美 [tɑps]英 [tɒps]
  • n.顶;顶部;顶端;上面
  • v.胜过;超过(某一数量);居…之首;为…之冠
  • adj.(位置、级别或程度)最高的;很好的;极棒的;顶呱呱的
  • 网络上装;上衣类;台北海外和平服务团(Taipei Overseas Peace Service)



最高点highest point

1.[c]顶;顶部;顶端the highest part or point of sth

上层表面upper surface

2.[c]表面;上面the upper flat surface of sth

最高等级highest rank

3.[sing]the ~ (of sth)最高的级别;最重要的职位the highest or most important rank or position

最远点farthest point

4.[sing]the ~ of sth尽头;远端the end of a street, table, etc. that is farthest away from you or from where you usually come to it

笔;瓶子of pen/bottle

5.[c]帽;盖;塞a thing that you put on the end of sth to close it


6.[c]上衣a piece of clothing worn on the upper part of the body

植物的叶子leaves of plant

7.[c][usupl](根菜作物的)茎叶the leaves of a plant that is grown mainly for its root

款额amount of money

8.[pl](用于款额后)最高额used after an amount of money to show that it is the highest possible


9.[pl](informal)最优秀的人;最好的东西;精华a person or thing of the best quality


10.[c]陀螺a child's toy that spins on a point when it is turned round very quickly by hand or by a string


at the top of the tree

(在行业、事业中)高居首位,处于顶峰in the highest position or rank in a profession or career

at the top of your voice

高声地;放声地;扯着喉咙地as loudly as possible

come out on top

(在比赛或辩论中)名列前茅,先拔头筹to win a contest or an argument

from top to bottom

从上到下;彻底地going to every part of a place in a very thorough way

from top to toe

从头到脚;浑身上下;全部completely; all over

get on top of sb

使吃不消;使应接不暇to be too much for sb to manage or deal with

get on top of sth

设法驾驭;处理to manage to control or deal with sth

off the top of your head

单凭猜测(或记忆);信口地;不假思索地just guessing or using your memory, without taking time to think carefully or check the facts

on top

在上面;在顶部on the highest point or surface

on top of sth/sb

在…上面;在…上方;覆盖着on, over or covering sth/sb

on top of the world

欢天喜地;心满意足;非常自豪very happy or proud

over the top

过分;过火;过头done to an exaggerated degree and with too much effort

take sth from the top

从头再唱(或再奏等)to go back to the beginning of a song, piece of music, etc. and repeat it

up top

(指人的智力)头脑,脑子used to talk about a person's intelligence


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I hear the big noise in the air. I looked up and saw the tops of the trees coming and going, "he said. " I did not know what it was. 我听到一声巨响从空中传来,抬头便看到它从树梢上滑落下来,当时我并不知道那是什么东西。
He took the stage in a black sequined jacket, silver shirt, black fedora and black trousers that skimmed the tops of his white socks. 他身穿黑色亮片夹克、银色衬衫,白袜子上套着黑色的裤子,戴着软呢帽占领了舞台。
in accordance with his stockings, was as white as the tops of the waves that broke upon the neighbouring beach. 他的衬衫,虽然不如袜子那样精致,白得好象冲破在邻近海滩上的浪头。
I'm certain that the expense of making such tops would be very low. As a doctor, I'd love to see done. And most parents would be grateful. 我确信这个费用的上衣很低的。作为一名医生,我很想看看做…和大多数的父母,我们不胜感激。
It has no patagium, but glides from the tree tops by flattening its body out to maximize surface area. 它没有翼膜,但可以通过伸直身体来扩大体表面积跳出去在树顶间滑翔。
Tiny four-old-month Thumper had the tops of his ears hacked off in the cruel attack when yobs snatched him from his hutch. 某个游手好闲的坏蛋把四个月大的小兔子Thumper从笼子里抓出来残忍的把他的耳朵切下来一半。
These strips can run along the wall, or along the tops of desks, or sink into the surface of a conference table. 这种接线板可以贴墙面或桌面放置,或嵌到会议桌的桌面里。
he cleaned the floors and the walls, he stood on chairs to wash the tops of cup boards, he got under the beds, he took up the carpets. 拖地板,掸墙壁,一会儿站在椅子上擦洗着食品柜顶。一会儿钻进床底清理杂物,一会儿又卷起地毯。
U. S. military spending tops $700 billion a year, and is by the far the largest discretionary portion of the federal budget. 美国的军事开支每年超过7000亿美元,是目前为止联邦预算可最大的可调整部分。
He made chains like a necklace and put them on the tops of the pillars, and he made a hundred pomegranates and put them on the chains. 又照圣所内链子的样式做链子,安在柱顶上;又做一百石榴,安在链子上。
A great - fitting pair of black trousers and a knee-length skirt , since you can wear them several times a week, paired with different tops. 很合身的黑色裤子和齐膝的短裙始终不会过时,因为你一周可以穿好几次,与不同的上衣搭配。
The sun was just coming up over the tops of the trees, and a distant voice was calling, and nearby a chanting of Sanskrit was in the air. 太阳刚刚从树丛上面升起,远远地有个声音在喊着什么,近处空中弥漫着梵语的唱诵。
Even the grass was not green, for the sun had burned the tops of the long blades until they were the same gray color to be seen everywhere. 即使是草也不绿,因为太阳烤炙着它们的顶部长叶,使得它们不论从何处看起来,同样的都是灰色的。
The sun was playing hide-and-seek in the tops of trees by the time I said good-bye to Nancy and the other kids. 太阳已经在树梢玩起躲猫猫的游戏,我告别了南茜和其他孩子们。
Such vertical integration even happens at Infosys, which generates much of its own electricity and tops up the education of new recruits. 这种垂直统一管理情况也发生在Infosys技术信息有限公司,其自行发电并为新雇员工进行教育培训的公司。
Stone tops it all off with details of what happened when he tried the tips. And he invites you to send him your secret to good health. 斯通把我们尝试这些小技巧的细节放在首位。并且他邀请你也可以写信告诉他你健康的秘密。
From the roof tops, a sniper calls in to his commander, "Number eight, affirmative. I've got him in sight. " 在屋顶上,狙击手呼叫指挥官,“八号,确认,嫌犯已在我射程内。”
Why doesn't NATO establish a NO FLY zone to protect the civilians in Syria? It should all be over in a few days or a week tops, right? 为什么北约没有设立禁飞区,保护叙利亚平民?它本应该在几天内或者一周内就应该做的,对吗?
Jonathan waited on a small white banquette, and rested his hands on the tops of his knees. 乔纳萨坐在一张小的白色长凳上,等着他的儿子,手搁在膝盖上。
Snow reached to the tops of her boots and covered the shed at the bottom of the garden so that it looked like a snow house. 花园最深处的那间小屋上覆满了白雪,看起来就像一间雪做的房子。
The forest teems with life. Whether up in the tree tops or down among the grasses, everywhere is home to one species or another. 林中处处有生机,不论是高大的树木或林下的草本植物,都是生物栖息之处。
Master craftsman Segolene Royal tops out his candle-powered carousel windmill in a bottle at his workshop in Germany. 德国手工艺大师罗伊在精心制作“玻璃瓶中的烛光宴会”风车。
Our granite kitchen tops have also widely been used in residential and commercial jobs in USA . Sizes can be customized or standard . 我们的花岗岩厨房台板也广泛应用于美国的家居和商业工程。产品尺寸可定做或按标准制造。
Tops and leggings can be produced from the yarn and with the proper washing will become unique and different, according to the company . 按照此公司的染色工艺,纱线制造的上衣和裤子,经过适当的洗涤可以变得独特和不同。
He walked on a few paces, and went off to look over the tops of the hedges. 他走了几步,从篱笆上面望去。
Instead , all I saw was the tops of the delegates' heads as they obediently wrote down the recommended code of conduct . 你在产品开发部有着很高的公信度,所以我觉得作为推荐人你是最合适的。
In other words, no one is going to fire Rodman from his job because he likes to wear sequined halter tops in public. 换句话说,没有人可以改变罗德曼,因为他喜欢穿着闪闪发亮的服装出现在公众场合。
His colleague stepped across, gingerly pulling the mines out of the ground by their tops, and unscrewing the detonator from the body. 他的同伴过来,小心翼翼的拉着顶部将地雷从地里起出并取下雷管。
Keep everything else smart . Team with silk tops , blazers, anything that makes you look as if you haven't forgotten to get changed . 让你的其它衣服看着得体一些。与丝质上衣、西装等任何衣服搭配,它们会让你看起来很百变。
Could the voices that Moses and Mohammed heard on remote mountain tops have been just a bunch of firing neurons ? an illusion? 摩西和穆罕默德在偏僻的山顶听到的声音仅仅是一束点燃的神经元?一个幻想?