
美 [bentʃ]英 [bentʃ]
  • n.长椅;法官;法官席位;法官(或裁判官)的职位
  • v.在…安置凳子;使坐凳子上;使坐席位;使坐名誉席
  • 网络长凳;工作台;板凳

复数:benches 现在分词:benching 过去式:benched

leave bench
back bench



1.[c](木制)长凳,长椅a long seat for two or more people, usually made of wood

2.[sing]法官;法官席位;法官(或裁判官)的职位a judge in court or the seat where he/she sits; the position of being a judge or magistrate

3.[c][usupl](英国议会的)议员席(in the British Parliament) a seat where a particular group of politicians sit

4.[sing](场边的)运动员休息区the seats where players sit when they are not playing in the game


八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 392 give away 赠送,分发 393 bench n. 长凳,工作台 394 rather ad. 宁可,宁愿,有些,相当 ...


八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 392 give away 赠送,分发 393 bench n. 长凳,工作台 394 rather ad. 宁可,宁愿,有些,相当 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... belt n. 带子,地带 bench n. 长椅 bend v./n. 弯曲 ...


考研英语常见词根的来历(词源) - 豆丁网 ... banqu 板凳 来自于 bench 板凳 如: banquet 宴会 21, ...


商务英语词汇大全_外语教育网 ... stool 凳子 bench 条凳 tea table 茶几 ...


[体育英语]NBA篮球英语词汇英汉对照 ... Air ball: “三不沾”,投出的球什么都没碰到。 Bench: 替补队员。 Bounce pass: 击地传 …


2013年英语四级词汇表(背诵)_百度文库 ... belt n. 带,腰带;皮带;区 bench n. 长凳,条凳;工作台 bend vt. 使弯曲 ...


快乐的狮子_百度知道 ... *Knit:v. 编织 *Bench:n. 长椅子 *File:vi. 列队行进 ...

He took the record from Danny Murphy when coming off the bench against West Ham last month. 他上月在对西汉姆一战中替补登场,刷新了丹尼·莫菲之前保持的纪录。
Didier Drogba was also given a run-out, with his appearance off the bench suggesting his recovery from injury is going to plan. 德罗巴看来仍然还需要休息,从他昨天替补出场的表现来看,他尚未从伤势中完全恢复过来。
She dressed herself, descended to the garden, ran to the bench, and broke out in a cold perspiration. The stone was there. 她穿好衣服,下楼走到园里,跑向石凳,觉得自己出了身冷汗,石头仍在老地方。
She sat down on a bench and glared at her enormous cracked shoes. 她在长椅上坐下,瞪着脚上那双大得出奇的有裂口的鞋子。
He took the box from the bench and handed it to me. Then he turned and left the garage. 他拿起长凳上的盒子递给我,转身离开了车库。
Wake up in front of the bench sitting callous and then suddenly began to run. 醒来的甘木然坐在门前的长椅上,然后突然开始奔跑。
HOUSTON, Feb. 24 (AP) -- Bobby Jackson was lauded for his ability to be a spark off the bench when he was traded to Houston last week. 休斯顿,2月24日(美联社)-鲍比杰克逊称赞他的能力,是一个引发板凳上的时候,他被交易到休斯顿上周。
At the end, I sat on a bench where I started. Jack sat down next to me, As he completed his lAst lap and wAs slowly unwinding. 散完步后,我坐到起步处的一张长椅上。这时杰克在我身边坐下来,他已跑完了最后一圈,正在慢慢地放松。
"In a minute. " I replied, and sat back down on the bench, dizzy from what he had just told me. “等会儿,”我回答说,又在椅子上坐了下来,他刚刚告诉我的消息让我眩晕。
Oh, well let me defend this old word bench. It isn't just a piece of wood in the park or garden, you know! 哦,还是让我来替这个单词说两句公道话吧。要知道,它的意思可并不是只是公园里的长椅那麼简单!
Ferguson told me not to be worried about Berbatovs arrival, but I did not like it when he started to put me on the bench often. 弗格森告诉我别担心贝巴。但我不喜欢他把我挤到板凳上。
How much can you bench-press? 你可以舉起幾公斤的槓鈴?
I have to talk to the club about this, as I cannot accept another season on the bench! It's just not fair! "he grinned. " 我和俱乐部谈过这个,我不能接受再坐一年的板凳了,这对是我不公平的。
One day an old man went for a walk in a park in Washington, and he was tired, he sat down on a bench. 有一天,一个老人准备去华盛顿的一个公园里散步,他走累了,就在长凳上坐下。
When a normal bench round is fired the general result is for the centre of gravity of the round to be moved forward. 起爆普通梯段炮眼组时,一般的结果是炮眼组的重心前移。
I may lift really heavy weights, bench press more than most men do but I can never lift a woman that high up in the air. 我真的可以提升重物,卧推比大多数男人,但我永远不能解除女子高在空中。
Bourdin and I sat down on a bench near the train station, as a light rain began to fall. 布尔丹和我坐在火车站附近的一张长凳上,天上下起了小雨。
After he had finished breakfast, he slowly made his way back to his work bench . 吃完早餐后,他慢慢地走回到工作台。
of the collegiate bench shall be appointed by the president of the court or by a chief judge from among the judges. 合议庭的审判长由院长或者庭长指定审判员一人担任。
About a year ago I picked up a small bench-top CNC machine for making circuit boards and electronics enclosures. 大概一年前为了制作电路板和电子附件,我学习使用小型桌上型的电脑数值控制机器。
He played 68 minutes for the reserve team so we were trying to protect him and have him on the bench just in case we needed him. 他在预备队打了68分钟的比赛,所以我们需要保护他,让他做替补是为了以防万一我们需要他。
They decided to have a simple day and is deciding to have a walk around the city. They sits down onto a bench. 他们决定这天简单度过,走完整个城市。他们坐在一个长登上。
Removing the dirty cap from his head, he got off the bench and knelt down beside me. 他脱下脏兮兮的帽子,起身离开凳子,在我身旁跪下来。
As if it was not enough for us to deal with the PT [government party] gangs, now we will have a PCC congressional bench. 好像我们跟一个PT执政党帮派打交道还不够,我们现在会有一个PCC国会席位了。
While many were expecting to see transfer deadline day signing Ashley Cole start the game, Mourinho decided to leave him on the bench. 在昨晚比赛前,人们都在希望蓝军的新签球员阿科尔能够出场,但是穆里尼奥却决定让科尔坐在板凳上
In a few years though, Brooks could be nice bench option for some scoring and three-pointers at the point guard position. 在几年内虽则,溪能是好的长凳选择为一些计分和三尖在得分后卫位置。
I sat down on the bench outside the theater door and tried very hard not to think of the irony. 我坐在影厅外的长凳上,极力不去想那讽刺的画面。
He and I sat on a wooden bench outside the KB Toys Store watching the kids as they ran wildly in and out of the store. 他和我坐在KB玩具店外面的木长椅上看孩子们异常兴奋地跑进跑出。
And having that option on the bench is good news for us at a time when Carlos Vela seems to have been completely frozen out by the manager. 替补席上有这样一个球员对我们来说是个好消息,特别是现在贝拉似乎已经被教练完全雪藏了。
At these last words, Pinocchio jumped up in a fury, took a hammer from the bench, and threw it with all his strength at the Talking Cricket. 听了最后这句话,皮诺乔火冒三丈,猛地跳起来,打工作台上抓一个木头槌子,就向会说话的蟋蟀扔过去。