
美 [feɪs]英 [feɪs]
  • n.脸;面孔;表面;面部表情
  • v.面对;面临;面向;应付
  • 网络面子

复数:faces 现在分词:facing 过去式:faced

pretty face,beautiful face,round face,young face,happy face
face challenge,wash face,face competition,face reality,face problem


n. v.

头的正面front of head

1.脸;面孔the front part of the head between the forehead and the chin


2.面部表情an expression that is shown on sb's face


3.有…面容的;有…表情的having the type of face or expression mentioned


4.(某类型的)人used to refer to a person of the type mentioned


5.(某物的)面,表面a side or surface of sth


7.~ of sth(事物的某种)特征the particular character of sth

8.~ of sth方面a particular aspect of sth


disappear/vanish off the face of the earth

完全消失;消逝得无影无踪to disappear completely

sbs face doesnt fit

长相不合格;性格不合适used to say that sb will not get a particular job or position because they do not have the appearance, personality, etc. that the employer wants, even when this should not be important

sbs face is like thunder|sb has a face like thunder

某人怒气冲冲;某人满面怒容somebody looks very angry

face to face (with sb)

(与某人)面对面close to and looking at sb

face to face with sth

面对某种处境in a situation where you have to accept that sth is true and deal with it

face up/down

面朝上╱朝下with your face and stomach facing upwards/downwards

have the face to do sth

居然有脸干某事;恬不知耻做某事to do sth that other people think is rude or shows a lack of respect without feeling embarrassed or ashamed

in sbs face

批评某人,支使某人(使人恼火)annoying sb by criticizing them or telling them what to do all the time

in the face of sth

即使面对(问题、困难等)despite problems, difficulties, etc.

lose face

丢脸;失面子to be less respected or look stupid because of sth you have done

on the face of it

表面上看used to say that sth seems to be good, true, etc. but that this opinion may need to be changed when you know more about it

pull/make faces/a face (at sb)

(对某人)耷拉着脸,板着脸,做鬼脸to produce an expression on your face to show that you do not like sb/sth or in order to make sb laugh

put your face on

化妆to put on make-up

set your face against sb/sth

坚决反对某人╱事物to be determined to oppose sb/sth

to sbs face

当着某人的面if you say sthto sb's face , you say it to them directly rather than to other people

whats his/her face

(指记不起姓名的人)叫…的人used to refer to a person whose name you cannot remember

日常生活中的英语单词_爱问知识人 ... head 头 face hair 头发 ...

Mandarin Poster Chinese Radicals ... 非 wrong face 革 rawhide ...


九年级英语单词MP3下载 人教版_百度知道 ... unimportant 不重要 face 面临;面对;正视 soldier 军人;士兵 ...


首页-香香小铺 专业美国代购-- 淘宝网 ... THE BODY SHOP |美体小铺 面部 FACE 眼部 EYE ...


所谓面子( face) , 即每个社会成员希望得到的公众眼中的自我形象( the public selfimage)。Goffman (1967) 提出面子与觉得尴尬 …


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 417 draw v 画;绘制 419 face n 脸;面孔 420 eye n 眼睛 ...


外表_百度百科 ... [appearance;exterior] 外部形象 [face;surface] 表面 [border] 边境 ...

I'm a face without expression, A heart with no beat. Without you by my side, I'm just a flame without the heat. 我将是一张没有表情的脸;一颗停止跳动的心;没有你在我身边;我只是一束没有热量的火焰。
As I lifted my glass to join in a celebratory toast, I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see the smiling face of my old buddy, Flaps. 正当我举杯和大家祝酒庆祝的时候,我感到肩膀被人拍了一下,转过头我看到老伙计“招风耳”洋溢着笑容的脸。
"Very soon, death is coming, " he cried, with tears streaming down his face. Over and over. But there was no one there to hear him. “死神很快就要降临了,”它哀号着,泪流满面。它不停地哭着,但就是没人来答理它。
One might have taken him for a white-haired old man but for his extremely youthful face. 要不是他的脸极为年轻,人们可能会误以为他是一位白发老人。
Surface is the basic materials to do bread, you see the face, the taste of bread to a large extent depends on the surface quality. 面是做馒头的基本材料,你看到的是面,馒头的口味很大程度上也取决于面的品质。
The true face of Britain is not the tiny minority that looted, but the large majority that came out afterwards to help clean up. 不列颠的真实面不是被抢的那小小部分,而是在事后出来帮忙收拾的那绝大多数。
"oh frank. . . " her face was as bright as the star that twinkled on our tree in the corner of the small room. “噢,弗兰克…”她的脸像小房间角落里圣诞树上闪耀的星星一样明亮。
This scared the utter hell out of me because what I felt was a tall man, with long greasy hair but I couldn't make out his face. 这下我可真是给吓得魂飞魄散,因为我所感觉到是一个高个男子,披散著长发,头发上满是油污,但我一直没法辨认出他的模样。
The only positive thing about its latest announcement is that it shows the firm is at last beginning to face reality. 唯一值得肯定的是,此次宣告表明公司最终选择了面对现实。
Does art reflect life? In movies, yes. Because more than any other art form, films have been a mirror held up to society's porous face. 艺术反映生活吗?对电影而言是。多于任何另外的艺术形式,电影是竖在社会之多样面貌前的一面镜子。
Now you tell her to her face that you could have stayed to meet her and you would not. 现在你冲着她的脸告诉她你能留在这见她而你却不那样做。
Dawn dawn, let us meet those difficulties with it, with the heart of Thanksgiving, in the face of all setbacks. 黎明破晓,让我们一起迎接那些困难吧,怀着感恩的心,面对所有的挫折。
My girlfriend thought it would be funny to take a feather duster to my face, knowing I'm allergic to dust, and I sneezed. 女朋友知道我对灰尘过敏,就拿了个鸡毛掸子戳在我脸上。
During the five days that this cataclysm lasted, the sun did not show its face and the earth remained in darkness. ' Worlds in Collision, p. 在这5天里,大灾难持续着,太阳没有露脸,地球仍然处在黑暗之中。
This was why she had borne herself with dignity, and had looked people calmly in the face at times, even when holding the baby in her arms. 就是因为这样,她才建立起自己的尊严,即使怀里抱着孩子,偶尔她也敢抬起头来看人,不感到害怕了。
I reasoned with the man's desire to say to her, give her to explain this thing how noble, let us all to the normal state of mind to face. 欲望高涨的我晓之以理的给她说,给她解释这种事有多高尚,让我们都能以正常的心态面对。
For a time, she didn't know how to face up to the fact that she would never (be able to) walk again. 有一段时间,她真不知如何面对自己再也不能行走的事实。
'Oh! dear nurse! ' said the child, looking earnestly up in her face, 'let me lie by my brother! ' “啊!亲爱的奶妈!”孩子恳切地仰望着她的脸,说道,“让我躺在弟弟的身旁吧!”
however , when I get out of her , she says, she would eat nothing untill i face to her. 可是,当我逃避的时候,她对我说,直到我面对她,她不会吃。
A week later, the second young man also returned. He looked terribly weary and his face was weather-beaten. 一周以后,第二个年轻人也回来了,他神情疲倦,满脸风霜。
She acquits so will. And especially dialect. She knows how to face them in public. So I think show my best wish to her, to go future. 她(获胜者)的表现很出色,尤其是语调,她懂得如何面对观众。我祝愿她能走得更远,直至最后一轮比赛。
It was a real slap on the face not to be invited to her wedding after we had worked together for six years. 跟她同事了六年,居然不请我去参加他的婚礼,这简直是公开的侮辱。
He is quite unfit to be seen. He might have borrowed my razor to get rid of all that stubble on his face. 他那副模样真没法见人,他本来可以借我的剃刀刮掉那一脸邋遢的胡子。
Nevertheless, I do expect to see a new face or two signed to the preseason roster within the next couple of weeks. 尽管如此,我仍然希望在接下去几周里能看到一两个新面孔能够加入赛季前的大名单中。
Skipper Vidic has been sidelined with a calf injury since the opening day win at West Brom but is ready to face the Romanian outfit. 队长维迪奇曾经因为小腿受伤,自开业之日击败西布罗姆维奇但准备面对罗马尼亚语服装。
Although the face of the earth end of the war, but war between the Transformers has not ended. 地球上的战争虽然结束,但变形金刚之间的战争并未告终。
For a second I think he's sick, but then he lifts his face, opens his mouth, and displays at least 20 teeth. 我以为他病了,不过一会他就抬起头,咧开嘴露出至少20颗牙齿。
the face of man to say, is the woman told police the store, he was just in this to help Kandian, the boss does not know where. 面对男子的说法,正在店中的女子告诉警察,自己只是在此帮忙看店的,老板不知道在哪里。
A symmetrical face is a health cue, as are a good head of hair and masculine features such a strong jaw and a deep voice. 匀称的脸型是一种健康暗示,不错的发型及挺拔的下巴和低沉的声音这些男性气质亦是健康暗示。
At eating time, I point to my right face and said to a colleague beside me that there was a rice on his face. 中午与同事吃饭时,吃着吃着,用手指着自己脸的左边跟一同事说你上面有一米粒。