a bike

  • 网络一辆自行车;一辆摩托;一辆红色的自行车

a bikea bike

a bike


小升初英语复习资料_百度文库 ... a car 一辆小汽车 a bike 一辆自行车 a kite 一个风筝 ...


译言网 ... ... Dodge Coronet. 道奇·科罗纳特 A bike. 一辆摩托(看着像哈雷) Cadillac Fleetwood. 凯迪拉克·弗利特伍德60特别 …


剑桥少儿英语一级上册期末测试题... ... 6一棵绿色的树 a tree 7一辆红色的自行车 a bike 8一张白色的桌子 a table ...


生活方式_唐菲Fay_新浪博客 ... Rock 不是石头 A Bike 奇遇记 narcissus 日记2 ...


高中英语素材高考英语陷阱题总汇.doc--预览... ... a bike 提问而得)。 3. _____ may have been 这一较为复杂的形式。 4. " ...

'I thought that maybe he was trying to lose some weight, ' says Mr. Carruthers of his double-take upon seeing Mr. Perry on a bike. “我以为他正在减肥,”卡拉瑟斯说,当时看到山地车上的佩里,他吃惊得有点不知所措。
I continued on my way but was allured into a bike shop by a windows photo of a lovely girl on a mountain bike. 我继续往前走,不一会儿,我在一家自行车市廛的橱窗里看见一张骑山地车的美男照片。在照片的诱惑下,我走进了这家市廛。
then , much to our surprise , on december 23rd , she said that she really wanted a bike more than anything else. 接着,让我们都非常吃惊的是,十二月二十三日她说她真的想要一辆自行车,别的什么都不稀罕。
For Pantani fans out there Wilier has symbolic meaning as it was the last bike he rode in a bike race. Wilier对于海盗Pantani的车迷来说有象徵性的意义,因为wilier是他在职业赛事中所骑乘的最后一台车。
Several hours later the London Cycling Campaign got back to me to say they had heard no case of a bike-rider dying at the hands of a bendy. 几小时后伦敦自行车促进会给我回了电话,说他们没有听说弯曲龙撞死骑自行车者的事件。
It would be crazy to try to see the 15-mile coastline between Santa Monica and Redondo Beach on anything but a bike. 骑在自行车上欣赏圣塔莫尼卡和雷东多海滩之间的15英里海岸线再合适不过了。
In fact, the cost for me to hire a bike for a whole year was less than the cost of a tank of gas. 事实上,我一整年租自行车的钱也比一整年一箱汽油钱要少。
Then they gave her a bike and she gnashed it up into a little ball, tires and all! 然后他们又给了她一辆自行车,她连车身带轱辘一股脑儿放进嘴里,嘎吱嘎吱地嚼成一个小球!
Salman, who was taught cycling by his father Salim, went on to perform stunts with a bike in his first movie Maine Pyar Kiya. 萨勒曼,谁是他的父亲教萨利姆自行车,继续执行与在他的第一部电影缅因州Pyar木屋自行车特技。
Invented by Sir Clive Sinclair, A-bike is the result of a five year research and development project by his team at Sinclair Research. 克莱夫先生发明的辛克莱-自行车是经过5年的研究和开发项目,他的研究团队在辛克莱。