so much the better

  • na.这就更好[更妙,好极]了;反而好
  • 网络就更好了;那就更好了;这就更妙了

so much the betterso much the better

so much the better


语 法 结 构 ... 11. more or less 大体上,或多或少 14. so much the better 就更好了 15. so much the worse 就更糟了 ...


as much as ... so much so that 到这样的程度以致... so much the better 那就更好了 so much the worse 那就更加不妙[糟糕] ...


教育天地_新浪网 ... So much the better. 这就更妙了。 Put out all the strength you have. 有多大的劲儿使多大的劲儿。 ...


'so much the better'的翻译、'so much the... ... "So much the better. “那好极了! `So much the better. “那更好。 ...


有趣的单词和词组 ... ○some what: 稍微,有点 ○so much the better这样再好不过了 ○spare no effort: 不遗余力 ...


'so much the better'的翻译、'so much the... ... "So much the better. “那好极了! `So much the better. “那更好。 ...

If it uses the money to acquire a major rival like Tudou, which is reportedly up for sale ( previous post), then so much the better. 如果优酷利用这笔资金并购了一个重量级的对手,譬如待价而沽的土豆网,那就更好了。
Miss Su was up to mischief, no doubt. And if she didn't come, so much the better as that would leave just Miss T'ang and himself. 苏小姐无疑地在捣乱,她不来更好,只剩自己跟唐小姐两人。
If you did all that and come from a broken home in Nevada, so much the better. 如果你做到了以上所有这些并且来自内华达州的一个破裂家庭,那就更好了。
And if the hairdresser is gay, so much the better, since the attention is much less likely to be taken as an untoward advance. 如果他是同性恋,那就更好了,因为这种注意力则更少有可能被视作带来麻烦的…
And if it makes people and employers think a bit harder about organizing a better work-life balance, so much the better. 如果它能够让职员与雇主充分考虑一下营造一个更好的工作、生活平衡点,那是最好不过了。
So much the better. I hope they will not meet at all. But does not Jane correspond with the sister? She will not be able to help calling. 那就更好。我希望他们俩再也不要见面。可是吉英不还晨跟他妹妹通信吗?彬格莱小姐也许难免要来拜望呢。
If you can travel a few days after January 1, so much the better, but if you can't, just know you may have to endure a few delays. 如果在一号之后的几天里旅行,况会好得多,但如果必须在那天出行,必须意识到可能的延误。
So if I can exercise a bit during those interminable hours in the office, so much the better. 因此,如果我在这些永无止尽的上班时间内,能够有一些锻炼,那是最好不过了。
If I can get him to carry me to a new pond and put me in it, so much the better. 如果它能把我带到那个新池塘并放我进去,那再好不过了。
The difference, or carry, would be the main source of return; if the bonds rose in price as well, so much the better. 其中的差额或携带将是回报的主要来源,如果债券的价格上扬那就更好了,多多益善。
If it turns out to be an occasion for celebration, so much the better. 如果事情的结果成为了一次令人庆祝的机会那就再好不过了。
If Congress had the wit to alter the rate counter-cyclically, so much the better, but let us not make wild assumptions. 如果国会还懂得逆周期调整税率,那就更好了,但我们还是不要太异想天开了。
If this week has served as a reminder of that, so much the better. 如果本周的事件做为一个提醒的话,那是越多越好。
If Mao could identify himself and his party with the new upsurge of patriotic feeling created by the Japanese war, so much the better. 如果人民把毛泽东和共产党视为抗日战争中高涨起来的民族主义精神的代表,那正合共产党的心思。
"So much the better for him, --he will suffer less, " said the inspector. “疯了对他来说反而好些,——他的痛苦会少一些。”巡查员说。
so much the better , for i must leave you ; but i carry your word with me , do i not ? 那也好,因为我必须得离开你了,但我还带着你的诺言呢,是不是?
And if carbon pricing starts spreading from Europe around the globe, so much the better. 再说如果排碳收费开始从欧洲蔓延向全世界,那更是再好不过了。
If that were to become a serious effort at mediation, so much the better. 如果这能够变成一次严肃的调停,那么会好得多。
To the extent that private-equity groups release capital from unprofitable firms and supply it to thriving ones, so much the better. 私募股本集团将资金从不盈利的公司中释放出来,将其提供给那些茁壮成长中的公司。从这方面来说,业界因其存在而更加美好。
We don't actually need it on Tuesday, but if it arrives by then, so much the better. 实际上我们星期二并不需要它,但如果那时能到就更好。
If these human inputs arc assisted by special quality-control instruments machines, and scientific sampling procedures so much the better. 如果人类的投入有特殊的质量控制机器和科学取样程序来帮助的话就更好了。
If these human inputs are assisted by special quality-control instruments machines, and scientific sampling procedures so much the better. 如果这些人为因素有特殊的质量控制机和科学取样的程序帮助就更好了。
So much the better that the governance climate is now less inhibited. 更好的是,目前的治理氛围不那么受约束。
And if that resource can ease another key criterion of the realities of modern education -- money -- so much the better. 如果这种资源可以降低现代教育的另一项关键的现实指标——金钱,那就更好了。
The company will be one schock manager short. So much the better . 这家公司少了一个草包经理,岂不更好。
"As for that, " said Pencroft, "when one has four hands at one's service, of course one's work ought to be done so much the better! " “它啊!”潘克洛夫说,“既然它有四只手干活,当然它的工作应该做得更好!”
And if our thinking is along the lines of diet improved = deficit reduced, so much the better. 而且如果我们的观念能认识到改进饮食=赤字缩减,那就更好了。
If they now want social democracy, so much the better for a party of the left. 如果他们现在想要社会民主,那对一个左翼政党更有利。
Everyone is present at the meeting, so much the better; Let's get down to business and have a discussion over the problem. 大家开会到到场了,那就非常好,我们言归正传,开始讨论问题吧!
If it stops now, so much the better for everyone. 如果股指就此止步,那对所有人来说都再好不过。