why not

  • na.为什么不好[不行]
  • 网络为什么不呢;为什么不能;为什么不行

why notwhy not

why not


大学生信仰情况问卷调查统计结果--科技--人民网 ... better future life( 更好的未来) Why not为什么不) get tived( 去尝试…


52swsy_新浪博客 ... Why 为什么 Why not 为什么不呢? Miscellaneous (其他) ...


亲子日常用语大全... ... How's it going,mom? 饭做得怎么样了,妈妈? Why not? 为什么不能? Isn't it ready yet? 还没好么? ...


英语口语 - 商谈 ... Not exactly.( 未必。/不全是。) Why not?( 为什么不行?) You play tennis,right?( 你打网球是不是?) ...


迷夜红吧上海-SMS第1辑... ... 07 今夜客串:巴勃罗·卡莫纳 Esta Noche ft Pablo Carmona 08 有何不可 Why Not 09 死海 Dead …


"丰花月季 - 豆丁网 ... 红色 太阳姑娘 Sunmaid 复色 为何不 Why Not 复色 蟋蟀 Cricket ...

that may be true. But I'm sure you're able to find a balance between them. Why not try it? 有道理。但是我相信你可以再兼职和学习间找到平衡的。为什么不试试呢?。
Yeah , it's about a three minute walk . Why not come to my crib for a cup of coffee ! We've got a lot of catching-up to do . 对啊,走路大概三分钟。干脆到我住的小窝喝杯咖啡吧!咱们得好好聊一聊近况。
He was curious about that , why not explain? she was a new comer here , it was reasonable for her to make some mistakes . 他很好奇,为什么不解释?她才刚来这里没多久,犯一些小错对她来说是合理的。
Rather than grumbling over not being able to live forever, why not make a good journey out of this life. 与其抱怨不能令自己长生不死,倒不如好好令生命之旅程不枉一走。
Or to take it one step further, why not let the delivery worker synchronize data with another delivery worker by using data collaboration. 或者进一步,使用数据协作将数据同步给另一个运送工。
Since you're more likely to be more social this time of year anyway, why not take advantage of that? 既然不管怎么说这都是一年中你可能更多的涉及社交,为什么不充分的利用呢?
But it is still a land of easy virtue, so why not lend ourselves for a time to its sensual grace? 但它仍然是一片到处透着风度的土地,为什么不让我们自己拥有一段时间来体会它感性的优雅呢?
roy: six months? ? geez, why not just Cast a few divinations to determine their guilt and call it a day. 六个月?天呐,干嘛不用一些预言系的法术来定他们的罪然后就收工呢。
Isn't it a lovely day? --yes, isn't it? --why not go swimming with your friends? --Let's. 天气真好啊!--可不是嘛。--为什麽不同你的朋友去游泳呢?--走!
And why not? Playing dress up, asking for candy and getting it, staying out a bit late and carving pumpkins--it's all the stuff kids love. 当然了,在这天孩子们可穿着奇装异服,可索取并获得糖果,可在外逗留久一点,可以玩刻南瓜,这些都是他们喜欢做的事。
Why not make it a sex scene between you and your significant other? 为什么不在你和对你很重要的那人间制造点性感的场景呢?
Monica: Well uh, you and I are just goofing around, I thought, why not goof around with him. 莫妮卡:嗯,你和我只是玩玩而已,我想为什么不和他玩玩呢?
Make your own lantern for the Lantern festival. You don't have to make it very complicated. Why not just use a cola bottle and a candle? 自己动手为元宵节做盏灯笼。利用可乐罐和蜡烛就是个不错的创意呢。
Joshua and his soldiers might have wondered why God wanted them to march around the city so many times. Why not just once? 约书亚和他的士兵也许在想为什么神让他们绕城这么多次,为什么不一次就完了呢?
Wait for the next station, wait for the bus, wait your own sky, why not let smile accompany with you? Perhaps. 等待开往下一站的巴士,等待属于自己的天空,何不让微笑与你相伴?
You've been married to a boy and an old man. Why not try a husband of the right age, with a way with women? 为什么不试着找一个年龄相仿,而且对女人有一套的丈夫呢?
Tom: Why not quit your job? Kids do better with stay at home moms. It would be so much less stressful. 汤姆:为什么不辞职呢?孩子跟全职老妈呆在一起比较好,而且会省掉很多事的。
'I thought, 'Why not do what you want to do? '' adds his wife. 'Life is too short and I don't like you anyway. ' 他妻子补充说:“当时我想,‘为什么不做些自己想做的事情呢?’生命短暂,而我已经不喜欢你了。”
You don't know how to read the word, why not look it up in a dictionary? 你不知道怎么读这个词,为何不在字典里查阅一下呢?
But why not: the company can carry on, in the short run, at least until the bonuses are doled out. 但为什么不这么试试呢:从短期看,公司继续经营下去直到至少能发放少量红包为止。
The smallest mouse suddenly had a good idea and shouted: "Why not roll it as a pumpkin cart. It must be very interesting! " 最小的老鼠突然有了一个好主意便叫道:“为什么不把它滚起来就像南瓜车一样,这肯定非常有趣!”
So why not for us to process it into the form of pellets like the Western medicine so that it would be easy for people to carry and take? 为何不可以像西药一样,将它加工成便携带便服用的剂型呢?
Hair without damage, but only a week to move mouth, then make a monthly ChenLouYun equivalent of money, why not? 毫发不损,只是动动嘴巴,仅一个星期便赚到了相当于陈露芸一个月工资的钱,何乐而不为呢?
To save fuel, why not start the engines only when the aircraft is ready to leave and is cleared to taxi to the runway without queuing ? 为了节约燃料,飞机为什么不仅在做好起飞准备,不用排队等候,可以直接滑行的情况下发动引擎?
"If you want to do something abroad, why not the Charity Shield in New York, the Carling Cup final in Tokyo or Seoul or wherever, " he said. 如果你真想要在国外比赛的话,那为什么不能把社区盾杯放到纽约,而联赛杯放到东京或兽贰反正哪里都行。
He never intended to build out the back office and he is not going to have a capital markets business, so why not keep that connection open? 他从未有意扩建后台办公室,也不打算从事资本市场业务,那为什么不继续保持这种联系呢?
Why not let her see King's Landing? His Grace is almost of an age with her. He would be pleased to have another friend. 为何不让她看看君临?国王陛下差不多跟她同岁,他会很高兴结交新的朋友。
Mark Twain to say that: "President Lincoln with a cloth napkin, facial expression happy to think: Why not put it cleaned it? " 马克吐温的说法是:「林肯总统拿著一张餐巾布,表情不悦地想著:为什麽不把它洗乾净呢?」
It did, however, set off a ripple effect, as opposition groups across the Middle East began to ask: Why not us? 然而,它确实引发了一系列的连环反应,中东的反对党该是时候询问自己了:为什么不是我们?
You may stay longer, though - the full moon is pushing you to get out of town, and why not? 你可以停留更久——满月推动你离开城市,为什么不呢?