
美 [ˈbeɪbi]英 ['beɪbi]
  • n.婴儿;动物幼崽;(家庭或团体中)最年幼的成员;幼稚的人
  • v.婴儿般对待;百般呵护
  • adj.(蔬菜)小型的
  • 网络宝贝;宝宝;亲爱的

复数:babies 现在分词:babying 过去式:babied

premature baby
adopt baby,lose baby,baby change,expect baby,deliver baby


1.婴儿;动物幼崽a very young child or animal

2.(informal)(家庭或团体中)最年幼的成员the youngest member of a family or group

3.幼稚的人;孩子气的人a person who behaves like a young child and is easily upset


be your/sbs baby

(计划或项目)就像某人的孩子一样(因亲自制订而尽心负责)to be a plan or project that sb is responsible for and cares about because they have created it

leave sb holding the baby

(突然)把重大责任推给某人to suddenly make sb responsible for sth important that is really your responsibility

throw the baby out with the bathwater

把婴儿和洗澡水一起倒掉(丢弃不想要的东西的同时失去宝贵的东西)to lose sth that you want at the same time as you are trying to get rid of sth that you do not want


狗狗名字大全 - 狗民网 - 狗与爱的世界 ... BABY 瑞娜 Baby (宝贝) babyyun 的波妞 ...


魅达网imoda-汇全球时尚 聚世界品牌 ... 男装 Men 婴儿 Baby 女鞋 Women ...


狗狗名字大全 - 狗民网 - 狗与爱的世界 ... Dan 蛋蛋 darling;baby宝宝』 Darling 宝 ...


I stay in love中文歌词_百度知道 ... we said let go 我们说过顺其自然 baby,baby 亲爱的,亲爱的 I stay in love 我依然爱着 ...


电影百合 - 搜搜百科 ... 百合 王梓桐 Baihe: 孩子 烨烨 Baby: 拐卖者 陈伟 Abductor: ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... B B.C adj. 公元前 baby n. 婴孩 back adj./adv. 后面的(地),向后 n.背部,后面 ...


北鼻baby)、够... 5 2008-01-16 与火花 7年的爱 那种节奏差不多的歌还有吗? 4


情人的爱恋 极致挑逗-乐天市场 ... MIT 多功能小魔怪外出抱毯/新生儿包巾 Baby 童衣 Kizoo 起酥贝贝 ...

lf you gave a party and told her to leave her baby outside in the hall. 若是你办派对而要她把小孩留在外面
In a while, with his both hands holding the abandoned baby he entered the door shouting ' the other still on the roadside! 没过一会儿,他双手捧着弃婴进门就喊‘这是一个,路边还有一个!’
At her age no Chinese man is interested in her as she is seen as no longer viable for a baby. 由于在她这个年龄看起来已经不能生孩子,没有中国人对她感兴趣。
She said that Mortensen was the father of her baby, but at the time she became pregnant she had been dating a few men. 她说莫泰森是孩子的父亲,但在她受孕的那段时间,她与几个男人都有过约会。
The trouble is, she adds, such a baby will not have the contact with germs that are needed to build up a strong immune system. 但是这种做法带来的麻烦就是,孩子无法接触到细菌,因此也就没办法构筑强健的免疫系统。
Such as "When the wind blows, does not shake the tree, the birds do not call, baby going to bed, eyes closed shut good. " 如“风儿吹,树不摇,鸟儿也不叫,小宝宝要睡觉,眼睛闭闭好。”
What's the matter with you , Baby? 宝贝,你怎么了?也可以说成
Your baby wants to talk to you. Our products have been developed to help you give your baby the ability to talk to you before she can speak. 宝宝想要和你说话,我们的产品能帮助宝宝掌握在说话前和你沟通的能力。
that were it a girl she should be known as Jasmine, but all she hoped for was to be delivered of a healthy baby. 怀了孕的妈妈说更偏爱一个宝贝,就是那个名字是茉莉的女孩,但她的所有的希望是能生下一个健健康康的宝贝。
While the children slept, I typed on my ancient typewriter. I wrote what I felt. It took nine months, just like a baby. 孩子们睡觉时,我就在我那台老式打字机上打字。我写我的亲身感受。一共花了九个月,就像生孩子一样。
And my daddy told me, baby, the passion is in the risk. it's like i always say, "if you're going to be a bear, then be a grizzly. " 可是爸爸说,孩子,爱情的美丽就在于未知。就像我一直所说的,“如果你想当一头熊,就一定要当头灰熊。”
When we came to the foot of the steep route, my honey asked me to give him the baby, because he did not want to let me feel too tired. 当我们来到陡峭路段的山脚下,老公要我把宝宝给他,因为他不想让我太累。
Please stretch out your powerful hands to lend me a hand, just like when you were a baby learning to walk I held both your hands. 请伸出你年轻有力的手搀扶我。就像你小时候学习走路时,我扶你那样。
During the visit in the belly baby kicked mom is several feet, also seems to be on the painter painting interested. 参观期间肚子里的宝贝踢了妈妈几脚,似乎也对这位画家的画感兴趣。
The seven-foot-six Yao and his wife, Ye Li, had a baby girl on Friday at a Houston hospital, team spokesman Nelson Luis said. 球队发言人NelsonLuis宣布:七尺六寸的姚明和他的妻子叶莉星期五在休斯顿医院生下了一个女儿。
Baby Monty was just a month old when Georgia saw the documentary and decided to try it for herself. 宝宝蒙蒂才一个月大时,乔治亚看到了那个记录片并决定在自己身上试一试。
Pour sugar and baby oil, enough to cover hands in the palm of your hand. Rub hands together, as you would rub when you apply a lotion. 把糖和婴儿润肤油均匀涂抹于手掌心,然后双手合拢开始揉搓。
One night a baby fish was sleeping under some coral when God appeared to him in a dream. 一天晚上,一条小鱼正在珊瑚丛下面睡觉,上帝出现在他梦中。
Husband: You coddle our baby too much by cuddling him in your arms all day. 你太惯着孩子了,整天把他抱在怀里。
He was the baby of the family, a young man of twenty-two, with a fresh, jaunty museau. 22岁的他是家里最幼稚的一个,一副不谙世故青春洋溢的样子。
According to the findings, a woman will gain up to 15 pounds if she had a partner but no baby in the first 10 years of marriage. 调查结果表明,即使没有小孩,已婚女性也会在结婚后的前10年增重15镑。
I won't reinvent the wheel as you can find all of his information on his site but everything is broken into easy to follow BABY STEPS. 我不会推倒重来,你可以在他的网站找到他的所有信息,但一切如果遵循小步都将会变得不容易。
He did not remember his sister at all, except as a tiny, feeble baby, always silent, with large, watchful eyes. 他根本记不得妹妹,只恍惚她是个虚弱的小婴儿,总是不哭不闹,瞪着紧张不安的大眼睛。
He brought me to see the baby but I told him I would rather have a balloon. 他带我去看那个婴儿,可我告诉他我宁愿要个气球。
The children were thrown to the floor and their mother, clutching the baby, was thrown out the door onto the ground. 孩子们摔倒在地板上,他们的母亲紧紧抱住婴儿但也被摔出了门,跌在地上。
How much we got left, baby? 咱们还剩多少钱,宝贝?
Brooke was born in Reistertown near Baltimore in the United States and initially appeared to be a normal healthy baby. 布鲁克出生在美国靠近巴尔的摩的Reistertown,刚出生看上去是个正常健康的婴儿。
"This Year. . . " -New York City, here we come, baby! -Here we come, go look us up in Manhattan! Feel free to call first. “今年”…-纽约城,我们来了,宝贝!-我们来了,在曼哈顿找我们!请先打电话。
The baby looked dopey . " She fussed all day , " his mother complained . 孩子看上去有点迷迷糊糊的。“她闹了一天,”他母亲抱怨说
In fact, with the advent of the Internet and World Wide Web, it has never been easier to obtain an appropriate personalized baby gift. 事实上,随着因特网和万维网时代的到来,想要得到一个合适的个性化礼物变得史无前例的简单。