii, called ALOHAnet. 然而,他不但没有睡着,反被夏威夷的一种叫做ALOHAnet的无线网络激起了兴趣。
They also examined the robot dog as if it were an object rather than a creature - prodding it and picking it up. 他们对机器狗进行了检查,像对待一个真实的生物而不仅是一个物体的一样去戳它,把它拿起来。
She is offered a knife with which to stab the prince to death, but rather than do that she jumps into the sea and dies by turning to froth. 魔咒中,只有用剪刀刺死王子,她才能获救。她没有照做,而是跃进大海,变成了泡沫。
Iwould rather be a poor man in a garret with plenty of books than making who did not love reading. 我宁愿做一个住在藏书阁的穷人,也不愿意做一个不爱读书的国王。
It is not so much that they force their sons and daughters to leave school. rather that tend to say, " It's up to you " . 通常父母们并不是直接逼迫子女退学,我觉得他们可能会跟他们说:“一切由你决定”。
If it's all the same to you, I'd rather to go to bed early tonight than stay up and watch TV. 如果对你来说没什么区别,我宁愿今晚早点睡觉,而不是熬夜看电视。
If he comes to see you when he is drunk rather than change himself for you when he is conscious, you should leave him. 如果他都喝得醉醺醺才来找你,而不愿意在清醒时为你改变,那么就该离开。
Her problem is rather that she confuses her own Promethean egotism with an ambition for her daughters. 她的问题是,她把自己普罗米修斯式的自我中心与她对女儿的期望混为一谈。
Roy: I fail to see what this has to do with me. Or rather, I am beginning to see, but I'm hoping I'm totally wrong. Crap. 我看不出这些和我有什么关系。或者不如说,我看出了点眉目,但我希望自己大错特错。该死。
She had a bossy sort of voice, lots of bushy brown hair, and rather large front teeth. 她有着一头又多又蓬松的棕色头发,前面的门牙特别大。
The endowment effect is an irrational preference to keep what you have rather than switch. Better the devil you know and all that. “禀赋效应”是一种非理性偏好,即珍惜你拥有的东西,而不是去改变它。选择你熟悉的东西。
Rather than envisaging the family as if it were a firm, maybe the firm should be rethought as a family. 人们不应把家族想象成一家公司,而或许更应该将公司想象为一个家族。
For this might put him in a rather embarrassing situation, and also harm his relations with the other staff members. 因为这可能使被表扬的人感到尴尬,而且可能破坏他和其他员工的关系。
The idea of XBRL is not to hide the complexity, but rather to lay it all out on the table, so that it's at least accessible and transparent. XBRL的原理并不是要隐藏这种复杂性,而是将复杂性明白地表达出来,这至少实现了可访问性和透明性。
The description of events in the messages is often rather short and terse. 在信息里面,对事件的描述通常来说是十分短和简介的。
You know, we enjoyed mild weather, everybody was kind of joking like there's nothing here to talk about and I was rather bored. 你知道,我们享受温和的天气。人们都开玩笑说我们这里没有什么可以谈论的了。我也感到挺无聊的。
But this still rather mysterious trade seems to be part of the problem as much as it is part of the solution. 但这仍然是非常神秘的交易,这似乎是问题的一部分,正如它也是答案的一部分那样。
The Bank should not focus only on inflation over the next two years, but on threats to price stability over a rather longer horizon. 央行不能只防着未来两年的通胀,也得放眼量量物价远期的不确定因素。
Rather, being employed merely provides financial security that enables a woman to leave when all else fails. 有工作仅仅意味着一旦婚姻失败,女人可以用经济后盾提出离婚。
She seems to have a great deal of dangerous and rather contagious sensibility. 她看来有许多危险的、甚至有害的感情。
Nevertheless, the figures seem to point to a deep ish recession, rather than the rerun of the Depression that was feared a few months ago. 然而,数据似显示了较严重的衰退,而非数月前人们所担心的大萧条再现。
When the ball first bounces off the ground at frame 50, it seems to float and slip rather than rebound. 在50帧的时候球第一次弹到地面,看起来像浮动跟滑动,而不是回弹。
He was forced to acknowledge to himself that he had confided it rather lightly to that stranger whose face he had not been able to make out. 他心里不得不承认自己把信随便交给一个他连面孔都没有看清的陌生人是轻率的。