
美 [bræntʃ]英 [brɑːntʃ]
  • n.分支;分行;树枝;支路
  • v.分开;分岔
  • 网络分公司;分枝;分部

复数:branches 现在分词:branching 过去式:branched

executive branch,local branch,legislative branch,private branch,same branch
open branch,close branch,set branch,branch establish


n. v.

公司of company

2.分支;分部;分行;分店a local office or shop/store belonging to a large company or organization

政府of government

3.政府部门;分支机构a part of a government or other large organization that deals with one particular aspect of its work

知识of knowledge

4.(学科及语言的)分支a division of an area of knowledge or a group of languages

河;路of river/road

5.支流;支路;支线a smaller or less important part of a river, road, railway/railroad, etc. that leads away from the main part

家庭of family

6.家族分支a group of members of a family who all have the same ancestors


· 分支(branch)和标记(tag)对于 SVN 来说就只是副本(copy),没有任何其它意义。分支和标记的意义是我们人为给予的。


2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... brake n. 闸 branch n. 树枝;分枝;分 公司,分店;支部 brand n. 品牌 ...


服装英语 _ 上海疯狂英语 ... BRAID 织锦,织带 BRANCH 分公司 BREAK STITCHES 断线 ...


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... botany 植物学 branch 分枝; 分科, 部门 brand 燃烧着的木头 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... brain n. 脑,头脑 branch n. 树枝,分部 brand n. 商标 ...


分行branch)是外资银行机构在美的非法人机构,不能从事10万美元以下的零售存款的吸取,但可以开展除此之外的大部分 …


会计术语英汉对照表 - MBA智库百科 ... 特定物价指数 specific price index 分支机构 branch 分期收款销货 installment sales ...


常见计算机英语词汇解释 - 豆丁网 ... binary code 二进制码 branch 分支,支线 binary digit 二进制位,二进制数字 ...

She also claims she was beaten with a tree branch from the garden by the nun then in charge. 她也指出她被照顾她的修女用花园的树枝殴打
Katy johnson hit her forehead into a tree branch while walking and texting on her cell phone a couple of weeks ago. 凯蒂约翰逊撞到了她的额头树枝边走边和她的手机发短信就在几个星期前。
One couple came into our office to ask the ARP branch director for permission to borrow a car to go and get their marriage certificate. 有一对男女到我们办公室里来向防空处长借汽车去领结婚证书。
The guarantee Bank of Party A is The Bank of China, Guangzhou Branch, while that of Party B is Sanwa Bank. 甲方的保证银行是中国银行广州分行,乙方的保证银行是三和银行。
One branch of big media whose fortunes may not be lifted by an Apple tablet, at least initially, is the TV business. 大型媒体的一个分支的财富可能不会因苹果的平板电脑而拉升,至少一开始是这样,这就是电视业务。
When he reached the weirwood tree, he found a fallen branch just long enough to use as a crutch. 到达怪树林时他发现了一条掉落的枝干,长短正合适用作拐杖。
With one branch in HongKong, one in LA and one in London, the company develops rapidly. 这家公司发展很快,在香港,洛彬矶和伦敦有三家分公司.。
An eagle was trying to break open a nut in his beak when a raven landed on a branch beside him. 正当鹰试图弄开它嘴中的坚果时,一只渡鸦停在了他旁边的树干上。
he also fought ruthlessly to expand the power of the executive branch, which he thought had been dangerously restricted since Watergate. 他也铁腕般扩张行政部门的权力,他认为自从水门事件后其权力已被制约到了危险的地步。
Then two more lines come down, in spurts, like little spiders gliding down on threads from a branch of the mango tree in our yard. 那两句下来,加速,像小蜘蛛滑翔下来的一个分支线程来自于我们的院子里的芒果树。
No one man or one branch was to be able to exercise all the powers of government. 没有任何一个人或任何一个部门能掌握政府的所有权力。
Besides that, the company built its own research institution in the American silicon valley and its branch in Taiwan. 公司总部立足上海,在美国硅谷设立了研发中心,同时在台湾建有办事处。
This branch of the shader network produces the bright highlight around the surface. 这个材质网络的分枝产生了围绕在表面上的明亮的高光。
the company optimizes its management of each branch company by means of star connection , giving full play to its overall edge. 我司通过总部的星形联接实现对各分公司的管理,并且通过合理化经营,最大程度的发挥整体优势。
A report this week by the British branch of Save the Children, an aid organisation, underlines the problem. 救助组织“拯救儿童”在英国的分支机构本周出台的一份报告使得这个问题进入视野。
And there shall come forth a shoot out of the stock of Jesse, and a branch out of his roots shall bear fruit. 从耶西的本(原文作不)必发一条;从他根生的枝子必结果实。
If this can be taken to the butterflies stop at green belt branch, if able to spend stopped at the beautiful, would not wish fulfilled. 这次要是能拍摄到蝴蝶停在绿化带的树枝上,要是能停在漂亮的花上,岂不是如愿以偿。
As a branch, it wasn't the best, but it would take quite a "portable library" to make up for it even so. 作为一种选择,它并非最好的,然而你,即使如此,它需要一个“便携式图书馆”作为重要的组成部分。
Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes it away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it that it may bear more fruit. 凡在我里面不结果子的枝子,他就剪去;凡结果子的,他就修理干净,使枝子结果子更多。
Behold how the branches reach up to heaven as if to say, "Though I am only a branch, still I would love to collect Social Security. " 且看那枝杈如何向天空伸展,仿佛在说:“尽管我只是一根树枝,可我还是喜欢领社会保险金。”
Halfway downtown we passed by a suburban branch of the Canadian bank to which the Bank of China had wired the delegation's travel money. 途中,我们路过了一家加拿大银行的郊区支行,代表团的差旅费正是从中国银行汇至这家银行的。
will be mailed to the address shown at the front of this Book , or if instructed to do so, to the Branch where your account is held. 你的新账本将邮寄到账本面上的新地址。或按告知到你建立账户的银行去办理。
But it was not an axe they heard--only a branch which still hung on a withered tree, and was moved up and down by the wind. 但是他们听到的不是斧子--只是一条灌木一直绑在一颗干枯的树上,风把它吹的一动一动的。
and should be able to branch out and play all the different characters that I can, you know, 'cause that's what I love about acting. 并能分身扮演所有能扮演的不同角色,你知道,因为那就是我喜欢表演的原因。
Mama and Daddy came out. On the topmost branch perched a bird the size of a chicken, with scarlet feathers and long legs. 爸爸妈妈也出来了。在最高的树枝上栖息着一只鸟,它有小孩那么大,长着深红的羽毛和长长的腿。
She declined to explain why nobody had contacted me or why the first branch I'd gone to had not told me my card had been found. 对于为什么没人和我联系,以及我去第一家分行时为何没人告诉我卡已经捡到了,她拒绝予以解释。
They also have their Hawaii branch standing by, ready to help. 他们也有夏威夷分队待命,随时准备救援。
The business scope of a branch shall not exceed that of the company. 分公司的经营范围不得超出公司的经营范围。
Typically this sort of FDI is "organic" , which involves setting up a local factory or branch office. 通常,这种直接投资是“有组织的”,一般在当地建立工厂或分支机构。
In the warlord's war of last years of the Han dynasty, Liu Bei was one comparatively small and weak branch among them. 在汉末军阀混战中,刘备集团本是其中较为弱小的一支。