美 [rɔŋ]英 [rɒŋ]
  • adv.不对;不正确;错误地
  • adj.出错;搞错;不道德;错误的
  • n.不义行为;欺骗行径;恶行;犯罪
  • v.不公正(或不诚实)对待
  • 网络错的;有毛病的;不正确的

比较级:wronger 最高级:wrongest 复数:wrongs 现在分词:wronging 过去式:wronged

wrong way,wrong side,wrong direction,wrong thing,wrong answer
absolutely wrong


不正确not correct

1.错误的;不对的;不正确的not right or correct

2.[nbn]出错;搞错;有错误not right about sth/sb

造成问题causing problems

3.[nbn]引起问题(或麻烦);有毛病;不正常causing problems or difficulties; not as it should be

不适合not suitable

4.[ubn]不合适的;不适当的;不合意的not suitable, right or what you need

不道德not morally right

5.[nubn]不道德;不义;不诚实not morally right or honest


from/on the wrong side of the tracks

来自(城里的)贫民区;住在贫穷的地区(或城区)from or living in a poor area or part of town

get (hold of) the wrong end of the stick

误解;误会to understand sth in the wrong way

on the wrong side of the law

违法in trouble with the police

take sth the wrong way

误会本意良好的话to be offended by a remark that was not intended to be offensive


小学英语反义词大全 ... left 左边(的) wrong 错误的 dangerous 危险的 ...


四年级下册英语单词_百度文库 ... water 水 wrong 错的 六字母 ? ? ? ? ? ? across 横过 ...


人教版八年级下册英语单词表 ... argue v. 争论;争吵 wrong adj. 错误的;有毛病的;不合适的 style n. 风格 ...


商务英语口语大全_百度百科 ... Right.( 对.) Wrong.( 不对.) Not exactly.( 未必./不全是.) ...


初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标 - 豆丁网 ... other 别的;其他的 461 wrong 不正确的;错误的 462 broken 弄坏了的 463 ...


小学英语形容词大全 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... 148. wonderful 极好的;精彩的 149. wrong 错误的;不对的 150. yellow 黄色的 ...

He never managed diplomatic small-talk, tended to say the wrong thing, and packed his own instant noodles for state trips abroad. 他从未促成过外交会谈,时常说错点话,出外进行国事访问还要自带方便面。
There's never a wrong time to pick up a phone or send a message telling your friends how much you miss them or how much you love them. 任何时候你都可以打电话或发短信告诉你的朋友你多么想念他们或者你多么爱他们。
Come on, you're going out with the guy! There's gotta be something wrong with him! 拜托,你和他在交往呀!他肯定(脑子)有问题!
A technique item taken out of context without regard to its relationship to other features is usually a wrong procedure. 断章取义的只谈技术而忽略了相关的其他因素往往是错误的。
Juventus were acquitted of any wrong doing - that says it all. The facts do not exist. 证据存在于都灵的审判阶段,尤文被宣判无罪,这就能说明问题,并不存在这样的事实。
It would be a lot easier to understand what goes wrong with a drug if people who take it were pooling and sharing their data. 如果服用某种药物的人收集并共享他们的数据,就更容易了解这种药物的问题。
I freely admit that what I said at the meeting was wrong. 我主动承认刚才在会上讲的话错了。
He said the old Cold War assumption that America and Russia can only exist as antagonists who compete for spheres of influence is wrong. 奥巴马说,冷战期间那种思维,即美苏两国只能作为扩大势力范围的竞争对手,是错误的。
When he guessed wrong again a plump woman with a bright orange plume on her hat stepped in to try as well. 在他再次猜错的时候,一位丰满的、帽子上插着一根鲜艳的橙黄色羽毛的妇女走近来也要试一下。
I thought that there was nothing wrong with having a chat with the leader. So I sipped the milk and chatted with him. 我实在是没有防备,认为领导找我聊工作不会出什么意外,所以,我就一边聊一边喝牛奶。
Xu mother think to her to do wrong, the pick of the set is not, but let a little babysitter drill empty air. 徐母觉得到她做错了,非挑一鸣的不是,却让一个小保姆钻了个空。
He killed her four days ago. You were at the funeral. What's wrong with you? It had to happen. 4天前他就已经杀了她。你都去过她的葬礼了,你到底出了什么毛病?事情就是这样了。
Mom and Dad you know I really do not know where I am wrong ~ why you do not like so I can I love you always are worried about your health! 爸爸妈妈你知道我真的不知道我错了〜为什么你不喜欢这样我就可以永远是我爱你对你的健康担心!
I see a lot of foods here that are referred to as western cuisine, but after looking at it, I know it's wrong. 我在这里遇见过很多参照了西式料理,载我看过时候,我知道并不是的。
Say you are sorry to hear, what has appeared and the current situation. Do not admit, that someone from the bank is wrong, but are sorry. 对于听到顾客的描述表示歉意,但清楚事实前,绝不能承认就是某个人的错,但要说道歉。
or did she become anosognosia, as well, truly believing that there was nothing wrong with her husband? 难道她也患了疾病感缺失症,真的相信丈夫没有什么毛病?
There is no doubt that China's love affair with the internet is going badly wrong for some teenagers. 毫无疑问,中国的互联网热正在对一些青少年产生极坏的影响。
I admit it was wrong of me to cheat on the exam. I'm ready to take my medicine. 我承认自己在考试中作弊是错误的。我甘心受处罚。
I could see that he was trying to smooth over his duty for wrong judgments. 我可以看出,他是在试图掩盖他判断错误的责任。
If it makes a mundane chore a bit more interesting, or helps you stick with your hobbies, then what's wrong with that? 如果看电视让你平淡的家务活中有乐趣,或者让你坚持你的兴趣爱好,那何乐而不为呢?
Then her eyes widened, as if she'd said the wrong thing. 然后又睁大眼睛好像说错了什么。
This kind of experience can enable you to see how the wrong trade size and lack of discipline can sabotage your trading results. 这样的损失让你认识到错误的交易头寸和缺少纪律约束是如何危害你的交易结果。
How are you supposed to ask for what you want if, as a child, you were repeatedly made to feel wrong for wanting more? 孩提时,人家一直使你觉得你要求大多是错的,那你如何认为该要求你所需要的?
Right or wrong, almost everything I' ve ever done has been wrapped up in readying him to be without me, and now I'm scared to death. 不管对不对,几乎我做过的每一件事情都在致力于使他准备和我分开,现在我怕得要死。
If the note were somehow exposed, the girl in question would be deeply ashamed, as if she herself had done something wrong. 接到纸条的女生立刻明白那小子想干什么,女生普遍的反应是紧张和害怕,假如纸条一旦曝光,女生就会深感羞愧,好像她自己做错了什么。
If I've learned anything, it's that I know almost nothing, and that I'm often wrong about what I think I know. 如果说我明白了一些事儿,那么就是我一无所知和我经常的认为我自己都知道了。
He said of Jena that it was "not a matter of black and white" , but of "right and wrong" . 他说耶拿“不是黑与白的问题”,而是“正确与错误的问题”。
Nothing wrong with any of that BUT your Stars do suggest right now that the more you can stand on your own two feet, the better. 这没有什么不对劲,但是星相显示,如果你现在越能依靠自己,就会变得越好。
is a touchy subject and I'm not trying to say what's right or wrong. 是一个敏感的问题,我也不想说什么对错。
After school, Brian came with me. We went to the playground. I thought that it would be easy to babysit there . I was wrong! 放学后,布莱恩过来和我在一起。我们去了操场。我想在那儿照顾孩子会是容易的。可是我错了。