
美 [tɔs]英 [tɒs]
  • n.掷钱;掷钱决定;双方各有一半的机会;摇摇
  • v.抛;(轻)拌;【网】把(球)打高;(马)摔落(骑手)
  • 网络投;扔给她

过去式:tost 过去式:tossed 第三人称单数:tosses 现在分词:tossing

toss salad


《Friends》词汇表A ... bar n. 条, 棒(常用作栅栏,扣栓物), 横木, 酒吧间, 栅, 障碍物 tosses v. , 掷 forms 窗体 ...


Friends - Nothing really... ... (Tosses (扔给她) a lapse of memory;a lapse in judgment. 2、lapse into heresy. 陷入异端). ...

During his subsequent patter, he scoops some confetti out of the glass and, if he chooses, tosses it up into the air. 在他的随后啪答声期间,他挖出一些五彩纸屑在玻璃外面,如果他选择,扔它入空气。
At the far end of our table a woman chops pork fat into big chunks and tosses them into a huge wok. 在我们桌子的遥远的尽头是一个在将猪肥肉切成厚片并把它们抛到一个巨大锅子的女人。
One seal tosses the ball a little too far. Clifford gets it for her. 一只海豹把球扔的太远了。Clifford帮她捡回来。
Hears these to relate that makes one not know whether to laugh or cry, I thought that this was simply tosses about old person. 听到这些诉说,令人哭笑不得,我觉得这简直是折腾老人了。
By early April, you'll feel rested and renewed, ready to take on whatever life tosses your way. 明年4月初之前,您将恢复精力,准备好迎接生活的挑战。
The panda produces a badly punctuated wildlife manual and tosses it over his shoulder. "I'm a panda, " he says, at the door. 熊猫拿出一本点错标点的野生动物手册,头也不回的甩给了服务员。
The next day I got three tennis balls and practiced in the garage until I could make 20 tosses before dropping a ball. 第二天我找来三个网球,在车库里练了起来,直到我可以连续抛球20次而不掉球。
At the start of a football match the referee tosses up to decide which team will kick off. 在足球比赛时,裁判员掷钱币决定哪一队开球。
At the end of a Saturday night meal at a local restaurant, Sandra casually tosses her jacket over her arm. 周六晚在餐厅吃完饭后,桑德拉随手把外套挽在胳膊上。
But she tosses her head and insists that she will prosecute her attackers to spare other girls what she endured. 但她摇头,坚持她必须起诉强奸者,使其他女孩免受同样的遭遇。
He knocks into drums, speakers, drops his mike, picks it up, then throws it to the floor and tosses himself after it for good measure. 他敲着鼓、扬声器,扔掉麦克又捡回来,再把它扔到地板上,随即自己也幽雅地飞身躺下。
He doesn't sleep that night. He tosses and turns trying to figure out what could possibly be making such a seductive sound. 这名男子一夜未眠,在床上辗转反侧,猜想着这充满诱惑的声音到底从何而来。
She tosses him a brief, enigmatic look before turning deliberately to her clipboard. 她用一种令人费解的眼神看着他,然后把目光投落在了她的记录本上。
In a room off the lobby of the W hotel, she removes her glasses and hair clip and tosses both on a table. 在靠近W酒店大厅的一个房间里,落座后她取下墨镜和发夹,给随手扔在桌上。
Inside the tent, Ba O's wife tosses patties of dried yak dung onto the fire while her four-year-old son plays with a spool of sheep's wool. 帐篷里,巴欧的妻子往火里添着牛粪饼,4岁的儿子在一旁玩着羊毛线卷。
e. g. It's a trick play, a flea flicker. And the running back tosses the ball back to the quarterback. 这是一种迷惑对方的打法,如跳蚤般跳来跳去。跑卫在把球传给往回跑的四分卫。
Any good education is a dangerous propositions. It tosses you into the deep end of the pool of ideas and demands that you learn how to swim. 任何一种好的教育都是危险的事情,它会把你推向思想的水池的深处,让你自己学会如何游出水面。
Sometimes, all the mental work leaves his mind racing so fast that he tosses and turns in bed, unable to sleep. 有时,这些脑力工作让他的脑子转得太快,以至于他经常在床上辗转反侧无法入睡。
Venerable the whole evening tosses about does not rest, in heart intermittent like fire burning pain in moral nature heartless suffering. 老先生整晚翻来覆去睡不著,心中阵阵如火燃烧般的痛在心底无情的煎熬著。
Earth tosses him into the beams of the blazing Sun, and he flings him back to the eddies of Air. 地又把他抛到烈日的照灼之下,而烈日又把它投回到气的漩涡里。
On the videotape, she tosses her hair and smiles for the camera, strutting in tight jeans and spiked heels, on the arm of an agent. 她在录影带中对著摄影机镜头甩头发、微笑,她穿著紧身牛仔裤和细高跟鞋昂首阔步行走,还靠在一名探员的臂膀上。
While other young players have tosses, Yi has an entourage that would be the envy of Vincent Chase. 这一大帮子随从即使《明星伙伴》中的文森特-沙兹也会嫉妒莫名。
And the running back tosses the ball back to the quarterback. 跑锋又把球回传给四分卫
He unwinds the still jerking body, and tosses it out the window. 他解开那条仍然在乱动的黑虫,把它扔到窗外。
Each man makes a "mark" on his lot and tosses it into a helmet. 每个人都在他们的签上做一个“标记”并将它扔进一个头盔。
Every quote and joke, what Hempel tosses out comedian-style, is something funny or profound enough you'll remember it for years. 每一处引语和段子,以及亨佩尔用滑稽风格抖出来的包袱,都那么有趣而洞彻,会让你铭记多年。
In game A, a player tosses a single loaded coin and bets on each throw. The probability of winning is less than half. 游戏A中,游戏者掷一个不均衡的硬币,在每一轮下注,并且赢的概率低于一半。
He tosses and he turns, all huddled in a heap. Bear feels tired, but he just can't sleep. 它辗转反侧,蜷成一团。熊觉得很疲劳,可却睡不着。
The charge creates a wave over the material's surface that physically lifts the dust and tosses it over the edges. 电荷在透明材料表面产生电磁波,物理上抛起灰尘并将其震荡出材料边缘。
NIMBUS tosses any coins or food he catches back up toward the top of the tank. NIMBUS击败任何硬币或食物,他对渔获量备份上方的坦克。