baby brother

  • 网络小弟弟;我的弟弟啊;切入正题

baby brotherbaby brother

baby brother


英语3至6年级应掌握的内容 - 豆丁网 ... aunt 阿姨, baby brother 小弟弟 人物的职业: baseball player 棒球运动员, ...


Deliver us! 埃及王子 -... ... Grow,baby brother( 好好长大,我的弟弟啊) Come back someday( 有一天要回来) ...


英语辩论赛 - 完ζperfectζмёι的日志 ... ... 严肃一点 Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 切入正题 baby brother 反驳啊... shuol…


我两岁就有记忆(baby brother)我三岁会跟我妈妈耍 “坚持”(hair) 我五岁受到的伤害 影响我十五年以上(事实不重要 重要是定义) …


请问爸爸... ... 指很小的妹妹(婴幼儿阶段): baby sister 指很小的弟弟(婴幼儿阶段): baby brother 妹妹也可以用: younger sist…

While Sara's baby brother and sister played in the front yard, the two young women sat in the sun, engrossed in small talk. 萨拉年幼的小弟弟和小妹妹在前院里玩耍,这两个妙龄女郎,沐浴在灿烂阳光里,坐在那兴致勃勃地聊天。
Today, as soon as my 5-year-old baby brother came into my room, I yelled at him to get out without even looking up at him. 今天,我五岁的弟弟跑进我的房间,我看都没看他,就叫他出去。
My baby brother learned to suck his toes when he was half a year old! I think he might love pig feet like I do. 我的小弟弟学会了吮他的脚趾当他半岁的时候!我想他可能将来也会像我一样爱啃猪脚!
Caught up in the rhythm of the music, my baby brother danced around while Daddy hummed and Mother whistled . I just listened. 陶醉在音乐中的小弟弟禁不住随着音乐的节奏翩翩起舞,父亲轻轻哼唱,母亲也不由自主吹起了口哨,而我只是注意听着。
Dear God, thank you for the baby brother, but what I prayed for was a puppy. - Joyce. 亲爱的上帝,谢谢你给我带来个小弟弟,但我祈祷的是一只小狗狗。
So what should a parent be doing in the last couple weeks of pregnancy to prepare siblings for the arrival of a new baby brother or sister? 所以,父母在妈妈快要生产的前两个礼拜该怎么去跟他们的孩子说将会有个新的弟弟妹妹了呢?
The kind of love we feel for a parent is different from our love for a baby brother or best friend. 对父母的爱,就不同于对小弟弟或朋友的爱。
Kevin refused to eat his meal. "Your baby brother is better then you, he eats everything, not like you. You are so picky. " I said to Kevin. 我一边夸张的表扬着啸啸,一边对多多说“你看你弟弟多好,什么都吃,一点不挑食。”
Thank you for the baby brother, but what I prayed for was a puppy. 谢谢你!为我的小宝宝的兄弟。可是我为我的小狗祈祷时说什么呀?
"But your mother has had twins, " his father said, "a boy and a girl. You've got a baby brother and a baby sister. " 但是你母亲生了双胞胎啊,他的父亲说,一个男孩一个女孩,你有一个小弟弟和小妹妹了。
One may think Bella's response reasonable upon waking up to find your jewelry being licked by a baby brother. 当一觉醒来发现还是婴儿的弟弟正在舔你的首饰时,你可能认为贝拉的反应是合理的。
If your baby brother accidentally stabbed you, you would not feel anger and desire to retaliate. 如果你的小弟弟不消息刺到你,你不会愤怒、要去报复。
Son: I told my teacher I had a new baby brother and I had to come home and help you. 儿子:我跟老师说,我有了一个小弟弟,我得回家帮你。
One day, out of curiosity, she leaned over the crib2 and took a good look at her baby brother. 有一天,她出于好奇而倾身靠在婴儿床边,想好好看一看她的弟弟。
We know the guy with the crooked eye is Davey the Baby brother, and the tall one next to him in yhe straw brim, that's Rosa's Eddie V. 我们知道那个有着邪恶眼神的孩子是戴维的小弟弟,旁边较高的那个带着草帽的是罗莎艾迪V。
Anna didn't want to share her parents' love, but after her mother delivered her baby brother, their focus shifted to him. 安娜并不想和别人分享父母的爱,但是自从她妈妈生下她弟弟之后,他们的注意力都转移到他的身上。
Father: But your mother has had twins. You've got a baby brother and a baby sister. 父亲:但是你妈妈生了双胞胎,你有一个小弟弟和一个小妹妹。
Some time ago I watched a television program about a little girl whose baby brother had died. 早一阵子,我在一个电视节目中看到一个小女孩,她的婴孩弟弟不幸去世了。
I told the teacher that I had a new baby brother and that I had to come home and help you. 汤米说,“我给老师说我有一个小弟弟,我必须回家来帮助您。”
My baby brother Alfie how I wish that you could see. 我孩子气的弟弟Alfie我多希望你能明白
Before driving Michael to the hospital, we took time to pray together, cuddle, and let the kids say goodbye to their baby brother. 我们在开车将迈克尔送到医院之前,花了不少时间一切祷告、拥抱,让孩子们和他们的小弟弟说声再见。
Rebecca: Mum, did baby brother come from Heaven? Mum: That's right, dear. Rebecca: I don't blame the angels for chucking him out! 丽贝卡:妈妈,小弟弟是从天堂来的吗?妈妈:是的,亲爱的。丽贝卡:我不责怪天使把他扔了出来。
There I sat, old enough to be a father to most of the students in the room, yet unconfident enough to be their baby brother. 在那里我坐着,旧的充足是对在房间中的大部份的学生父亲,然而够不自信的是他们的宝贝兄弟。
Think of your anger as your little baby brother or sister. 把你的愤怒当成你的小弟弟或妹妹。
Like my older son tries to direct his baby brother a lot. He is a strong willed dude. 我的大儿子经常会对他的小弟弟指手画脚,他是那种喜欢控制别人的小家伙。
For weeks a six-year old lad kept telling his first-grade teacher about the baby brother or sister that was expected at his house. 几个星期以来,6岁的小男孩一直在和他一年级的老师说着他将要出世的弟弟或妹妹。
It's what made you smack your baby brother, stamp on a cockroach, scratch your mother. 正是它让你揍你的小弟弟,打死一只蟑螂,抓伤你的妈妈。
Little Alice Baxter is three years older than her baby brother and sisters - but incredibly they are quadruplets. 照片中,可爱的小爱丽丝·巴克斯特比她的弟弟和妹妹们大三岁,但实际上,他们却是四胞胎。
Later that night, he hears his baby brother crying, so he gets up to check on him. 那天夜里,他听见小弟弟在哭,就爬起来看他看看怎么回事。
My baby brother was going to be a prince! 太好了!我的弟弟将成为一名王子!