only love

  • 网络只有爱;唯一的爱;唯有爱

only loveonly love

only love


求奥斯卡经典好听歌曲_百度知道 ... 《You Must Love Me》 你一定要爱我 《only love只有爱 《30 Minutes》 分钟 ...


艺旭_百度百科 ... 10. Good Person﹙ 好人﹚ ) Only Love/ 唯一的爱 - ) First Snow/ 初雪 - ...


unicorn中文 ... Chinese era 天干地支(中国纪年) ... Only Love 唯有爱 Last Unicorn 最后的独角兽 ...


娜娜穆斯库莉:精选(CD)-音乐-亚马逊中国 ... 15 Una Furtiva Lagrima 一滴美妙的情泪 01 Only Love 唯爱所能 02 Ma Verite 真相 ...


金池歌曲,金池好听的歌曲 - 音乐巴士 ... 23.因我爱你 Because i love you 28.只有你 Only love 29.崭新世界 A whole new world ...


博文_青山着意_新浪博客 ... Everybody Hurts 当全世界都受伤 Only Love只有爱能够) Longer 天长地久 ...

an optimistic open-minded dedication of love and wisdom should be like this: you are not the best, but I only love you. 一种乐观豁达而又理智执著的爱情应该是这样:你不是最好的,但我只爱你。
I also think you need to understand that I am the only love, serenity, warmth, but not always closely related storms and waves. 我还认为你必须明白,我是唯一的爱,宁静,温暖,但并不总是与风暴和巨浪密切相关。不要怀疑,我将不再怀疑。
Through the years, I only want to ask whether I also in your dream , and tell you that you are the only love in my life. 多年以后,只想对你问一声,我是否依然还在你梦中;多年以后,只想对你说一声,你是我今生唯一的情。
My only love. I bleed for you. And I can't let go. No matter what I do. You face so sweet. I never want to see you go. 我唯一的爱,我为你滴血,我无法放手,无论我做些什麽,你的面容如此甜美,我永远都不想看你离去。
Once upon a time there was light in my life but now there's only love in the dark. 曾经我生活中有一线光明,如今爱火已灭
Love has no price. It is only love if it is free. 爱情是无价的,也只有爱情才不需要报酬。
As long as stars shine down from heaven , and the rivers run into the sea, till the end of time forever , you are the only love i'll need. 只要星星还会照耀大地,只要河流还驶向大海,直到世界末日,你是我需要的唯一的爱人。
You look like a girl who once saved my life. But I can only love that girl. 你看起来就像是那个曾经救我一命的女孩,但我只能爱那个女孩。
I'm not able to love him sexually in the way a normal woman loves a man. I can only love him sexually through my mental fantasy world. 我不能像普通女人爱男人那样从性的角度爱他,我只能在精神幻想世界中从性的角度爱他。
I can be like King Louie, like Duke Windsor, only love beloved beauty not kingdom. But you see no up at me. 我可以像路易十六、像温莎公爵,只爱美人不要江山,可惜你却看不上没有江山的我。
Perhaps these three emotions, the only love in life, the interpretation of a more exciting and rich. 或许这三大情感之中,唯有爱情在人生之中,演绎得更精彩与丰富。
Love is selfish. I can only love you if I genuinely love, value, appreciate, and respect myself. 爱中充满了自我。我只有能真正地爱自己,珍视自己,欣赏自己,尊重自己,我才能爱你。
A ward, should the four protagonists, mother along with the mother of children only love, children and the children to the mother 's love. 一个病房里,应有四个主角,母亲连同母亲对儿女唯一的爱,儿女还有儿女对母亲的爱。
Silently in their hearts only love you, watching you, so hope you will, then we the relationship between the surface or a good friend. 只能在心里默默的爱你,关注着你,希望你也如此,那我们表面还是好朋友的关系了。
She did not only love Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) deeply, but also greatly respected him as Allah's Messenger. 她不仅深爱着先知穆罕默德(愿主福安之),而且也非常钦佩他是安拉的使者。
You know? I can only love you, this is not my choice, but God's choice. I love you! 你知道吗?我只能爱你,这不是我的选择,而是上天的选择。所以我爱你!
You know, she likes the lights at nights on the neon Broadway signs. She don't really mind, it's only love she hoped to find. 你知道,她喜欢夜晚百老汇的霓虹灯。她并不真的介意,她只是希望寻找真爱。
I can only love you if I genuinely love, value, appreciate, and respect myself. 只有当我真正地爱自己、珍惜自己、欣赏并尊重自己,我才能爱你。
To the girl in my dream and our children's mother, you are the only love of me. 献给我梦中的女孩及我们孩子的母亲:你是我惟一的爱人。
Can so full of joy walk hand in hand in the U. S. belong to only love the Garden of Eden? 是否还能这样满心欢喜的携手漫步于只属于我们的爱情伊甸园?
And fare thee well, My only love, and fare thee well a while. And I will come again, My love, Though it were ten-thousand mile. 再见吧,我唯一的爱人。暂时的离别,亲爱的,我还户回转,尽管相隔千山万里。
Baby, baby, I get down on my knees for you. What do you do. If you would only love me like you used to do. Yeah, somebody help me now! 宝贝爱人我为你跪下。你会如何处理。假如你想像从前一样爱我的话。是的,如此我就有希望了!
The customer thought for a moment, and then said, "No-engrave it 'To my one and only love'. That way, i can send anyone girl" . 客人想了一会后说,“不要刻名字,刻上给我唯一的挚爱吧。这样我可以送给任何一个女孩子了。”
Tristan, I didn't drink it either. There was no love-potion, only love. It was you I drank. 特里斯坦,我也没有喝。没有什么爱情魔药,只有爱。我喝下的是你。
On our earth we can only love with suffering and through suffering. We cannot love otherwise, and we know of no other sort of love. 在我们那个地球上,我们的确只能怀着痛苦去爱,并且也不知道还有别的什么方式去爱它。
This is to show my appreciation and gratefulness for all that you have done for kids and me. Happy Valentine's Day, My only love. 这张礼卡谨表示我对您为我和孩子们所做的一切的感激之情。祝您情人节快乐,我最好的爱人。
Please do not worry my love, I only love you and no body else. 请不要担心我对你的爱,我只爱你一个人。
She is a love of persistent. In her eyes. Love not who to who wrong. Only love and love. 她是一个对爱执着的人。在她看来。爱没有谁对谁错。只有爱与不爱。
Li ao poetry such sing: "somebody else love deeply, I love shallow, somebody else love deep as the sea, I only love a little. " 李敖的诗歌这样唱:“人家的爱情深,我的爱情浅,人家的爱情似海深,我只爱一点点。”
Gordon: I don't care for his solo work. I only love the Beatles. Don't you dig (like) the old stuff? 乔丹:我不在乎他的独唱,我只是很喜欢“披头士”。你难道不喜欢旧东西吗?