at present

  • na.目前
  • 网络现在;当今;眼下

at presentat present

at present


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at one time 曾经,一度;同时 at present 目前,现在 at sb's disposal 任...处理 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at one time 曾经,一度;同时 at present 目前,现在 at sb's disposal 任...处理 ...


高中英语作文常用连词-高中英语作文 ... 18. Considering… 考虑到… 2. at present 现在; 当今 5. generally speaking 一般地说 ...


日下_百度百科 ... [at present] 目前;眼下。 [go down every day] 一天天地衰落;逐日走下坡路。 ...


高一英语短语总结 ... 26. 好像,似乎: as though 27. 目前,当前at present 22. 既然;由于: now that ...


英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... preferable to 更可取的,更好的 840. at present 目前,现在 842. for the present 目前,暂时 843. ...


“兹定于”里的“兹”什么意思?_百度知道 ... 草席[ straw mat] 现在;此时[ now;at present] 这个,此[ this] ...


初中英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... at once 立刻 at present 现在,此刻 at school 在学校 ...

We said above that the weather might possibly be determined a few days ahead; science is at present almost far enough advanced for it. 我们前面说到,天气的提前预测将来是可能做到的,因为目前的科学水平正在以足够快的速度向着这个目标前进。
The fire virtually wiped out the whole town. At present, the police were making efforts to investigate the cause of it. 那次大火差不多摧毁了整座城镇。目前,警方正在努力调查火灾的起因。
At the same time, China is not able to invest too much money in the matter at present time. 与此同时,中国政府目前还不能投资太多的资金。
But it is not appropriate to transplant the system totally at present due to its conflicts with the existing theories and traditions. 但目前由于与我国现有理念和传统的冲突,还不适合在我国完全地引入和移植。
It is a freedom that is at present difficult for you to comprehend, but deep within you will acknowledge it as one of your sovereign rights. 它是一种对于你们来说目前难以理解的自由,但是在你们的内心深处,你们会承认它是你们的主权之一。
At present, vehicle bomb has become the main means of the terror explosion. It has become a serious threat against the important buildings. 汽车炸弹作为当前恐怖爆炸最主要的方式之一,已经严重威胁到重要建筑物的安全。
At present, the company still exists as a result of a large number of contingent liabilities arising from litigation risk. 公司目前仍然存在因大量或有负债引发的诉讼风险。
Of course. The mind which is the great, is just a mind. Now I should understand what I pursue at present. 当然,那个美好的想法只是想法而已,现在我应该懂得目前什么是我所追求的。
The trader has no inventories at present, and is not interested in buying for position. 该贸易商当前没有铟锭库存,短期内也没有补仓意向。
We do not have the kind of products you requested at present. The product of that specification will be produced next year. 我们现在没有你们所要求货物规格,此种规格的货要到明年才会生产。
At present, screwdriver and screw tap are hardware which is often used in machining factory. 目前,在机械加工工厂里,螺钉旋具和丝锥是较为常用的两种五金工具。
Do not despair if you cannot quite make it at present, as the incoming energies are constantly being uplifted to help you along. 如果你不能完全的感知你也不必失落,目前大量涌入的能量都在帮助你。
At present, no one can deliver a clear answer to the question of who answers for police actions in London. 事到如此,已经没有人可以清楚地回答究竟谁要为伦敦的警方负责。
For the facsimile transmission of a book it is at present first necessary to make photocopies of the book's pages. 一本书的传真传送目前首先需要将每一页影印。
At present, the drug delivery device up to the release of two drugs, and the release of time must be set in advance. 目前已有的药物递送装置最多只能释放两种药物,而且释放时间必须提前设定。
At present it has almost not been used in this areas. And the foreign product's cost quite expensively. 目前在国内尚无相关产品投入使用,而国外产品的价格又相当昂贵。
Urgently needed are 'superbatteries' with energy densities at least two or three times higher than at present. 亟待解决的是超级电池的能量密度至少要高于现在的两到三倍。
If Miss Crawley did not forgive them at present, she might at least relent on future day. 克劳莱小姐眼前虽然不肯原谅他们,将来总会回心转意。
"At present, it would be foolhardy to say one [theory] looks better than the other, " says CERN theorist John Ellis. “目前,要说某种[理论]看起来比其他更好些,这将是鲁莽的,”欧洲核子研究中心的理论家约翰•埃利斯(JohnEllis)说。
At present, the use of shrink film packaging and shrink-label to expand the market, open market is no longer just a small company's patent. 目前,使用收缩膜包装和收缩标签,以扩大市场,开放市场,不再只是一个小公司的专利。
Is sweet hence Weng in the head of a , at present a dark, virtually fall down in the ground by far. 甘遂脑子里嗡的一声,眼前一黑,几乎当场跌倒在地。
It was a medicinal project upon his niece's understanding, which he must consider as at present diseased. 托马斯爵士认为外甥女现在肯定是头脑出了毛病,这便是他给她制定的治疗方案。
Bond of the bank deposit that the amount has not to poor in hand of urban and rural dweller at present, national debt, enterprise, stock. 目前城乡居民手中拥有数量不菲的银行存款、国债、企业债券、股票等。
The only hope at present is for a robust international peacekeeping force to come in and allow the Ethiopians to withdraw. 目前,唯一的希望是让一个强大的国际维和部队介入,并允许埃塞俄比亚驻军撤出。
At present, attempts are being made to produce concrete with more strength and durability, and with a lighter weight. 4目前,正在试图生产出强度更高、耐久性更好且质量更轻的混凝土。
Very regrettable, at present had not seen the conclusive evidence proved keeps out the urine sickness is may permanently cure. 很遗憾,目前还没有看到确凿的证据证明搪尿病是可以根治的。
The lonely person who hitherto had been queen of the solitude did not at present seem likely to return. 那位单独行动的女人,先前是这片荒僻的原野的女王,现在却好象一时半刻难再回来。
At present, the public option may fold into a non-profit option, which is at least a start. 目前,公众的选择可折合成一个非营利性的选择,这至少是一个开端。
At present, institutional care is the last resort for those who have no family or who need so much help that their relatives cannot cope. 目前,对那些没有家庭以及那些即使有家庭,但是由于他们需要的帮助太大以致于他们的亲属不能应付的时候,社会养老体制就是他们最后的依靠。
She did not imagine that her father had at present an idea of the kind. 她并不认为她父亲现在已经产生了那种念头。