a brief description

  • 网络简单描写;简单的叙述;简短的描述

a brief descriptiona brief description

a brief description


★高一下册英语优秀说课稿模板... ... 7,布置作业( Homework) 4,简单描写( A brief description) 5,口头邀请( An oral invitation) ...


... 8. I like being near her. 我喜欢离她近一点。 a brief description: 简单的叙述。这里指简历。 asset: 资产, 财富, 人才。 ...


虚拟现实和实验环境... ... authorized users 被授权的用户 a brief description 简短的描述 communication facilities 通信便利 ...


RKS 瑞凯仕 ... 首面 The Frontpage 公司简介 A brief Description 产品动态 Product dynamic ...

For your homepage, begin the with the company name, followed by a brief description of the site. 对于你的首页,开始那由于公司名字,被位置的简短描述跟随。
Table 1 lists these destinations, along with a brief description of each, and how much of each tracepoint's data is sent to it. 表1简要描述这些目的地以及将多少跟踪点数据发送给它。
This section provides a brief description of each option and a long-form catalog of benefits and the price you might have to pay. 这一节简要描述各种选择,列举了各种优点和需要付出的代价。
Provide a brief description of what you know about those requirements and why you re the perfect person for the job. 提供一个简短的说明你了解这些要求,为什么你重新为工作完美的人。
A brief description of these methods is included in a later section of this article, "Developing for Partial-Trust Environments. " 有关这些方法的简要说明,请参见本文稍后的一节“在部分信任的环境中进行开发”。
A brief description of the type of threat exposed by an access can be found in the summary for the access. 有关访问权限可能带来的威胁类型的简要描述,可以在访问权限摘要中找到。
A brief description of the result of your action and your assessment of its result. 简单描述你的处理结果以及你对这个结果的评价。
The general scope of spatial relations of this paper is not within the scope of the study only did a brief description. 由于一般空间关系比较绝对化,因此一般空间关系范畴不在本论文的研究范围之内,只做简略介绍。
Next to the word Preview is a brief description of this template: Display Text for Booleans. 在词语Preview的旁边是该模板的简单介绍:DisplayTextforBooleans。
Below are several free tools that you can use for testing and calling a Web service with a brief description of each. 下面是几个测试工具可用于测试和调用Web服务,每个测试工具都有一段简短描述。
I'd like to use the rest of this article to provide a brief description of those books in the Agile space that I think are important. 在文章的后半部分我将简要的介绍一些关于敏捷的书籍,这些书籍我认为很重要。
Each video listing contains a brief description of the video to help Members select title that they find intriguing and appealing. 每一个列出的影片都包含一段对该影片简短的描述,来帮助会员选择那些他们觉得吸引人以及动人的影片。
Obama is a brief description of the Cameron situation on the ground in Afghanistan, and "revealed the U. S. military withdrawal plan time. " 奥巴马则向卡梅伦简要说明了阿富汗地面局势,并且“透露了美军撤兵计划的时间”。
He lists nine tools that produce different metrics and perspectives on your source code and gives a brief description of each tool. 他列举了几个可针对源代码提供不同测量标准的优秀工具,并针对每个工具做了简要描述。
A brief description of TZM alloy fabrication method as well as case of the research and application is given. 简单叙述了TZM合金的加工方法、研制过程以及应用情况。
Scenarios A scenario is a brief description of a stakeholder's interaction with a system. 场景就是一个角色与系统交互过程的简单描述。
A brief description of the Instant Check- in and Check-out will be provided within the Guest Service Directory . 在宾客服务指南中提供对快捷入住登记和退房的简单介绍。
This paper starts with a brief description of electromagnetic equipment's production and consumption at home and abroad. 本文首先对国内外电磁设备的生产与消费作一个简要的描述。
A brief description is made of the operation principles and structure of a built up type device for oil water separation and collection. 简述了研制的组合式油水分离和捕收器的原理和结构。
At the end of the paper the author makes a brief description of the mode's problems, points out the follow-up study's orientation and tasks. 在本文的最后,笔者对该模式存在的问题做了简要说明,指出了后继研究的方向和任务。
We updated the entry in the SAE catalog and added the data sources and a brief description of the process to generate the visualization. 我们更新了SAE目录中的条目,并添加了数据源和用于生成可视化的流程的简要描述。
A brief description and the approximate percentage of the test devoted to each element of effective writing are given on the next page. 对于ACT考试简要的描述及其各组成部分所占的百分比在下来有更进一步的阐述。
a brief description of the distinguishing characteristics of an organism, as for taxonomic classification. 有机体的辨别特征的简述,如分类学上的特征简述。
The descriptions of the missing offer the person's sex, the time and location of where they were found as well as a brief description. 对失踪人员的描述包括人员的性别,遗体被发现时的时间和地点,以及简述。
Part V of the biological resources of the current problems faced by mankind and the protection plan, with a brief description. 第五部分对目前生物资源面临的问题和人类的保护计划作了简要说明。
I will provide the pictures and a brief description of each item, and your job is to simply list these items. 我会提供图片和每个项目的简短描述,和你的工作是简单地列出这些项目。
The About Your Company text area allows you to specify a brief description about yourself and your company. 您可以在关于您的公司的文本区域指定关于您和您的公司的简要介绍。
Firstly I give a brief description of the history underlying the introduction of the NRG and a short discussion of the models related. 首先我会简要地回顾威尔逊引进NRG的历史背景和介绍相关的物理模型。
Notice that the Predefined Data View window includes a brief description to help novice DB2 users understand how this will help them. 注意,PredefinedDataView窗口包含一个简短描述,以帮助无经验的DB2用户理解视图的用途。
Please have your son email me a brief description of himself and the activities he likes to do. 请让你儿子给我发一封对他自己简短自我介绍和他喜欢参加的活动的电子邮件。