
美 [ˈfæktər]英 [ˈfæktə(r)]
  • n.因子;因素;系数;要素
  • v.【数】把…化为因子[因数];为…充当代理商;代理经营;代管(产业)
  • 网络因式

复数:factors 现在分词:factoring 过去式:factored

important factor,key factor,main factor,major factor,specific factor
consider factor,analyze factor,take factor,determine factor


n. v.

1.[c]因素;要素one of several things that cause or influence sth

2.[c]因子;因数a number that divides into another number exactly

3.[c](增或减的)数量,倍数the amount by which sth increases or decreases

4.[c]系数a particular level on a scale of measurement

5.[u]凝血因子a substance in the blood that helps the clotting process. There are several types of this substance


因字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 因数〖 factor〗 因素factor;element〗 因为〖 because;for;onaccountof〗 ...


项目管理术语英汉对照表 - MBA智库百科 ... Facility 设施项目产品 Factor 因子 Failure 失败 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... facility n 便利;便利设备(容易让人做事) factor n 要素;动力 benefactor n 捐助者;恩人 ...


机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... parameter 参数 factor 系数 phosphate 皮膜化成 ...


3d max 中英文对照 - 小M的日志 - 网易博客 ... Facing 面;面片状;正方形面 Factor 因数;因子 Fade For 衰减耗时;衰减到 ...

英语词汇-数学词汇_专业词汇 ... face 面 factor 因子;因式; factor method 因式分解法 ...


英语词汇-数学词汇_专业词汇 ... face 面 factor 因子;因式;商 factor method 因式分解法 ...

Elasticity of substitution----A measure of the degree to which two factor inputs complement or substitute for one another in production. 弹性代换——产品中的两个因素投入产品中相互补充或是代替的衡量度数。
What is in common in both cases is the presence of Romanian state in shareholders structure, which seems to be an Important risk factor. 两者相同的方面是罗马尼亚政府都有占有股份,这看上去是个重要的风险因素。
For one thing, the app attrition rate is often a factor in calculating store sizes. 一方面,软件流失率通常作为估计应用商店规模的一个因素。
Still, analysts said the risk factor driving currencies is likely to remain intact until the end of the year. 尽管如此,分析师还是表示,在今年底之前,推动汇市的风险因素料将维持不变。
All that indicated that the cooperation of parents'GCA and GD was the major factor in yield's transformation. 说明在影响产量的因素中,双亲的一般配合力和遗传距离的共同作用占有最主要的地位。
While his hushed vocals were a constant factor in all of his albums, this was the closest Drake came to being in a rock band. 然而他安静的嗓音在他所有的专辑中是一个永恒的元素,这是德雷克最接近于摇滚乐队的一张唱片。
Some analysts said the decisive factor in the defeat of the party that backs Musharraf, the Pakistan Muslim League (PML), was the president. 某些分析家说,支持穆沙拉夫的政党——巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟(PML)失败的决定性的因素,是总统。
Happily, as is often the case with such forays into terra quasi-incognita, the serendipity factor comes into play. 可喜的是,像冒险进入类似未知领域最常见的情况一样,机缘凑巧开始起作用。
By taking account of the Latte Factor I find it easy to save this much. 由于使用了LatteFactor帐号,我发现储蓄容易得多。
While estimating the measurement model, this paper confirms the structural validity of every variable by the confirmatory factor analysis. 在测量模型验证阶段,本文用验证性因子分析方法对各变量结构的有效性进行了验证。
The activity was determined by combining the intrinsic materials factor and that of active surface area of electrodes. 电极的析氧活性由电催化剂的自身材料因素与电极的活性表面积决定。
Indeed, differentiating oneself in today's job market has been a motivating factor for students signing up for these programs. 的确,想要在当今的就业市场上脱颖而出是激励学生们去参加这些海外实习项目的动因。
Key decision-making factor to choose TNT was that the transportation required special handling, careful packing and enhanced security. 选择TNT的主要因素是,此次运输需要特殊的处理,且小心的包装与高度的防护。
All these things together basically created a factor where the consumer sort of drove us headlong into the crisis that we face today. 所有这些加一起,大体上就是导致消费者进入危机的原因,我们如此仓促,手足无措。
The pipeline operation data in Sichuan Oil Field and mathematical methods have been used to fit the friction factor calculating formulas. 利用四川油田现场管线运行数据和数学方法拟合出摩阻系数计算公式;
But even with this factor accounted for, geologists don't believe that alone would have been enough to create such an enormous wave. 但即使考虑这一因素,地质学者仍不相信仅凭这一点就足以形成这么巨大的波浪。
Weather is not believed to be a factor. ? Witnesses say they did not see any fire before the plane broke apart. 天气不认为是一个因素。?目击者说,他们没有看到任何消防飞机解体之前。
To contribute here means to be part of the cause, or to be a factor in something. 决定性这里指部分原因,或者引发某事的一个因素。
Using this as the basis for his own research Gardner went on to investigate motivation as an influencing factor in acquisition. 加德纳以此理论为基础去研究动机对学习的影响。
Whether or not you enjoy the same things sexually seems to be a big factor in whether or not you are satisfied and motivated sexually. 你是否喜欢一尘不变对于在性爱是你能否积极,满意是有很大影响的。
After factoring how much sleep you need, and repaying your sleep debt, factor it into your daily schedule. 在了解你需要多少睡眠,偿还了睡债之后,将它纳入日常时刻表中。
The surface form of deformed GFRP rebars is the main factor affecting the bond behavior between GFRP rebars and concrete. GFRP变形筋的外形是影响GFRP筋与混凝土粘结性能的重要因素。
"Incidentally, the commentary ignores Iran altogether, as if it is not a factor of consequence on the Afghan chessboard" . “顺便说一下,评论完全忽视伊朗,好像它在阿富汗棋盘上不是一个重要因素”。
In what is now known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, plastic outweighs plankton, by a factor of six to one. 就在现在被人们称为“大太平洋垃圾带”的海域内,他发现塑料制品比浮游生物还多,比例约为六比一。
Analysts said the current market is still a determining factor in policy and confidence between the game , the market fell space is limited. 分析师表示,当前市场的决定因素仍在于政策和信心之间的博弈,市场下跌空间有限。
The support of these men may have been a factor in making Chiang hold on to an untenable position. 蒋之所以死守无法保住的阵地,这些人的支持可能就是原因之一。
Nonetheless, it will continue to be a source of public apprehension and a factor confronting governments around the world. 尽管如此,它仍将是一个来源市民忧心的一个因素,面对世界各地的政府。
The viscosity resistance is a primary factor to fading errors when the acceleration of gravitation is measured on an air track. 在气垫导轨上测重力加速度时,空气粘滞阻尼力是产生误差的主要原因。
When it works in liquids in dynamic mode, the enhancement of the quality factor has always been a research hotspot. 微悬臂梁在液体中,工作在动态模式时,品质因数的提高问题一直是国内外研究的焦点。
"More than anything, she looks like a strong individual, which is probably the most appealing factor, " he said. “最主要的一点是,她看起来是个坚韧的人,这也许是最吸引人的一点,”他说。