
美 [ˈspeʃ(ə)l]英 ['speʃl]
  • n.特别节目;特制品;特价(处理)
  • adj.不寻常的;特定的;特别的;很重要的
  • 网络特殊的;专门的;专题


special day,special case,special place,special equipment,special care


1.[ubn]特殊的;特别的;不寻常的;不一般的not ordinary or usual; different from what is normal

2.重要的;格外看重的;特别关照的more important than others; deserving or getting more attention than usual

3.特设的;有专门目的的;起专门作用的organized or intended for a particular purpose

4.专用的;专门针对…的;特有的used by or intended for one particular person or group of people

5.[obn]更好的;格外的better or more than usual


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With so much red ink still to be spilled, it may seem premature to ask, as this special report does, what the future of banking looks like. 在这么多赤字仍将继续出现的情形下,像这篇特别报告一样,询问银行业的未来会是怎样似乎还太早。
But he added the resolution did not exclude "every possible" kind of operation, suggesting that special forces might be deployed in future. 但是他还称决议并没有排除“所有可能的”军事行动,他暗示可能将派遣特种部队。
It would be a pity to miss out on these special treats simply because we feel they are "foreign" dishes. 如果只因为那些特别的菜肴是『外国』菜我们就不去尝试,那会是件很可惜的事。
As a gift or special indulgence, Belgian chocolate is one product which lives up to its reputation for quality. 作为礼物或特别喜好,比利时巧克力都以其优良的品质而名誉全球。
The case of Poe is somewhat special, yet he, like the others, reveals some of the complexities of being an American. 爱伦·坡的情况比较特殊,不过他也和别人一样,显示了美国人的复杂性。
Mother's Day: a special day to stop and remember how much you love, cherish and respect your Mom. 母亲节:一个特殊的日子,让你停下来想想你是多么爱你的妈妈,多么珍惜她和尊敬她。
The only difference is a special template that you select to identify the page as a Custom Faces Component, as shown in Figure 4. 唯一的不同是,您选择用来将页面定义为CustomFacesComponent的特殊模板,如图4所示。
And then we said that this turned out to be a special case or sub-case of the more general Gibbs phase rule. 这只是一个更普遍的吉布斯相率的特例,或者说是个例。
Burial is the concept of the human soul, after being interested in the construction of a special building. 墓葬是人类灵魂观念产生之后有意建造一种特殊的建筑。
After all, eighty was a special birthday, another decade lived or endured, just as you choose to look at it. 八十大寿,毕竟非同一般,不管怎么说你又活了十年,或者说熬了十年,
When selecting the domestic charging mode, just insert the special plug at the front of car into a common 220V domestic power socket. 使用家用充电模式时,只需将车辆前端的专用插头插入普通的220V民用电源即可。
The only special characters in the pattern are the '. *' which indicates a sequence of zero or more characters of any type. 该模式中唯一特殊的字符是‘.*’,它表示任何类型的零个或多个字符的序列。
Treatment need not special treatment, as long as the children develop a rapid bowel habits, each bowel movement does not exceed 5 minutes. 治疗上也无需特殊治疗,只要养成小儿快速排便习惯,每次排便时间不超过5分钟。
The bum first led me to a table and asked me to sit down and wait for a moment while he looked for something special amongst the shelves. 老流浪汉先领我走到一张桌子前,请我坐下稍等片刻,他则到一排排的书架上去翻找那些特别的东西。
The First time I saw him, when England against Portugal, I looked at him and I thought, 'United have got someone special here'. 我第一次见到他,是在英格兰对垒葡萄牙的比赛。
I would say it's a bit of a special group at the moment because normally there are one or two players who make it at Arsenal. 我会说现在这是有点特别的团队,因为正常情况下也就有一两个球员能为阿森纳效力。
But bear in mind that there must be a special thing and professors to talk about, or a professor will not have time to chat with you in the. 但切记,一定要有特殊的事和教授谈,否则教授是不会有时间与你闲聊的。
In retrospect, this special report will no doubt be proved to have been guilty of both over- and under shooting. 如果做一下回顾,这份特别报道无疑也有预测超前和落后之处。
Thyristors are the only solution to control transformers and special loads that change resistance with temperature and with age. 晶闸管是唯一的方法来控制变压器和特殊负载(这些负载的电阻随温度和世间的变化而变化)。
She said that she wanted to buy two bottles of wine for a special dinner and explained what food she was planning to cook. 她说她要为一次特别宴会买两瓶酒,还说明她准备烧什么菜。
At this point, will call a special driver, at the next reboot the computer process, directly target the virus file cleared. 此时,将调用特殊的驱动程序,在下次重启电脑的过程中,直接将目标病毒文件清除掉。
Having been raised by her father, Henry Jackson Smart, after her mother died, Sonora wanted her father to know how special he was to her. 索娜拉的母亲过世后,父亲亨利·杰克逊·史玛特把她抚养成人,她想让父亲知道他对她来说有多么。
Anyway, Rothko sealed the special relationship when he made a spectacular gift to the Tate Gallery. 无论如何,当罗斯科献给泰特现代艺术馆一份壮观的礼物之时,他封印了这份特殊关系。
Each and every one of you is very special and I shall always treasure your friendship in my heart! 你们每一个人对我来说都有著特别的意义,我会将你们的友谊永远保存于心。
Special rights of a member may not be adversely affected by a resolution of the general meeting without the approval of that member. 非经社员同意,不得以社员大会的决议侵害其特别权利。
I know it is quite late for writting email, but I wanted to tell you I had special thinking for you before sleeping. 我知道现在发电子邮件已经很晚了,但我想告诉你,
He thought the general laws of mathematical research, the treasure house of human thought the special contribution. 他认为,一般的规律的数学研究的宝库人类思想的特殊贡献。
I enjoy cooking and baking. And nothing pleases me more than to be able to prepare a full course meal for that special someone. 我很喜欢烹饪菜肴、制作甜点。最令我愉快的事情莫过于就是能够有机会为自己最特别的人准备一份完整的套餐了。
An American woman recently got a special wedding cake from her football-mad fiance - a cake in the shape of an alligator. 美国一名女子近日收到来自未婚夫的一份特别礼物:一个“鳄鱼”婚礼蛋糕!
You will die in a state of grace whether or not special words are spoken for you, or water or oil is poured upon your head. 你会在一种高贵的状态中死去无论有没有一些特殊的词句向你诉说,或者水或油洒在你的头上。