such as

  • un.例如;像;象…这样;诸如…之类
  • 网络比如;像这种的;像……那样的

such assuch as

such as


大学英语四级常用词组 ... step by step 逐步地 such as 例如,诸如 thanks to 由于,多亏 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... succeed in 在…成功 such as 象…那样的,诸如 all of a sudden 突然,冷不防 ...


初二下册英语单词表_百度文库 ... activity 活动;行动 such as 比如 work shop 讨论会 ...

初二英语下册短语 - 豆丁网 ... to V 原, such as …,例如, for example 句首,句中,用逗号隔开,缩写 ...


高中英语必修1词汇表 ... stubborn adj. 顽固的;固执的 such as 例如……;像这种的 suffer from 遭受;患病 ...


词语的固定搭配_百度文库 ... so...that 如此……以至于 such as 像……那样的;诸如,例如 such...that 那样的……以致 ...


词语的固定搭配_百度文库 ... so...that 如此……以至于 such as 像……那样的;诸如,例如 such...that 那样的……以致 ...

Everybody huddled with the body surface, such as loess, ashen face was that I was finally made a little solace. 个个蜷缩着身体,面如黄土,铁青着脸,我心里总算稍稍有了安慰。
In recent years the market performance to see, white wine and beer, wine, such as the result of the competition foreign wine is not ideal. 从近年来白酒的市场表现来看,与啤酒、葡萄酒、洋酒等竞争的结果是不理想的。
Such as you think best adapted to win the heart of a maiden. 就用你认为最适合的词句去赢得少女的心。
Some turned into a bit of jade dust, smoke, or fog, such as dust, flying freely in the air. 有的化作点点玉屑,如烟、如雾、如尘,在空中自由地飞舞。
How much of your China funding comes from multinationals in China such as Marriott and how much from Chinese businesses themselves? 《华尔街日报》:你们在中国的资金有多少来自于像万豪之类的跨国公司,有多少来自于中国自己的企业?
The day is often associated with the colors orange and black, and is strongly associate with symbols such as the jack-o'-lantern. 一天,常与颜色的橙色和黑色的,并表示强烈的联想与符号如火焰般双眼的空心。
Common name NOTE : The common name is usually comprised of your host computer name and the domain to which it belongs, such as xyz. com. 公用名称注意:公用名称通常由您的主机名称和它所属的域组成,如。
He said the San Francisco-based bank has already taken steps such as a freezing new hiring and posting jobs internally. 他表示,富国银行已采取冻结招聘新雇员和内部转调等措施。
This article would not be complete if it failed to mention an alternative to parsing in the form of XML marshaling libraries such as Castor. 如果不提到另一种选择,即XML编组库形式的解析,如Castor,本文就不完整。
With, in malignity of you give such as the orchid buy how much, clear wench have to how much! 是以,不论你给如兰置办多少,明丫头就得多少!
However, set the value to True if your unit test must run in a separate application domain, such as if it uses an app. Config file. 但是,如果单元测试必须在单独的应用程序域中运行(例如,如果它使用app.config文件),则可以将该值设置为“True”。
Some of the projects on her website are sponsored, such as the pencil case she turned into a clutch bag using Sharpie markers. 她的网站上的一些方案获得广告商赞助,例如她用三福记号笔把文具盒变成提包。
Movable-type printing was more practical, with a very limited number of symbols, such as the letters used in European alphabetic languages. 活字印刷术对于数目极少的符号文字如欧洲字母语言更加实用。
Parties view exists, it is no wonder some experts said the industry has no current real estate such as the emergence of the so-antithesis. 各方观点相持不下,难怪有专家称,从来没有哪个行业像现在的房地产业这样出现如此鲜明的对立面。
Barclays said it had taken hits in areas such as Spain and the Middle East, while HSBC continued to rack up impairments in its U. 巴克莱集团说,它在西班牙和中东等地区的业务遭受了打击。
Just think how much water it must take to grow a cucumber in an arid place such as Spain. 试想,在干旱的地区,像西班牙,种一根黄瓜需要多少水?
But home-grown brands such as Trands are trying to raise their profile both at home and abroad to get a piece of the lucrative luxury pie. 但像“创世”这样的本土品牌也试图在海内外提高其知名度,希望在这一利润丰厚的市场上分得一杯羹。
It has a strong promoter and has been used for expression of heterologous protein such as enzyme in a variety of bacteria. 它包含一个强启动子,能够在多种细菌中表达外源蛋白。
There is often an event, such as an unexplained fall, that alerts the person to the fact that something is wrong. 通常是某件事,如不明不白地摔了一跤,提醒患者身体出了什么问题。
Sometimes it was just a matter of integrating new databases, such as adding a phone number and address lookup and a business directory. 有时只是合并新数据库的问题,如添加电话号码、地址查询以及企业目录。
Special effects such as "sunray brush" are achieved by the rotation of a brush over the surface coated with a special liquid. 在表盘上涂抹一层特殊液体,用刷在表盘上旋转,以获得阳光纹状的特殊效果。
LEDs have been used for years in displays that require only limited resolution and color, such as found on alarm clocks and microwave ovens. 多年来led已用于分辨率和色彩要求不高的显示器中,如闹钟和微波炉上的显示器。
Dynasty of his noodles I, the mouth Cape ups, peeping out a white tooth, I see him such as dynasty the smiling face of the sun sort. 他面朝我,嘴角上扬,露出白色的牙齿,我看到他如朝阳般的笑容。
It is hard to remain an unabashed eurosceptic when you see how much EU membership meant to countries such as Poland or Slovakia . 当看到欧盟成员国资格对于波兰和斯洛伐克等国家具有多么重要的意义,你就很难再泰然自若地保持欧洲怀疑论立场。
Before you know it, a project to build a building becomes numerous smaller projects, such as excavation, foundation work, and marketing. 大楼建造项目可被分成许多更小的项目,例如,挖掘、打地基和建材采购。
Such as "When the wind blows, does not shake the tree, the birds do not call, baby going to bed, eyes closed shut good. " 如“风儿吹,树不摇,鸟儿也不叫,小宝宝要睡觉,眼睛闭闭好。”
You should include details such as how much fluid you drink, how often you need to pass urine, and the amount of urine that you pass. 您应该包括诸如流体你喝多少,多久你需要通过尿液,而尿液,您传递的详细资料。
It may simply be the case that we're in the last stages of seeing animals, such as the lion, living outside any sort of protected area. 也许不久我们就再也不会看到狮子这样的(吃人的)动物生活在保护区以外的景象了(博主注:即,只能看到围栏圈起来的猛兽)。
Severe environment, such as hot summer and cold winter, is not able to do harm to him; even the beast can't come and attack at him. 酷暑,寒冬,再严苛的环境也不能侵害他的身体,禽兽更不能接近他,攻击他。
He had a strong disliking for the aristocracy whom he thought were there by the labor of the poor such as his own family. 他对贵族有着强烈的厌恶,因为他认为贵族是对跟他自己家庭一样的穷苦劳动者的剥削。