
美 [bim]英 [biːm]
  • n.梁;光线;平衡木;(电波的)波束
  • v.照射;发光;笑容满面;眉开眼笑
  • 网络横梁;光束;船宽

复数:beams 现在分词:beaming 过去式:beamed

steel beam,infrared beam,metal beam,wooden beam


n. v.

1.光线;(电波的)波束;(粒子的)束a line of light, electric waves or particles

2.梁a long piece of wood, metal, etc. used to support weight, especially as part of the roof in a building

4.笑容;眉开眼笑a wide and happy smile


off beam

不正确;错误not correct; wrong

首页-中文乐高-淘宝网 ... Gear 齿轮 Beam Wheel 轮 ...


机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... auto tool change cycle 自动换刀时间周期 beam 横梁 bending moment 弯矩 ...


AE中英文对照 ... Audio Waveform → 音频波形 Beam光束 Cell Pattern → 蜂巢图案 ...


船舶专业英语_专业词汇_专业英语_食品伙伴网 ... batten 压条,板条 beam 船宽,梁 beam bracket 横梁肘板 ...


2013年英语四级词汇表(背诵)_百度文库 ... beach n. 海滩,湖滩,河滩 beam n. 梁;横梁;束,柱 bean n. 豆,蚕豆 ...


六级单词表_百度文库 ... bead n. 有孔小珠;露珠 beam vi. 发光,发热;微笑 bearing n. 支承;忍受;方位 ...

Maybe it diligently looking for the flowers, through the many cement steel beam and busy busy street, finally is flying did not move. 也许它努力地寻找着花丛,穿过了许多的水泥钢梁和热闹繁华的大街,终于是飞不动了。
But when the rotary inertia of the hub is close to that of the beam, the zeroth-order approximation model may lead to wrong result. 但当中心刚体的转动惯量接近柔性悬臂梁的转动惯量时,零次近似模型将导致错误的结果。
So, you know, you're sending a laser beam, and you want to know what part of your beam is going to be in your given solid. 比如发射一道激光束,并且你想要知道,光束的哪个部分射入了给定的固体中。
A mathematical model of the system composed of the vibration absorber with a base and coupled with an ends-fixed beam is established. 建立有底座吸振器和两端固支梁主系统耦合的数学模型。
Liu Qing walk alone, looks hazy days revealed little pale beam. He bowed his head again, what do not want to think about. 刘清踽踽独行,看了看蒙蒙的天透露的丝丝熹微的光束。他再次低下头,什么也不愿去想。
Ms. Gu peeps out a difficult color, she very cautiously looked the beam Nan namely the eye seem to be excrescent dispassion. 谷女士露出为难之色,她小心翼翼的看了眼显得异常冷静的梁楠。
do not ride a bike with a beam of men, so as not to get on and off inconvenient. 不要骑带横梁的男式自行车,以免上下车不方便。
Paying what elder brother said BE, is accurate also as it does, I equitable beg to tell beam Mr. Guo to send up to the person. 付兄说的是,也正是因为如此,我才求告梁国公千万别对人提起。
Attention is like a beam of light - the focused power of your consciousness that transmutes everything into itself. 注意力就像是一束光:一股被集中后的意识能量;它能把一切转变为自身。
The magnitudes of the shearing stresses and bending stresses vary along the length of the beam and with distance from the neutral axis . 剪切应力和弯曲应力的大小沿着梁的长度方向发生变化,并与到中性轴的距离有关。
He shaded his eyes and tried to see the source of the blinding beam. 他遮住眼睛想朝着耀眼的方向看去。
The sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light. 阳光照进大树的枝桠,亦不过屡屡薄光。
Upon the installation of a multi beam laser dicing system, the obviously advantages of using such a laser dicing process become evident. 基于已经安装的多光束激光划片系统,其显著的优点已经得到证实。
That, in turn, bounces the light down in a concentrated beam about a metre (3ft) wide to produce heat and drive generators. 这个塔又反过来把光以3米宽的光束集中反射到地上,这样可以产生热量和发电。
So far the Cone Beam scanner has detected every tumor seen on a mammogram, she said. 这种圆锥状的仪器没有漏掉任何在乳房摄片上显示的肿瘤。
A high-rise building is nothing but a slender, vertical, cantilevered beam resisting lateral and vertical loads. 高层建筑物其实就是一细长的、能抵挡横向和垂直荷载的垂直悬臂梁。
In the light of the voussoir beam theory, the broken upper strata would be able to form a stable structure to support the loads. 根据砌体梁理论,上覆岩层破断以后仍可以形成能够承受载荷的稳定岩体结构,因此老顶通常以给定变形的方式作用于直接顶。
A cow by itself is just a cow. A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers. And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light. 牛只是一头牛,草地也只有青草和鲜花,而穿过树枝的阳光也仅仅只是一束光,但如果将它们放到一起,就会产生魔一般的魅力。
Admittedly, the energy needed to produce a Cepheid-modulating neutrino beam really would be a sizeable fraction of the output of the sun. 应当承认,制造用来调整“造父变星”的中微子束所需要的能量确实将相当于太阳整体输出能量的大部分份额。
His eyes made a sweep of the people who were waiting to see him, like the beam of a light-house, sightless, casting shadows. 他的目光向那些等着谒见他的人扫了一下,像是灯塔的光芒,什么也看不见,只照出一些影子。
I wish that someone would shine a beam of light in his eyes and ask him why he feels this way. 我真希看有人能让他的眼前亮一束光,问问他为什么要嫉妒。
The company is now prepared to complete the design, assembly and integration of the beam control system, leading up to a test in 2010. 目前,该公司正在准备完成设计、对光束控制系统进行集成,并最终于2010年进行测试。
But as one was felling a beam, the axe head fell into the water: and he cried, and said, Alas, master! for it was borrowed. 有一人砍树的时候,斧头掉在水里,他就呼叫说:「哀哉!我主啊,这斧子是借的。」
Like the searchlight beam, the radio beam cannot be made very sharp; it tends to spread. 无线电射束也象探照灯的光束一样,是不能高度集中的;它总要散开。
X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY was once something of a cottage industry and required access to the x-ray beam line of a synchrotron . 射线晶体分析曾经是一项少数人专属的「家庭工业」,必须要具有同步加速器的X射线光源才行。
A few years ago lasers typically converted less than 40% of the electrical energy used to run them into beam power. 几年前激光器一般可以把维持本身运作不到40%的电能转化为可传送能源。
Results show that propagation direction of the input light beam can be controlled by changing coupling length of the device. 结果表明选择适当的耦合长度可以使光在器件中呈现不同的状态。
When the last moment, from its body mirrored by the beam, thin and weak quarter final follow to complete and silence of the dark. 当最后的一刻,从它体内映出的光束由强至弱,最后稀薄,追随而至的是完整而沉默的黑暗。
The analyzing result of a piled slab-beam wharf in Zhejiang province verified the practicality of this method. 并以浙江省某梁板式高桩码头为例进行实际应用分析,结果表明这种方法具有实际应用价值。
The scanning spot is generated by a wavelength change is translated into a displacement of the beam by a pair of gratings. 通过一对光栅将波长的变化转换成光束的位移来产生所述扫描光斑。