
美 [ˈfren(d)li]英 ['fren(d)li]
  • adv.友好地;朋友般地
  • adj.友爱的;友好的;善意的;亲切的
  • n.(足球等的)友谊赛
  • 网络友善的;友谊的

比较级:friendlier 最高级:friendliest

friendly manner,friendly relationship,friendly people,friendly atmosphere,friendly smile


1.友爱的;友好的behaving in a kind and pleasant way because you like sb or want to help them

2.善意的;亲切的;和蔼可亲的showing kindness; making you feel relaxed and as though you are among friends

3.~ (with sb)朋友似的treating sb as a friend

4.友好的;和睦的not treating sb/sth as an enemy

5.好用的;有用的;无害的that is helpful and easy to use; that helps sb/sth or does not harm it

6.(比赛)为增进友谊的;非对抗性的in which the people, teams, etc. taking part are not seriously competing against each other


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六年级下册英语大本答案_百度知道 ... Helpful 乐于助人的 Friendly 友善的 Funny 有趣的;滑稽可笑的 ...


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6、如何才能在 友谊赛friendly)和 邀请赛(tournament)请到顶级球队? 1. 你自己的球队声望要高2. 运气7、FIFAM的第2 …


MOVE CLUB - MOVE CLUB - 网易博客 ... 进取 Progressive 友爱 Friendly 体谅 Considerate ...


PEST-4 - 青草的日志 - 网易博客 ... friend n.朋友,友人 friendly a.友善的,亲切的 friendship n.友谊,友爱 ...

These physically strong, well-known both dollars and a lot of men with all the friendly gestures to allow women the capital. 这些身体强壮、既有名气又有大把美元的男人们具备了一切让女人投怀送抱的资本。
Cuba is ready to continue working with China for a brighter future of friendly relations between both countries. 古方愿同中方继续努力,共同开创古中友好关系更加美好的未来。
While facing work and employee, he seems to be very seriously, but faces the time of family and friend, he seem to be very kind, friendly. 面对工作和员工时,他显得十分严肃,但面对家庭和朋友的时候,他却显得十分和蔼,随和。
I would much rather see a solid, business-friendly framework of components ready to have any application integrated and built on top of it. 我更希望能看到一种稳固的、商业友好的组件框架,随时可在其上集成或构建任何应用程序。
"We Chinese people will certainly welcome French people and athletes to China with a tolerant, friendly and passionate attitude, " she said. “中国人民一定会以温和、友善和热情的态度欢迎法国人民和运动员的到来。”金晶说。
It was only a friendly but it was one of the most special days for me. 那只是一场友谊赛,但是对我来说这是我生命中最特别的一天之一。
But creating a dart-friendly environment is important because a crucial cognitive switch happens when you start thinking like the enemy. 创造一个鼓励批评的环境非常重要,因为一旦开始换位思考,站在对手的角度想问题,公司内部的认知就会发生关键的转变。
It doesn't matter whether it was a pre-season friendly or not, but the fact it is pre-season gives us a wee bit of solace. 这与是否是季前的友谊赛无关,不过还好这是季前热身,这多少让人心宽了一点。
She helped me with my suitcase, She stands before my eyes Driving me to the airport, And to the friendly skies. 她提着我的行李,走到我的面前。她开车送我去机场,看我飞上蓝天。
He went on to say that Jordan stands ready to work alongside China to push bilateral friendly cooperation to a new high. 约旦愿在新世纪与中方一道把两国友好合作推向更高水平。
But beyond all that, this is a city of millions of friendly people who love to meet people from around the world. 但除此之外,它是一个深受几百万喜爱,可以满足来自全世界的人的城市。
She is a friendly teacher, and her students would be very easy to make friends. 她是一位友好的老师,所以学生可以很容易和她交朋友。
Heiko Westermann has been ruled out for Germany by an injury he picked up in Saturday's friendly with Hungary. 德国的海科·韦斯特曼因为在周六与匈牙利队的友谊赛中受伤而退出了世界杯的比赛。
Light with high harness , Environmental friendly , Easy to clean, Luxury looking with top grade quality, and strong sense of metal . 轻质高强、环保洁净、外形美观、豪华高档,金属质感强。
Ferguson has already had Gary Neville pull out of the England friendly in Holland in midweek with a recurrence of a calf injury. 由于最近的受伤,福格森爵士已经让内维尔退出了周中和荷兰的友谊赛。
He said that the two countries are friendly close neighbors and the friendship between the two peoples goes back to ancient times. 他说,中斯是亲密友好的近邻,两国人民的友谊源远流长。
It is only the beginning, and a good one , of the long and friendly business relations between us. 它仅仅是个开端,一个我们之间长期友好业务关系的开端。
He said since the two countries signed a treaty on friendly cooperation in 1994, bilateral cooperation in all areas has made rapid progress. 他说,1994年两国签署友好合作关系条约以来,两国各领域合作取得长足发展。
It has no state capital-gains or income tax, and a business-friendly and immigrant-tolerant attitude. 得州不征收资本利得税和个人所得税,对企业友好,对移民宽容。
Just the loneliest guy in the town, looking for a friendly smile, but all that I could see were faces. 只是城里最孤单的一个人,寻觅一个友好的微笑,但我能看到的只有面庞而已。
The collar is environmental friendly and easy to recycle, therefore the disposal cost can be changed into profit. 衣领是环境友好,易于回收,因此处置费用可分为盈利改变。
She had no business to be so friendly to a young man of whom their brother thought so meanly. 她根本没有必要与一个她们的兄弟认为十分卑劣的小伙子这样亲密。
It was a warm, friendly meeting. They thought back over Jackson's years in the White House and talked about what had been done. 这些会面都非常友好和温馨,他们一起回顾了杰克逊在白宫的岁月,并谈论曾经所发生的一切。
But don't just tell the story to a friendly audience; try it out on skeptics. 但不要只说给客气的听众,而要试着给那些有怀疑眼光的人听。
Yet given the word supplication, he said, "making a serious request for help, " and pact drew "friendly agreement. " 然而,给他“恳求”这个词时,他说,“真诚地请求帮助。”说到“协议”,则回答,“友好的协定。”
But suddenly, a change came over the man. He was no longer such a friendly soul. 突然,那人全变了样子,一点也不和气了。
She added that Kraft hoped to engage in friendly negotiations with Cadbury but did not rule out a hostile offer. 罗森菲尔德补充说,卡夫希望与吉百利进行友好协商,但不排除进行敌意收购。
When it came to money, all her friendly promises counted for little; she was as mean as Shylock. 当涉及到金钱时,她所有那些友好的允诺就变得无关紧要了;她和夏洛克一样吝啬。
Even if there was a friendly way, most of the women I've talked to about it said they would not want to hear it from a guy. 即使你用很友好的方式对他们说,她们也不太愿意从一个男性的口中听到这样的话。
Let me warn you about this Smith fellow. He seems like a nice, friendly guy. But it's wise to keep him at arm's length. 我要警告你关于这个史密斯家伙,他看上去是个友好可爱的家伙,但是你要与他保持距离。