Shut up!

美 [ʃʌtʌp]英 [ʃʌtʌp]
  • na.关住;监禁;密封;停止
  • 网络闭嘴;住口;关闭

第三人称单数:shuts up 现在分词:shutting up

Shut up!Shut up!

Shut up!


※ 魔镜歌词网 ... 15.Empty Words( 词穷) 16.Shut Up( 闭嘴) 4.The Face That Launched a Thousand Ships( 倾国倾 …


[英语语法] 介词 ... set up 建立 shut up 住口 stand for 代表,象征 ...


英语短语大全_在线背英语短语 ... sort of 有几分地 shut up 关闭,关上全部门窗,监禁,住口,保藏 so much 的中文意思 n.小 …


重点词汇 近义词 - Linsa刘的日志 - 网易博客 ... pick up 拣起;(车等)中途搭人 shut up 住嘴 sum up 总结,概括 ...


黑眼豆豆有一首歌叫什么名字??_百度知道 ... 7. Where Is The Love 爱在哪里 9. Shut Up 别说话 10. Third Eye 第三只眼 ...


【罗百吉专辑歌词大全】转,_罗百吉吧_百度贴吧 ... 50/50 love in paradise 绝不放弃 3.SHUT UP( 噤声) 4.THE SHADOW( 光影…


英语短语大全_在线背英语短语 ... sort of 有几分地 shut up 关闭,关上全部门窗,监禁,住口,保藏 so much 的中文意思 n.小 …


【食品词典】S6_专业词汇_专业英语_食品伙伴网 ... shut off 关闭 shut up 封口;密封 sialaden 唾液腺 ...

In the summer holiday , my parents asked me to stay at home , and I felt as if I was a bird shut up in the birdcage. 暑假时,父母让我呆在家里,我感觉自己就像被关在笼中的小鸟似的
You were just about to go in there and whine for more money with that silly puppy dog face. . . and I'm gonna shut up now. 你马上就要用那张白痴小狗的脸去哭闹着要更多的钱了…我马上就闭嘴。
Grandma said, "shut up, you! " , and leaned forward promptly to chastise me with one of her casual, back-handed slaps on my mouth. 姥姥说“你给我住嘴!”而且身子猛地向前一倾,随随便便地就用一只手背打我的嘴巴来惩罚我。
He seemed to be shut up in himself like a shellfish. 他看来像贝壳似地把自己关闭起来,一点也不作声。
His lawyer sighed and, when he couldn't get Dennis to shut up, sat down in disgust. 他的律师叹了口气,既然不能让丹尼斯闭嘴,只好嫌恶地坐了下来。
"They like to stand out there in the sun and not to be shut up in an apron, " said her grandfather. “那是因为它们喜欢站在阳光下,而不喜欢被关在一个围裙里啊,”爷爷说。
A couple of weeks ago I tried to broach the matter but he looked as if he was about to have a coronary, so I shut up. 几周前,我设法把这个问题提出来,但他看上去好像就要犯心脏病了,因此我闭上了嘴。
Dear, I only bought this for you so you can shut up for 10 hours to let me watch TV. 亲爱的,我之所以送你这个,就是希望你话少一点,闭嘴10个小时,让我看电视…
Roy: I kept telling her to shut up, because she was making fun of me. And now she can't speak! 因为她一直在开我玩笑,所以我老叫她闭嘴。现在她不能说话了!
They "punished the innocent" and made sure anyone who had been part of the agile group either sat down and shut up, or left the company. 他们“教育不懂规矩的人”,确保每个曾经是敏捷团队一部分的人,要么妥协闭嘴,要么离开公司。
Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it brake forth, as if it had issued out of the womb? 海水冲出,如出胎胞,那时谁将它关闭呢。
says Keefer got pretty foul-mouthed about not wanting the taxi Rogers was going to call, so he told him to shut up or get out. 还说基弗为了不要罗杰斯给他叫出租汽车而大骂出口,结果他叫他闭嘴或滚蛋。
"I was the shyest human being ever invented, " she said, "But I had a lion inside me that wouldn't shut up. " “我是世界上最怕羞的女孩,”她说,“但我有一颗不可抑制的雄心。”
The woman shut up and quietly sat down as though in a daze. 妻子一时说不出话来,安静的坐了下来,一脸的茫然。
"I think the more attention you draw to it, the worse it becomes, so it's better just to shut up and swallow your pride, " he said. 我想你越是在意那些事,那只会让事情变得更糟,所以还是闭上嘴,咽下那口气吧。
"That fellow has a decidedly bad countenance, " said the count in a tone of disgust, as he shut up his glass into its ivory case. “那家伙的相貌的确很丑陋,”伯爵一边把他的望远镜装进一只象牙盒子里,一边用一种厌恶的口吻说道。
Oh. I just wanted you to shut up. You were off-key anyway. Let me see that! 我只是要你闭嘴。反正你也唱走音了。让我看!
then the television set went off . Bonnie began to cry . " Shut up , honey , " Evey said . There was a silence . 接着电视给关上了。邦尼开始哭了起来。“别哭了,宝贝,”埃维说。一阵寂静。
Even the dullest of the chivalry perceived that this was a plain case of "put up or shut up. " 就连那些感觉最迟钝的骑士,都瞧出这回明明是得“拿出真凭实据,否则免开尊口了”。
The only time you should speak is to help the participant give an opinion, or to clarify a response. If in doubt, shut up! 唯一你能说话的时间就是帮助参与者给出他们的观点或者阐明的时候给予一个响应,如果存有疑惑,那就闭嘴!
Even if you were shut up in a dark room, you could forecast the end of the recession. 他说,这个指标很准,就算你被关在黑屋子里,你也能预测衰退的结束。
A source close to Cadbury said: "The ball is in their court. They've got until 5pm to put up or shut up. " 一个与吉百利关系密切的消息人士说:“球在他们手上。他们要不就在下午5点前提出报价,要么就保持沉默。”
The only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely. 唯一一次我知道的,在长期的日历里,当男人和女人看来由一人打开他们的心自如了。
WG says that's enough, but Big Sis tells her to shut up before going back to making out with Ai. WG的说,够了,但是大姐姐告诉她闭嘴然后返回正与艾了起来。
The Dog of course. At least he ll shut up after you let him in! 当然是狗,至少它进来后会住口。
Roy: Now could you just shut up for one moment while I try to think of what I'm going to say? 你就不能闭上一小会儿嘴让我好好想想待会儿该说什么吗?
And all this they caught and shut up in a shed closed in with boards! 可是,他们捉住了这一切,关在一所用板子围起来的棚子里!
But it was something we did or said that made her shut up talking and look sort of sick. 不过,一定是我们说了或做了什么事,使得她默不作声,并装出不舒服的样子。
the sky was dark blue , with crystalline , turquoise rim . he went out , to shut up the hens , speaking softly to his dog. 天是暗蓝色的,天脚是晶莹的蓝玉石色,他出去把母鸡关好了,轻轻地对狗儿说着话。
But we should then have shut up shop. When you get back into it, you've got to see it out and take a draw. 但是我们本应停止表演。当你重新回到比赛中,你就应该完成它,获得一场平局。